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Digital calculator

Archive: 4 posts

Hi, I published a couple of weeks ago a level (well, not actually a level) with a digital calculator. It is digital in the sense that it works using binary logic. It's in fact based in my former tutorial on Digital Devices (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=26031-Digital-devices&p=451266). It is a COPYABLE level, so you can use any part of it, from the LCD panel to the decoders which convert from binary to decimal.

I know it's not very original idea: I have seen some others, and there must be many more. It's at least original (as far as I know) in the sense that it handles also negative numbers.

Memodrix have recorded the level in create mode (thank you very much). You want to take a look before deciding whether you are interested or not.

2010-05-20 11:49:00

Posts: 138

I tied making my own binary calculator a couple of weeks back but I was having trouble trying to figure out how to convert binary to decimal. Then with school and everything else I put it at the bottom of my to do list. Now that this has come along i'll just take a look at your convertor
2010-05-20 12:07:00

Posts: 2431

That's awesome, onturenio! I'll give it a try when I'm on LBP next!

I just hope people don't publish it as their own work...
2010-05-20 13:49:00

Posts: 841

Wow that looks awsome i will try it out when i can.2010-05-28 07:41:00

Posts: 65

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