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M99-3 WarPig (Tank)

Archive: 17 posts

My newest, and best, to date, tank have made so far.

Brief History
The name come from a mix of two things: That song by Black Sabbath (Good song by the way), and the WarPig tank made by This_Is_My-Rifle, which is (I believe) one of the first tanks made in LBP. It wasn't very good but when I saw it (which was when I first got the game), it sparked my interest to see if some one could make a better tank. I then, eventually, found rz22g, horwitzer, and Cin (Incinerator22). All of which pretty much inspire me now. Not long after did I start making my own tanks, I haven't gotten much recognition yet but I'll keep trying! But enough reminiscing, now for my WarPig!

The Design
The design of this tank is a mixture of the Merkeva MK IV (Turret), Tiger1 (suspension), The Leopard 2A6 (Shape), And M1 Abrams (chassis).

The features include: bidirectional steering, aiming, and toggling between the two. It is capable of toggling shell cam on and off. Also has a main cannon and a coaxial machine gun.. all with three grab switches. More features include muzzle flash, recoil, Almost Indestructible tracks, and quite possible the best suspension I have ever made.

Not to mention the machine gun that you can aim, has a vibrating camera, recoil, (yes recoil!) and flash effects.

The whole tank runs on five grab switches: One to open/close the hatch, three tap grab switches, and one for the machine gun

The Negatives
One potential problem that i have spotted is that the tank struggles to go up slopes above approximately 20 degrees
EDIT: This has been fixed


That suspension I'm oh-so proud of.

Another pic of the suspension

Me in the tank for a comparison


Feed back is much appreciated as to your thoughts on how I did. I am working on a level for it and I will tell you guys when it's posted up.

EDIT: The level is posted up as I made small changes like a gas tank on the back and an antennae.
I would appreciated plays for it =]
2010-05-19 03:47:00

Posts: 192

Your links seem to be broken. To get the actual link of each image, right-click on the image picture and select "copy image URL". Also, if you wrap your pics in instead of tags, they appear as images in the thread. To the album maker, album images even have a copyable link of each image in an tag. I quoted and edited it:


That suspension I'm oh-so proud of.

Anther pic of the suspension

Me in the tank for a comparison


Feel free to quote me and copy/paste this in your thread^

I already gave you feedback on your profile, but I'll be back if I think of more!
2010-05-19 04:11:00

Posts: 3251

Thanks Cin I have always wondered how to do that2010-05-19 04:13:00

Posts: 192

change the material of the drive wheel(s) to a more dense one (ie from cardboard to steel) and you should get much more climbing powar!2010-05-20 02:04:00

Posts: 255

horwitzer is the detail on your tank done with a thin layer cardboard, or stickers. or cuts.2010-05-20 02:52:00

Posts: 176

change the material of the drive wheel(s) to a more dense one (ie from cardboard to steel) and you should get much more climbing powar!

The speed of the front and back wheels are at 60, but they jitter and stop a lot. I think the treads are just too loose, and they bunch up.
2010-05-20 05:35:00

Posts: 3251

horwitzer is the detail on your tank done with a thin layer cardboard, or stickers. or cuts.

Ehh I believe your referring to me, yes?
It is thin layer card board to answer your question

Edit: Wow I fail I've seen his tank in person and I think its thin layer cardboard.
2010-05-20 05:38:00

Posts: 192

The speed of the front and back wheels are at 60, but they jitter and stop a lot. I think the treads are just too loose, and they bunch up.

Yeah how can you tell when there is not enough/too much slack on the treads?
2010-05-20 05:43:00

Posts: 192

Looks pretty good, i'm still yet to test it but by looking at the pictures I would recomend using some custom or realistic stickers to make it look less clean as such. I mean it is a tank and tanks get dirty.2010-05-20 07:20:00

Posts: 2431

Not bad the tank looks grate and it works but (this is just a suggestion you don't have to do this) change the color of the thank never leave it the same color.2010-05-21 12:48:00

Posts: 1843

Here's the final version
And here it is with desert camo (You're welcome SR20DETDOG)
2010-05-28 03:30:00

Posts: 192

horwitzer is the detail on your tank done with a thin layer cardboard, or stickers. or cuts.

mostly custom stickers because it saves thermo
2010-05-28 04:31:00

Posts: 255

That tank looks really good! The suspension definitely is something to be proud of!2010-05-29 00:18:00

Posts: 2979

That tank looks really good! The suspension definitely is something to be proud of!

you wouldn't say that if you saw my suspension! but seriously the suspension on this tank is truly superb. however there is ALWAYS room for improvement.
2010-05-29 01:26:00

Posts: 255

you wouldn't say that if you saw my suspension! but seriously the suspension on this tank is truly superb. however there is ALWAYS room for improvement.

Yes, I've seen yours too! But I have to say anyone who can make a functional, good-looking suspension-and-tracks combo should be proud! Haha!

I can't do it... I envy you.... Lol
2010-05-29 02:17:00

Posts: 2979

It's so cute! 2010-06-04 00:37:00

Posts: 2454

Its really cool, and it has a really good suspension.

I would of caled it the WarMouse though, with that small, stocky size
2010-06-04 03:45:00

Posts: 386

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