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Extreme Melee Action Mech - Orbital Frame Jehuty (NEW VID!)

Archive: 26 posts

To jump on the mecha bandwagon, I recently published a beta level of my recreation of Jehuty from Zone of the Enders. I'm also posting this from a plane flight to New York so bear with me, lol.

The level is called "Zone of the Enders - Jehuty VR Training Beta 1 -". It's basically a demo level of Jehuty's functions. It's still a little glitchy considering sudden movements can crush you, but the mech itself should be good to go. If you've played my Zaku Assault level, you have an idea of how it plays.

The following video reflects a more refined version of what you can play I the actual level.


Some of the new stuff from the level is as follows:


Some updates 6/11/2010:

- Both enemy and player pushback reaction to multiple hits is implemented and it works wonderfully. Makes the enemies seem more organic during battle. Essentially, they'll back off after taking a bit of damage, as will Jehuty.
- Thanks to that above, a "Zero Shift" like boost to Jehuty has been implemented. Nothing crazy, but it will help in tracking down faster enemies, escaping during mobs or speeding through the level. Only lateral boosting will be used. The visual effect I'm working on looks pretty sweet so far and will continue to get better.
- A "stronger" melee attack (combo ender super slash) that inflicts more damage and has a wider range after multiple successive hits with the blade is implemented.
- Raptors are pretty much complete. Anubis is making lots of progress. Will probably start on Nephtis soon after.
- Accidental player crushing has been resolved in a roundabout way. No more premature game overs.
- More visual tweaks to Jehuty and its weapons systems.
- An enemy detection system will implemented to give the player a general idea of where the enemy is located within a certain proximity.
- The drifting/overshooting when switching directions is more stable.
- Shield is fixed.
2010-05-23 08:41:00

Posts: 1476

That looks Brilliant, so it's publish in a BETA level?
I'll take a look at later
2010-05-23 09:36:00

Posts: 3871

To jump on the mech a bandwagon...

Heh. Just call this "Little Big Mech Central." I'll definitely have to try this when I get time tomorrow. Love the look of the shield and melee effects.
2010-05-23 09:49:00

Posts: 2188

cool, have you created orbital frame ennemies aswell? its te melee thing all over again.theres a tut in there too right.2010-05-23 14:25:00

Posts: 176

That was pretty cool. I think I enjoy controlling Jehuty a lot more than the Zaku. Maybe it's just because of the awesome melee attack and defensive shield. Maybe it's because of the cool jet blast effect.

The shield sometimes disappears while moving though, probably because the plasma shot moves into the spot where the shield would be emitted. Maybe you could make two separate shield objects with independent emitters? Have one on the front and a "backup" one at the back in case the front shield gets blocked? Just an idea.

Other than that, didn't really run into any issues with the control. The rotation when changing direction still overshoots a bit, but this actually gives an advantage because you get to shoot at an angle. Though I imagine that if it overshoots too much things might start breaking.

Also, it's good to see mechs taking over the object showcase. Those tanks have had free reign for long enough! :hero:
2010-05-23 17:15:00

Posts: 2536

Heh. Just call this "Little Big Mech Central." I'll definitely have to try this when I get time tomorrow. Love the look of the shield and melee effects.

Might as well start something up for LBP2. ^^

cool, have you created orbital frame ennemies aswell? its te melee thing all over again.theres a tut in there too right.

No enemy OFs. I did this in a rush before I bounced off to NYC yesterday. There is a short tutorial though which should cover everything. No secrets, etc... yet. ^^

That was pretty cool. I think I enjoy controlling Jehuty a lot more than the Zaku. Maybe it's just because of the awesome melee attack and defensive shield. Maybe it's because of the cool jet blast effect.

The shield sometimes disappears while moving though, probably because the plasma shot moves into the spot where the shield would be emitted. Maybe you could make two separate shield objects with independent emitters? Have one on the front and a "backup" one at the back in case the front shield gets blocked? Just an idea.

Other than that, didn't really run into any issues with the control. The rotation when changing direction still overshoots a bit, but this actually gives an advantage because you get to shoot at an angle. Though I imagine that if it overshoots too much things might start breaking.

I'm trying to make it flashy as possible. ^^ There are a few tricks I want to try out, but we'll see if that impedes the overall control.

As for the shield, it usually has to deal with the lifespan of the object. I had it at .2 secs, but if I up it to .3 or .4 like in the Mm Gundam, it should be alright. As for the rotation, the only way to truly keep it 180 would be to make the anchor point even heavier than it is now, but I don't want to sacrifice mobility for it. There's so many things going on that particular axis point that I'm surprised it hasn't completely torn itself apart.

Also, it's good to see mechs taking over the object showcase. Those tanks have had free reign for long enough! :hero:

The time is now.
2010-05-23 20:27:00

Posts: 1476

Oh my God bro. That is impressive. I'd like to see a screenshot of the logic behind it.2010-05-24 00:00:00

Posts: 34

Oh my God bro. That is impressive. I'd like to see a screenshot of the logic behind it.

