Do NOT Ride Mr. Hop!
Archive: 4 posts
Do NOT Ride Mr. Hop!Turbo_Egg_Salad Mr. Hop HATES IT when you grab his torso. He gets all excited and freaked out. And don't grab his tail because he uh... loosens up. :star:Ladies and gentlemen... Mr. Hop!<3 http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r143/tenchuhill/MrHop.jpg | 2010-05-18 17:22:00 Author: Turbo_Egg_Salad ![]() Posts: 57 |
BLAHAHAHAHA! How awesome. | 2010-05-18 17:47:00 Author: SPONGMONKEY56 ![]() Posts: 209 |
First off, this level was really funny, but it was a bit weird... Also, there wasn't much challenge and the only effects were behind the mountain... To improve the level I would suggest adding more effects while he's running. Anyway, Overall it was funny and pretty cool, but a bit lacking in effects. Please leave feedback on my level "StormWaves: Turret Defence" (link below) | 2010-05-19 01:23:00 Author: Devonushka ![]() Posts: 95 |
That was hilarious and disturbing all at the same time.... I don't even know what else to say. lol I liked the bubbles ![]() | 2010-05-20 17:39:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
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