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Irrational fear of crane flies?

Archive: 61 posts


Yes those things! Does anyone else really hate these things like me? I was just chilling watching tv in the dark when I seen a shadow move quickly across the room. I then knew I was not alone and felt extremely anxious, then I turned on the light and discovered it's identity..CRANE FLY! I have issues with flying insects it seems and I must get rid of any when I become aware of their presence. If worst comes to worst I am willing to squish but I try to direct any to the nearest window or door. I am highly uncomfortable in the presence of wasps, bees, moths and crane flies. But none freak me out as much as the crane fly, maybe it's those long limbs and the way it flails about randomly bumping into anything including me! Which I am not happy about! And I find the things unbelievably ugly! I don't want them anywhere near me.. ever! Anyone else have an irrational fear of these flies?
2010-05-26 02:44:00

Posts: 1370

Yes... until I find out it's a crane fly. I usually mistake them as mosquitoes.2010-05-26 02:46:00

Posts: 3607

Technically, mosquitoes are much smaller than crane flies. Maybe you're thinking of a mosquito eater?2010-05-26 03:14:00

Unknown User

One word, one number.
I'm 11.
2010-05-26 03:15:00

Posts: 3607

Oh, gallywhompers!

God, I hate those things. They look just like mosquitoes... only BIGGER!!

Once, I was looking out my window and, I kid you not, one was bumping into it for a good half-hour. A half-hour. Are you kidding me?! O_o
2010-05-26 06:42:00

Posts: 5757

I don't know if it was a crane fly but when I was in New Zealand there were things just like it. I watched one slowly being attacked by a spider a quater of it's size. So that kinda killed off any fear of them2010-05-26 07:01:00

Posts: 2431

I am terrified of those things, when Autumn comes around its hell, there is so many of the darn things. 2010-05-26 08:41:00

Posts: 3701

Yeah they come in summer too though which is so irritating because it tends to be hot so you leave your windows open and viola crane fly infestation! SR20DETDOG I know these things are absolutely harmless, but the way they move creeps me out a lot. I really dislike killing them too because well A) not good to kill life B) mess of a squished thing on a wall is too much effort XD Outlaw they do seem seriously stupid. Somehow I feel if they were slightly less mindless and random I could deal with them more effectively.2010-05-26 17:14:00

Posts: 1370

that was funny
2010-05-26 17:16:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

My reaction to the photo....
2010-05-26 17:20:00

Posts: 1969

Once, I was looking out my window and, I kid you not, one was bumping into it for a good half-hour. A half-hour. Are you kidding me?! O_o

Anything that can bump into a window for a good half hour and still live is definitely something to be afraid of!

I hate them with a passion and squeal like a girl if one comes into the house.

I know them as 'Daddy Longlegs'. I get the 'Longlegs' bit but the 'Daddy'.....I have absolutely no idea!

2010-05-26 20:46:00

Posts: 1057

That thing looks so scary :eek:2010-05-26 20:48:00

Posts: 6419

One of those ate my cat 2010-05-26 20:52:00

Posts: 1176

Anyone else got these? They aren't very big but there must be like 100 in my room at a time, when I turn the ceiling light and fan fixture on they all gravitate towards the light and get spun around in a hellish vortex of evil by the fan. Makes life very unpleasant.
2010-05-26 20:55:00

Posts: 1361

Those are pretty much the only insects that I'm really afraid of, the sound they make is just too much for me.
Usually I'm ok with insects but those... eww...
2010-05-26 21:18:00

Posts: 1653

These guys look extremely funny trying to fly and mate at the same time! Looks like they're trying to do a three-legged race or something.2010-05-26 22:32:00

Posts: 588

You're sick Grey seriously.....vid? lol I would die if a pair of mating crane flies came at me, one is bad enough. Given how clumsy they normally look I can only imagine such a sight.2010-05-26 23:15:00

Posts: 1370

D: I hate bugs, period, (Which seems kinda feminine of me :x) those things look like Daddy-long legs with wings ;__; I saw one in my bathroom really late last night, so i got a big roll of Toilet paper and squished it :T2010-05-26 23:20:00

Posts: 296

---I HATE those things! I, too, know they are harmless, but... they still scare me.
---I never knew what those kinds of insects were called, but know I know that they are called "Crane Flies". Where I live, they seem to come out around Fall. I don't like the way they move- they have long, dangling legs and they just fly around randomly.
---Fortunately, they are not overly common where I live, so I'm safe,usually.