It's terrible looking, lol. I could probably improve it by ages, but laziness always get the better of me.
2010-05-24 02:05:00

Posts: 1476

Some updates:

- Both enemy and player pushback reaction to multiple hits is implemented and it works wonderfully. Makes the enemies seem more organic during battle. Essentially, they'll back off after taking a bit of damage, as will Jehuty.
- Thanks to that above, a "Zero Shift" like boost to Jehuty has been implemented. Nothing crazy, but it will help in tracking down faster enemies, escaping during mobs or speeding through the level. Only lateral boosting will be used. The visual effect I'm working on looks pretty sweet so far and will continue to get better.
- Implementing a "stronger" melee attack (combo ender super slash) that inflicts more damage and has a wider range after multiple successive hits with the blade.
- Raptors are pretty much complete. Anubis is making lots of progress. Will probably start on Nephtis soon after.
- Accidental player crushing has been resolved in a roundabout way. No more premature game overs.
- More visual tweaks to Jehuty and its weapons systems.
- An enemy detection system will be implemented to give the player a general idea of where the enemy is located within a certain proximity.
- The drifting/overshooting when switching directions is more stable.
- Shield is still being worked on.

The beta should be updated pretty soon with the Raptors at least. A new vid will be up really soon showcasing the additions and improved action.

Some parts due tend to break due to the constant crashing of objects on top of the smaller movable parts of the mechs, but I've fixed it so that the basic actions such as shooting and whatnot are not affected. Plus it looks cool with the occasional battle damage. ^^
2010-06-11 22:36:00

Posts: 1476

you.....you always find ways to impress me....geez man lol

oh by the way...keep pitching the gundam DLC idea man....we can't stop until we are playing around in a GUNDAM universe
2010-06-12 00:13:00

Posts: 3365

That's pretty good, very good, i dont have time to ride on lbp atm but will check your level when i can, still my strict concept of a mech is a walking machine but yours is very different and innovative, looks like it has tons of work into it from what i see on the video and the AI of the opponent mech makes it a very decent opponent, equal or better than a player, keep working into it you are making an epic job here.2010-06-12 01:22:00

Posts: 898

Wow, donkey! That's amazing! Something you, and only you, could create! :]
It really is mind-boggling...
2010-06-12 16:34:00

Posts: 2979

New vid and new stuff! The beta will be updated later on today.


2010-06-14 16:22:00

Posts: 1476


Your post is not 10 characters long blah blah blah. Doesn't have to be ten to express my emotions!
2010-06-14 16:24:00

Posts: 2979

Amazing stuff, it's looking better every time. 2010-06-14 16:39:00

Posts: 2536

I think thats the coolest mech ever.2010-06-14 18:13:00

Unknown User

Thanks guys! I'm actually thinking about ditching the shield since it really throws off the flow of the battle and replacing it with a wide shot beam or some homing stuff.2010-06-14 18:44:00

Posts: 1476

The best defense is an extremely quick and deadly offense.

Edit: Actually I don'tknow if your taking suggestion but instead of shield you could have projectiles or guardians the revolve around Jehuty. They would sacrifice themselves and damage any enemies that got close. They would continue to circle around with a max of two or somthing. Just an idea.
2010-06-14 18:50:00

Unknown User

to be honest if you REALLY wanted a shield you coulda used The Mummy for a more realistic gaming experience....if you're realling using an attack instead might i suggest the Comet or the Bounder

a shame this game isn't as fast paced as i want it to be...woulda been cool to suggest doing the Phalanx but that's TOO RAPID of a weapon for LBP to handle
2010-06-14 20:10:00

Posts: 3365

The best defense is an extremely quick and deadly offense.

Edit: Actually I don'tknow if your taking suggestion but instead of shield you could have projectiles or guardians the revolve around Jehuty. They would sacrifice themselves and damage any enemies that got close. They would continue to circle around with a max of two or somthing. Just an idea.

to be honest if you REALLY wanted a shield you coulda used The Mummy for a more realistic gaming experience....if you're realling using an attack instead might i suggest the Comet or the Bounder

a shame this game isn't as fast paced as i want it to be...woulda been cool to suggest doing the Phalanx but that's TOO RAPID of a weapon for LBP to handle

I was actually thinking about something that combines those ideas. The issue is that it will have to be a simple one-shot to a Mummy like shield which would provide instant offense after getting hit or it just automatically attacks. Still bouncing between the ideas. If I went full on with the Mummy shield, it's basically the same as the shield I have now.

As for stuff rotating around Jehuty, that would be hard to do considering the constant movement already. I'll figure something out. :3
2010-06-14 21:18:00

Posts: 1476

lol im sure you'll do the right thing man...you always do 2010-06-14 21:39:00

Posts: 3365

Thanks mang. It's all about playability from here on out.

And for the lazy...

2010-06-14 23:44:00

Posts: 1476

Ok, now THAT is one of the coolest things I've seen in LBP.
2010-06-15 04:49:00

Posts: 195

I loved the first but this new udate has a few problems. The Zero boost doesn't work a lot and randomly happens when I don't want it too. The enemy keeps on destroying my wings/jetpack/way to change stances cuasing me to stay in one stance. Clicking o to send the enemy's flying off doesn't work weel when there are tow enemys and one is either above or below me.The ended staying close and tear my back to pieces....2010-06-15 20:31:00

Unknown User

Sooooooo Amazing! I played the level and I love the way Jehuty feels, I was a huge fan of the Z.O.E. series and I'm happy to find someone making such great recreations of it on LBP! ^_^ If only I knew your secrets, Gevurah! If only!2010-06-22 02:38:00

Unknown User

Sooooooo Amazing! I played the level and I love the way Jehuty feels, I was a huge fan of the Z.O.E. series and I'm happy to find someone making such great recreations of it on LBP! ^_^ If only I knew your secrets, Gevurah! If only!

lurk moar sir

he has videos explaining how the mechanics of his mecha work...all you REALLY need to learn is how to make your outer shell(the mech) and if you know that then you're good
2010-06-22 04:31:00

Posts: 3365

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