LittleBigPlanet has changed the way I see things
Archive: 20 posts
LittleBigPlanet has changed the way I see things ![]() (Yeah, I always dreamt of saying something like that ![]() Indeed, I was watching an old cartoon yesterday (probably rated EC, for Early Childhood :arg: ), and I found myself having a very close look at the scenery, staring everything thinking about my next levels. I did try to find it on the web, but I didn't manage to find it. I'll have to settle for my own memories next time I'll be building stuff on LBP. The scene took place in a classroom (maybe you already know what kind of level I'm gonna work on soon if you've read the fifth novel of the book series A Series of Unfortunate Events.) , and there was a kind of wooden platform (where pupils are asked to give a talk on something, at the blackboard), sallow floorboards on the floor, a small wooden stepladder, and wooden scaffoldings too (all that stuff reminded me of some good levels designs, like TheCooper8's level or Jump Button's) Well, that's all, I just wanted to share this feeling with you, I didn't look at the things I saw like that before. Now I play LittleBigPlanet, I think I'm really able to appreciate the true worth of scenery I see. ~ That's all, folks ! ~ | 2010-05-23 16:07:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I'm sure it's the same for most of us, I know it is for me. I can't go to the supermarket without pondering some mad level about chucking poultry in a shopping basket or something. Even last night, I watched the new Alice in Wonderland and spent a good ten minutes gawping at the sky wondering if I could pull it off in LBP. That's exactly why people suffering from a lack of inspiration need to switch off and do something else. ![]() | 2010-05-23 16:35:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
I'm sure it's the same for most of us, I know it is for me. I can't go to the supermarket without pondering some mad level about chucking poultry in a shopping basket or something. Even last night, I watched the new Alice in Wonderland and spent a good ten minutes gawping at the sky wondering if I could pull it off in LBP. That's exactly why people suffering from a lack of inspiration need to switch off and do something else. ![]() Nice to know I'm not the only one ![]() | 2010-05-23 16:46:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I sometimes find myself looking at objects and asking "Can I make that in LittleBigPlanet?" I then proceed to figure out a way to make the object in my head. It's wierd. Also, I am starting to look at nature a lot more for level inspiration. | 2010-05-24 02:20:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
![]() | 2010-05-24 06:40:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
I find that i've become more "logically minded" (now I can create a "scripted" sequence by second nature, via the use of dark matter, pistons, dissolve material and megnetic keys) as well as the boost in my creativity. Now, in terms of my artwork, I've got more ideas than I can realistically work on at one time, it's the same for my levels. So this change in the way my mind works has actually spread beyond LBP. | 2010-05-24 06:55:00 Author: The Gentleman ![]() Posts: 360 |
I definitely think about LBP a lot when I'm playing other games too lol. Always asking myself... how could that game element be used in a level? I'm actually really pumped to play Super Mario Galaxy 2, for that very reason lol. I know as I play through it I'll be trying to figure out how to use some of it's elements in future levels ![]() | 2010-05-24 06:56:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Am I the only one who thinks about "how do I do that in LBP" when I go to bed? | 2010-05-24 06:58:00 Author: KablooieKablam ![]() Posts: 364 |
Gosh no! I remember having an absolutely awful week of insomnia when I was building my first Tomb Raider level. I was literally laying away until 3 or 4 am night after night with puzzle ideas spinning round my head. Not so good! ![]() I think that's the case with most games though, I can't stress how many times I've gone to bed shooting in first person mode or flying round a race track endlessly. I usually wind down with a bit of Bear Grylls or QI before bed now lol. | 2010-05-24 09:49:00 Author: Kiminski ![]() Posts: 545 |