---No other bug really scares me, though.
2010-05-26 23:23:00

Posts: 15

Usually if I see one I'll kill it (I know I'm so evil ), but I'm thirty times more afraid of wasps than anything. In fact, I hate any type of bug inside of my house, or near the porchlight.

Fun Fact- Where I live we call crane flies 'gollywhoppers'.
2010-05-26 23:25:00

Posts: 1800

Your sick Grey seriously.....vid? lol I would die if a pair of mating crane flies came at me, one is bad enough. Given how clumsy they normally look I can only imagine such a sight.

No, really! They've taken a huge liking to our backyard. I'd do a video but...I don't have a camcorder...I is sad.
2010-05-26 23:26:00

Posts: 588

Your sick Grey seriously.....vid? lol I would die if a pair of mating crane flies came at me, one is bad enough. Given how clumsy they normally look I can only imagine such a sight.
AHEM!!! lol!

There not flying but the sight of this makes me SHIVER! ERGH!
2010-05-26 23:35:00

Posts: 1969

AHEM!!! lol!


HAHAHAHA! Now, imagine them flying...preferably RIGHT AT YOU. Nightmare inducing. Can you believe I can actually get one to just hang out on my finger?
2010-05-26 23:38:00

Posts: 588

HAHAHAHA! Now, imagine them flying...preferably RIGHT AT YOU. Nightmare inducing. Can you believe I can actually get one to just hang out on my finger?

OMG aaah how could u! There horrible things, i wouldn't let one go near me!
I have a massive phobia of spiders and they remind me of them. LOOK AT THEIR LEGS BAH!
2010-05-26 23:40:00

Posts: 1969

OMG aaah how could u! There horrible things, i wouldn't let one go near me!
I have a massive phobia of spiders and they remind me of them. LOOK AT THEIR LEGS BAH!

Okay, spiders...Extreme fear of decently sized spiders. You got me there! I still can't believe I held a freakin' Tarantula at a field trip when I was little! ...It was shockingly soft, though.
2010-05-26 23:46:00

Posts: 588

i thort he was going on about daddy longlegs not them massive things jhezze2010-05-26 23:49:00

Posts: 623

@Montah.. I don't "have" Them. But have seen them before, they stick to our screen door


Ever seen one of these? Hope you havent, The Bot Fly, it burrows in animals (including humans) skin and lays its eggs,
Then the Larva crawl around inside :O Ao don't be afraid of the Crane Fly, because it's better than this O>o
2010-05-27 00:02:00

Posts: 1176

I hate most insects... Haha! Except for those cool praying mantis insects. Those are really cool!

2010-05-27 00:07:00

Posts: 2979

Not really afraid of insects or arachnids myself so they don't really bother me. The fact that they actually prey on mosquitos makes me tolerate their presence as well.2010-05-27 02:31:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

Daddy long legs are crane flies, the things seem to have a thousand names around the globe so crane fly seems to be the official term, ok it''s not Latin but it'll do! What is up with those mating crane flies?! The male looks like one but the female looks gargantuan! I seen a female earlier, it tried to fly in my window but I managed to close it real quick, it then sat it's ugly bum on the window and stared at me for 20 minutes. Maximus thank god no I haven't seen a bot fly! Or any other deadly insect, luckily no real dangerous insects here, but that only means I have much lower standards! Also there is a nickname for these mosquito something or other implying they eats mosquitoes. But no these things don't actually eat in adult form, they exist purely to mate. They do all the eating when they are larvae. Just a thought, if you google image daddy long legs you get spiders and a few crane flies, maybe a bit of confusion there.2010-05-27 03:14:00

Posts: 1370

Yeah here in Aus daddy long legs are a type of spider. I don't mind spiders, as long as they don't bite me. We used to have lots of redbacks in our back yard when I was little, they're gone now though.

