Play: LBP's Mighty river
Archive: 4 posts
This level is really awesome and is made by Ceverest_1, It only has about 50 plays due to the cool levels being messed up. But seriously. As an opening level into a series of them it is really great and deserves a better amount of plays and hearts. I strongly recommend playing it. Ceverest_1 isnt very well known but has some skills. But he doesnt want to play LBP much because when he puts in the effort to make a really great level. He is just put down by how many plays he has got. But anyway. its is fun and a very vibrant level. so vibrant the thermo filled and he had to make it a bit simpler just to publish it. Enjoy. | 2010-05-28 10:57:00 Author: fruitmanlolli ![]() Posts: 151 |
I know exactly how he feels. Tell him he's not alone. I've almost quit LBP a few times myself for the same reason. It is annoying to put lots of effort into a level and not get the plays ( that's the only reward we get after all ) especially when the cool levels are dominated by absolute tripe getting hundreds of thousands of plays. Sorry, you set me off on a rant then ! Tell him not to give up. It should be better when LBP2 arrives. Thanks for the recommendation anyway. I'll take a look asap. | 2010-05-28 11:04:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Thanks for the reply, And yeah hopefully LBP2 will sort out the problem. I aint too worried about the wait. And thanks. Im sure he will feel great if he knows you played his level. And hopefully he will start making the second one. | 2010-05-28 14:00:00 Author: fruitmanlolli ![]() Posts: 151 |
I'll looky also! | 2010-05-28 20:43:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
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