Copyright Infringement Notice
Archive: 5 posts
Has anyone here got one before? I just recieved one from my IPS saying that NBC Universal noticed I was downloading one of their copyrighted materials. They said that I should delete what I downloaded. I'm asking is, has anyone got something like this before? What did you do? Did you get fined? Will I get fined??? Do I have to contact them and saying I deleted the file etc., or would they autmoatically know? Help please.. D: | 2010-05-27 22:26:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
Yes, and I didn't get fined IIRC, I downloaded a .tor for a movie that I already happened to have on DVD The people who release it should get fined IMO, not the downloaders | 2010-05-28 03:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Aah, alright, nice. You didn't contact them or anything? | 2010-05-28 04:19:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
Oh, I had contacted my ISP. If the problem persists they might terminate your account though | 2010-05-28 04:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The people who release it should get fined IMO, not the downloaders It's still theft, or if you want a slightly better analogy, receiving goods which you know to have been stolen. Also remember that they are pushing for more control and detection of people breaching copyright via the internet as we go forward, especially once they decide what they are doing with the Digital Economy Act (which is in honesty a big mess). Just be careful, as the intent is to hit persistent / repeat offenders hard. | 2010-05-28 09:26:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
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