Anyway what do you guys think of stick insects. I like them

Preferably without the pin through it
2010-05-27 06:47:00

Posts: 2431

We call 'em Daddy Longlegs here too, they congregate in thousands in certain places here in Brighton, its freaky as hell. >.<

I only 'like' one type of bug, Ladybird bugs, they rule, I'm indifferent to most bugs, not scared of wasps or anything, just had big spiders and Daddy longlegs. >.<


2010-05-27 08:50:00

Posts: 3701

I hate most insects... Haha! Except for those cool praying mantis insects. Those are really cool!
Fun fact: They will always climb to the highest point. ^-^

It also feels very weird when they walk over your face.


@monstahr: Really hate those stink bugs or whatever they are called.
2010-05-27 09:04:00

Posts: 3193

In uni, I had to work with Parasitic Wasps and moths! I'm ok with insects, but I wouldn't say it was a pleasant experience when loads would escape from their jars!

Here's a photo of the Parasitic wasp that we took in the lab!


Also, this thread reminded me of this... (There's a little bit of swearing just to warn you.)

2010-05-27 10:47:00

Posts: 841

I've never seen a crane fly I don't think. Do they live in the US?2010-05-27 11:21:00

Posts: 3664

My local crane fly population was devastated by the 2007 floods and hasn't made a significant recovery yet.2010-05-27 11:23:00

Posts: 6728

If I did know these bugs, I highly doubt I'd hate them as much as all of the **** centipedes in my house! I think there should be two types of conservation charts, the conservation chart for the conversation of wildlife, and the conversation chart for the conversation of humans. I bet centipedes would be very high on that last list. 2010-05-27 11:31:00

Posts: 3664

I hate crane flies!

Once I heard one and turned the lights on I screamed and ran around inside my house! :blush:
They are like Aliens or something, what do they want from me D:
2010-05-27 13:52:00

Posts: 3871

lol guys, Rhys that wasp looks nasty! I've seen the Gervais clip before but always good to see it again! I can't seem to find anything on the poisonous gag so I don't think it is true. SR20DETDOG I have never seen a stick insect in the flesh but they don't look too bad. They don't fly so I think I'd be ok with them. Mantis I agree are very cool. Stink bugs I have never encountered thankfully.

There was a heat wave here recently. I think that is what sparked the crane fly invasion, I seen none before that now they are everywhere.
2010-05-27 16:07:00

Posts: 1370

Hi...erm..i have a question......

2010-05-27 16:11:00

Posts: 1969

i detest crane flies. those things are too stupid to be alive.

but i can't say much. i'm pretty scared of them.

Hi...erm..i have a question......


photoshopped, i hope.
2010-05-27 16:13:00

Posts: 1562

Could be a slightly edited weta.2010-05-27 16:27:00

Posts: 3193

I think the poison thing is true, I've heard it alot. These nnoying bugs were all over the windows at my primary school, not a pretty sight.2010-05-27 16:46:00

Posts: 1893

I think the poison thing is true, I've heard it alot.
Repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true.
Crane flys are harmless. Daddy long leg spiders can't harm you and it's not even known whether they really have a potent poison.

Click (http://spiders.ucr.edu/daddylonglegs.html)
2010-05-27 16:54:00

Posts: 3193

lol guys, Rhys that wasp looks nasty!

They're only just over a centimetre long!
A few of them actually escaped from the lab so they could be on their way to you! Dun Dun Duuuuuuuh!!!!
2010-05-27 16:59:00

Posts: 841

I never knew caterpillars had such creepy mouths :ohttp://cdn.physorg.com/newman/gfx/news/hires/researchonvi.jpg2010-05-27 17:52:00

Posts: 1176

I know them as 'Daddy Longlegs'.

Daddy Long Legs is a nickname for a type of arachnid family that isn't technically spiders.


