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So, Avatar, (The film, not the tv series, lol), what does the LittleBigPlanet Central community think about it?

Yay or Nay?

Hot or Cold?

Yes or No?

In or out?

-Gonna stop quoting Katy Perry now O_o
2010-05-25 17:53:00

Posts: 21

Nay, cold, no, out.

If you're talking about it being a film, as a whole. It wasn't good.

Technically it was a marvel. Of course. But that doesn't excuse the rest of the movie for being... somewhat shoddy. I think most people here will disagree with me.
2010-05-25 21:50:00

Posts: 1361

Well I thought it was very good. I'll admit, I would have liked them to go more into the history of the Na'vi, like a backstory.2010-05-26 00:48:00

Posts: 434

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AVATAR MUST DIEE!!!!!!! TOO LOONG!!!!!!2010-05-26 15:21:00

Posts: 978

film is overrated , end of2010-05-26 15:57:00

Posts: 623

I think that Avatar is a total Marmite film. Of all of the peolpe I've spoken to about it, not one person said it was ok; it was either "Loved it" or "Hated it" with no middle ground at all.
Personally, I saw it at the cinema in 3D and went with no preconceptions of how good or bad it was going to be. I just let myself get swept away to Pandora and found the Film to be breathtaking. Sure, most of the wow factor was due to the visuals, but some of the ideas were very clever. There were a few "Oh dear" moments, but not as many as I see in most other american blockbusters.

I reckon you'll find a 50/50 split as to who loves it and who hates it. But it gets a massive thumbs up from me (but only on the big screen in 3D).
2010-05-26 23:13:00

Posts: 236

There were a few "Oh dear" moments

1 word -
2010-05-26 23:28:00

Posts: 1361

If they had spend just a lil' part of the money spent on visuals on the plot, we'd have an incredible film, imho.
Sadly, they didn't!
2010-05-26 23:41:00

Posts: 628

You've all upset Teeboneesy. Prepare to die.2010-05-26 23:45:00

Posts: 2391

It was epic. 2010-05-26 23:50:00

Posts: 1054

You've all upset Teeboneesy. Prepare to die.
I don't think so, from what I could tell he was basically slobbering over the cinematography and tech direction rather than the movie as a whole. At least, I really hope he wasn't.

Just think, (far?) in the future, this movie will probably be seen as pure novelty. If (when?) the tech behind it becomes commonplace nothing really makes it stand out.
2010-05-27 00:26:00

Posts: 1361

According to the people around me, if they understood the story and what was going on, then it was a great movie to them.
If they didn't understand any of it, they disliked it.

But I can't say for myself... I haven't seen it... Haha!

Oh, movies with all the special effects and stuff like that will end up looking out-dated in around 5-10 years. That's at the rate special f/x technology is increasing at the moment. Don't get me wrong, some movies will still look amazing well past those years. Just the majority will fail to remain technologically advanced for an extended amount of time...
2010-05-27 00:35:00

Posts: 2979

I thought someone already made a thread of this.
Meh, whatever, no one really cares.

Well I thought it was very good. I'll admit, I would have liked them to go more into the history of the Na'vi, like a backstory.

Actually this is just the first of a trilogy if i remember correctly, they are planning on going more in depth with their history and their planet and such on the other movies.

I don't remembe to be honest, i saw that a long time ago, you can either thrust me (or not) or look it up to see if you find anything about it.
2010-05-27 00:46:00

Posts: 6707

Lol! There's an advertisement for Avatar on the top of the page! Oh my gosh! Look, look! Ohh man... It's gone now...

But really, there was >__>
2010-05-27 00:56:00

Posts: 2979

It was pwetty good.2010-05-27 01:02:00

Posts: 3607

According to the people around me, if they understood the story and what was going on, then it was a great movie to them.
If they didn't understand any of it, they disliked it.

But I can't say for myself... I haven't seen it... Haha!
I think they're just trying to rationalize a difference of opinion, there's absolutely no reason anyone wouldn't be able to understand the story. This movie isn't quite up there in subtlety.
2010-05-27 01:34:00

Posts: 1361

I think they're just trying to rationalize a difference of opinion, there's absolutely no reason anyone wouldn't be able to understand the story. This movie isn't quite up there in subtlety.

Well one of the people who didn't understand it was a 12 year old... And I'll garuntee you that there are many, many people who did not understand the movie. It doesn't mean it's the only reason that he/she did not like the movie. It's not an excuse; it's a personal opinion. Not everyone interprets things and thinks the same...
2010-05-27 01:56:00

Posts: 2979

Saw it on DVD.

Totally overrated. Hammerhead rhinos were cool though.

3D must make it instantly amazing or something. And that's not a good thing if it relies on 3D.

EDIT: I don't see how anyone couldn't understand the story. o_O;
2010-05-30 15:04:00

Posts: 2513

Was bummed seeing this, due to slight spinal curve 3D didn't work for me so it was blurred the entire time, what made this worse was the fact we went up to the IMAX in London to see it (like 3 story high screen). Bit of a wasted journey for me. >.<

Watched it again on DVD the other day, yeh it was Ok, preferred Sherlock Holmes though.
2010-05-30 15:41:00

Posts: 3701

Well, I say it's good, but not the best movie ever like everyone else says. When I first watched it I was expecting perfectionn (it was said to be perfect/amazing by so many people!), but it seemed like an average awesome movie (by average awesome, I mean like Ironman, Spiderman, etc and all of the actionesque movies, they were great but not the best movies ever). 2010-06-05 04:16:00

Posts: 1800

So this is back in cinemas again.. 2010-08-25 15:15:00

Posts: 3701

I thought it was good and i really liked it, but the thing i dont understand is why they're now re-releasing it , with like, 7 minutes of unseen footage? they could have just put that on the dvd and be done with it? But i suppose its probably just a scheme to make as much money out of the whole "avatar" thing as possible....

But anyway - I liked it Could of done with abit more work on the plot, but overall, its in my top 10 movies!
2010-09-04 16:03:00

Posts: 29

Obviously it looks good, but I see it being to over-rated

I'd rather watch Dances with Wolves (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dances_with_wolves)

...even Pocahotas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocahontas_%281995_film%29) will do!
2010-09-04 16:57:00

Posts: 918

...even Pocahotas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocahontas_%281995_film%29) will do!

EDIT: I don't see how anyone couldn't understand the story. o_O;


Just sezzin's
2010-09-05 02:10:00

Posts: 1114

Make the thinly-veiled Native American analogues go away mommy!2010-09-05 02:43:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

The way they portrayed the plight of Native Americans just seemed...wrong.
As if it wasn't really important but they were going to say it was important so they wouldn't seem racist while they showed the Native land/culture/sacred things/ lives being destroyed in a positive way.
Like.. psuedo-caring?
2010-09-05 02:46:00

Posts: 1800

Don't think about it too much, having not seen pocahotus, and not knowledgable in American history, it quickly became my favourite film.2010-09-05 04:46:00

Posts: 637

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