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Raptor Training

Archive: 9 posts

Did this a while back. my 4th atempt at making a mech. No hidden tricks on it or over head track. Even has a real jump.

New version in the works but this is my best one yet.

heres a old shot of the raptor itself

and the logic behind it
2010-05-29 17:53:00

Posts: 139

I'm interested in looking at this, but a PSN or a level name would help quite a bit.2010-05-29 19:04:00

Posts: 3322

Psibat, that was pretty obnoxious. Really funny, but still obnoxious.

He does make a good point, though: pictures are always helpful and will get you a lot more plays. Anyway, I'll try it the next time I get on lbp.
2010-05-29 19:48:00

Posts: 2188

topic title is the name of the level. ill try to get some pictures up once I get home off work.2010-05-29 20:57:00

Posts: 139

Why call it the raptor? I think it's too much of a widely used name for mechs, like Batman2051's and johnee's.

Looks good though! I like its bionic theme. I'll try the level too.
2010-05-30 09:20:00

Posts: 3251

Looks very nice but not very thermo friendly. How much does it use?2010-05-30 17:03:00

Posts: 572

Why call it the raptor? I think it's too much of a widely used name for mechs, like Batman2051's and johnee's.

Asmadon's too.
2010-05-30 23:09:00

Posts: 2188

It looks very cool, and worked rather well walking forward, however when I tried making it reverse, or jump, it tended to flip over on its back and break. Cool stuff 2010-06-01 01:14:00

Posts: 3322

I called it "raptor" cause it looks like a parot when its walking. Raptor means "bird of prey" so I went with it. After I named it that I did a search and realized that a lot of others are also called raptor so version 5 wont be named raptor

as for thermo its at about 1/2 full. All those cross shapped parts in the logic are to control the rocket sets around the mech. They are multi trigors and are hooked up to the tilt, jump sequence (the sliders in the middle top) and parts of the walk cycle. Ive learned a lot more about logic since I made this thing so new version should be a lot more thermo friendly. I was just realy happy to get the thing to walk without any glitch tricks.

The one in the picture is a "newer version" witch also has a moving toe and heel on each foot. The published version is an older, simpler version.
2010-06-01 17:04:00

Posts: 139

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