Playing so much LittleBIGPlanet HAS changed the way i see things...now i see everything a bit blurrier. ![]() | 2010-05-24 10:04:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Playing so much LittleBIGPlanet HAS changed the way i see things...now i see everything a bit blurrier. ![]() Ahh yes, sorry guys, I think you can close this thread now... That was just an eyesight problem :arg: ![]() Am I the only one who thinks about "how do I do that in LBP" when I go to bed? Well it depends on what you do in your bed ![]() Gosh no! I remember having an absolutely awful week of insomnia when I was building my first Tomb Raider level. I was literally laying away until 3 or 4 am night after night with puzzle ideas spinning round my head. Not so good! ![]() Yep that's right, I often spend a lot of time pondering puzzle ideas endlessly... So when I'm just fed up being unable to sleep, I read a book for some minutes and then I can fall asleep ![]() | 2010-05-24 10:18:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Am I the only one who thinks about "how do I do that in LBP" when I go to bed? Haha no. It keeps me awake at night! I need to change the subject to something more um.. well, you know. | 2010-05-24 10:18:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Yes I know the feeling only too well. Some months ago I even got inspiration for a character in a level from looking at the pattern in my mother's living room carpet ! The funniest thing was when I got out my phone to take a picture of it to refer to when I got home. She thought I was going mad. When I told her what it was for she knew I was mad ! I even find myself looking at things in real life and thinking, or even saying out loud to mrsv, things like: ooh they didn't use the grid on that/that needs a bit of corner editing/that would look better in a different material. TRUE STORY: I was watching TV yesterday and there was something on about a statue that was being put up somewhere in the UK I think which was a giant ship in a bottle. The reporter stood beside a smaller one that was probably a couple of feet long and I actually thought to myself "There was no need to make a giant one from scratch. They could have just drawn a box around that one and resized it" !! I'm expecting the men in white coats any day now. | 2010-05-24 10:34:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Yes I know the feeling only too well. Some months ago I even got inspiration for a character in a level from looking at the pattern in my mother's living room carpet ! The funniest thing was when I got out my phone to take a picture of it to refer to when I got home. She thought I was going mad. When I told her what it was for she knew I was mad ! I even find myself looking at things in real life and thinking, or even saying out loud to mrsv, things like: ooh they didn't use the grid on that/that needs a bit of corner editing/that would look better in a different material. TRUE STORY: I was watching TV yesterday and there was something on about a statue that was being put up somewhere in the UK I think which was a giant ship in a bottle. The reporter stood beside a smaller one that was probably a couple of feet long and I actually thought to myself "There was no need to make a giant one from scratch. They could have just drawn a box around that one and resized it" !! I'm expecting the men in white coats any day now. Haha ! Reminds me of something too. Why, just the other day I went out with my mother to buy a gift for my father's birthday. She drove on the motorway, and then I saw a small crumbling shack on the other side of a ditch. Well I didn't ask her to stop, she would've thought I was insane... ![]() Oh, and the day before last, my dad and I assembled a piece of furniture but it just didn't stay in place, and then I thought : " Hey, what don't we use dark matter ? ![]() | 2010-05-24 10:51:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
If the whole world played LittleBigPlanet then Earth would'nt be such a sick,twisted place.. | 2010-05-24 18:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
haha this is so totally me! I get this all the time - and then I wonder how something is done in real life. For example, I'll see something and think - hey they must be using a mag. key on that so that it opens when this is near it.... wait a minute - this isn't lbp! I'm crazy I know ![]() | 2010-05-24 19:59:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Same thing happened to me, I love to watch Tim Burton's stop-motion movies and admire the fantastic scenery. | 2010-05-25 00:21:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
As Sack-Jake pointed pointed out about some people looking at nature as inspiration,I do that to ![]() EDIT: Whenever I mess up on grammatical error I want to rewind it. | 2010-05-25 00:34:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Well it depends on what you do in your bed ![]() ![]() If the whole world played LittleBigPlanet then Earth would'nt be such a sick,twisted place.. Someone's an optimist xD | 2010-05-25 02:32:00 Author: KablooieKablam ![]() Posts: 364 |
i didnt know how to draw well when i first played lbp, and after mastering the corner editor, i'd think im pretty decent at it now XD it also makes you not take games like mario or other platformers for granted lol | 2010-05-27 09:19:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
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