Hi...erm..i have a question......


A photoshop of Predator on the head of a weta cricket, lol.

2010-05-27 21:14:00

Posts: 3251

God dangit guys you are NOT helping!

I too have Tipulophobia. I had a very bad experience when I was 7 years old. It was horrible, I don't want to talk about it. I hate Crane Flies, and I also had a bad experience last night where a Crane Fly or a Mosquito Eater (they're still similar) flew in front of my face. It was disgusting and I ran downstairs, and back and forth until i called my dad to squish them. I need to find a quick easy way to get rid of my fear. I know they're harmless. But they were disgusting, especially with my 7 year old experience. It is ruining my life so far.

2011-06-29 10:42:00

Unknown User

God dangit guys you are NOT helping!

I too have Tipulophobia. I had a very bad experience when I was 7 years old. It was horrible, I don't want to talk about it. I hate Crane Flies, and I also had a bad experience last night where a Crane Fly or a Mosquito Eater (they're still similar) flew in front of my face. It was disgusting and I ran downstairs, and back and forth until i called my dad to squish them. I need to find a quick easy way to get rid of my fear. I know they're harmless. But they were disgusting, especially with my 7 year old experience. It is ruining my life so far.


Ok start by not digging up year old threads about them.
2011-06-29 11:37:00

Posts: 6728

I need to find a quick easy way to get rid of my fear. I know they're harmless. But they were disgusting, especially with my 7 year old experience. It is ruining my life so far.

The crane flies represent an intrusion of your sovergin airspace and under UN law you a justified in shooting them down.

To that end I would install one of these on top of your house and shoot any crane flies that fly within a 2km radius of your home.

2011-06-29 21:38:00

Posts: 2454

Daddy long-legs? I love those things, they're the only insects apart from flies and small-ish spiders that I'm not absolutely terrified of. My cat Ginge used to like eating them. 2011-06-29 23:03:00

Posts: 717

OMG!.. Crane flies? Give me a break! Lol, I think brown beetles.. Are more.. Erm... *shivers* They scare me 2011-06-30 14:35:00

Unknown User

I tried to cut one of its legs with a scissors before, but it was clever and flew away. One day... 2011-06-30 17:44:00

Posts: 5891

lol. i remember one time i moved back into my old house, and the moment i turned on the lights, there were tons of them in the house2011-06-30 19:22:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

I've spotted loads of these around in the UK this summer. They're called cockchafers, and they kinda fascinate me...


Really annoys me when people squish them.
2011-06-30 19:25:00

Posts: 2130

They're called cockchafers
You've got to be ******** me
2011-06-30 22:49:00

Posts: 2454

You've got to be ******** me

Looks like the guy who named them had a very bad experience... :L
2011-06-30 22:55:00

Posts: 717

Not of bugs, no, but I have an irrational fear of chalkboards :/

The mere thought of them... causes me to shudder and wince. I'm almost at tears thinking of them... honestly, I wouldn't lie about this. I've hated chalkboards for years. I cannot touch one. I wince whenever someone does. Because of the scratching... oh my god, I'm thinking of it... ;-;

I'm still not over the day my chemistry teacher scratched the chalkboard with her fingernails... I have no clue why, but... dear god... AH SAVE ME! I... can't... stop... thinking... of... chalk...

And just in case you think I'm joking... I'm 100% serious. Chalk is my mortal enemy ;-;
2011-06-30 23:04:00

Posts: 10882

guys you think this is scary? Look up the botfly2011-07-01 04:18:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

SWEET JESUS. What's wrong with you people? Trying to scare me with all of these freaky bugs and what-not...

Camel crickets (http://www.pestproducts.com/images/Camel-Cricket.jpg) are obviously the worst. And to further prove that, I have this video of a rare encounter with one.

2011-07-01 04:47:00

Posts: 5757

guys you think this is scary? Look up the botfly

You mean the one that goes up your an-ARRRRGGGGGHHH!
2011-07-02 23:32:00

Posts: 717

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