Kinetic Art, it plays itself. by Woodabee
Archive: 1 post
Now, I don't Usually go in for this sort of "self-playing-level" fare, but This example has lived on my hearts page for a while. It's just so dang pretty! It has an odd retro feel to it that I really like. "WHY didn't you meantion this to us before now?!", you ask. Well, I honestly thought this level would rocket up to cool pages and become a plague along with all the other self playing levels, and figured you'd all know about it soon enough. But since it didn't, it became one of those little undiscovered gems. Really, it's a GOOD level that plays it's self...also his point-fest level, "Too Many Bubbles" too me by surprise. | 2010-05-23 03:22:00 Author: swanbrown ![]() Posts: 898 |
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