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Giving up on game companies

Archive: 18 posts

I gave up on 3 gaming companies this gen because they just downright suck... By giving up I mean stop buying their games, at least for now until it becomes better.

Capcom - I don't mind the games (expect LP2) but the DLC.

Nintedno - I sold my Wii, I had nothing to play on it. Sure I'll miss Mario , Zelda & Metroid but 3 games ain't enough for me.

Square Enix - not a single good game from them this gen for consoles.

Do you share my opinion? Do you have some other companies to call out here? Or do you completely disagree?
2010-05-18 16:37:00

Posts: 752

activision - money bloodsuckers.2010-05-18 17:43:00

Unknown User

But I still bought the stimulus pack. After realizing you could rotate JUST the new maps though I was very happy. I don't regret buying that pack.2010-05-18 18:25:00

Posts: 2391

Not that I have gone out of my way to boycott but Square-Enix really is giving me excuses to not bother picking up their games. I got a few of their rpg games this gen and meh isn't even the word, completely forgettable and boring. Yeah I don't think I will be picking any more of their games up soon unless I find them in a bargain bin for a euro. The only one I am interested in is FFXIII but even then I still haven't been bothered 2010-05-18 18:33:00

Posts: 1370

I gave up on 3 gaming companies this gen because they just downright suck... By giving up I mean stop buying their games, at least for now until it becomes better.

Capcom - I don't mind the games (expect LP2) but the DLC.

Nintedno - I sold my Wii, I had nothing to play on it. Sure I'll miss Mario , Zelda & Metroid but 3 games ain't enough for me.

Square Enix - not a single good game from them this gen for consoles.

Do you share my opinion? Do you have some other companies to call out here? Or do you completely disagree?

I have to disagree with the notion that Square Enix haven't made a decent console game this gen, because I'm just returning to LBP after spending a massive 140 hours of play time on the awesome Just Cause 2. Admittedly it has a few minor bugs, but it's such a huge and detailed game world that the bugs can easily be forgiven. Anyway, I loved it and I would rush down to the shop in an instant if a sequel ever gets released.

I agree about the Wii though. Aside from Zak and Wiki, and the ones you already mentioned, most of the games have little appeal beyond a single afternoon of casual group game play...and that's only if you're feeling really bored.
2010-05-18 18:40:00

Posts: 2130

he's talking about square enix as game developer...avalanche studios created JC2, Square enix EUROPE distributed it.2010-05-18 18:59:00

Unknown User

I have to agree with your opinion of Square Enix for the most part; the company just hasn't been the same since their Squaresoft/Enix merger. Now they're basically running on Final Fantasy titles, which seem to have...varied in quality following their success with FF7, which I believe was the indicator of when the company (when it was still Squaresoft) was both at its creative peak but also a sign it had nowhere to go but down from then on. While I don't hate 7, SE's constant milking of it for more and more spinoffs and the fandom that seems to be obcessed with it still after a decade has effectively stunted SE's creative ability, the end result being a company that produces games with huge production values, lots of hype and loyal fans but questionable critical and artistic merit. It's really a shame when you consider the stuff they had being released around the late 90's like Parasite Eve and Einhander (which I'm still angry at Sony for not releasing on the American PSN) which had no real expectations from videogame players when they were released but met with critical success when they were.2010-05-18 19:12:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

I'm mostly wary of the growing trend in some video game companies to push for strict/borderline-illegal DRM solutions. I got a nasty surprise with SecuROM a while back which I will never forget nor forgive. Capcom's recent stealth addition of a DRM on a PSN title makes me doubt I'll ever buy a Capcom PSN game ever again (and will start to be wary of any future news of DRM on PSN).2010-05-18 19:23:00

Posts: 2536

I don't think it's fair to say you're giving up on Nintendo if it's basically just lack of 3rd party support that's turning you off from their system. They do consistently bang-up jobs with first party titles.

Also, I like a lot of Capcom games, I don't do any of the DLC stuff so I don't know about that.
2010-05-18 20:42:00

Posts: 1361

I pretty much blame Nintendo for the whole casual crap on their console. They don't want any good games as long as people are dumb enough to buy the Wii2010-05-19 11:22:00

Posts: 752

I gave up on ubisofts Support line there so annoying, one person tells you one thing the other tells you somthing different.

I like the UPLAY feature as its still growing but i can't fully use it now because i changed my gamertag so now i cant use it because you can not sign out on your console to make a new account and link your new gamertag name so basically the support line told me i can't use the feature fully.

I know uplay is only in beta but how could they not change your registered gamertag!!! Ubisoft makes me angry
2010-05-19 22:40:00

Posts: 6419

EA - always shutting down servers and makes bad games now
sega - do i have to say?
2010-05-20 00:36:00

Posts: 187

Since Will Wright left EA (more specifically , Maxis),
And Since Square and Enix merged.

I think those two are pretty much done making good games.

Sega, on the other hand, has been able to come back from the brink before where others couldn't. I think their trick is that They seem to have no problem what-so-ever with firing ALL their top execs and effectivly becoming a new compony when they need to.
2010-05-21 18:19:00

Posts: 898

Anyone heard of Spore??
I waited for that game for two years, when it came out.. *shudders*
2010-05-21 18:30:00

Posts: 1913

Anyone heard of Spore??
I waited for that game for two years, when it came out.. *shudders*

I share your pain, and yes, it's DEFINITELY game over for maxis.
2010-05-21 19:03:00

Posts: 898

I share your pain, and yes, it's DEFINITELY game over for maxis.

I like spore :/
2010-05-21 19:11:00

Posts: 123

Electronic Arts- For two reasons. Sims 3 and SPORE. I waited atleast a year for Spore, spending months watching videos and getting as much info as I can. I bought it the first day it came out and played and played and played, then got to the Tribal Stage. The only good stages of Spore were cell, creature, and space (if you have Galactic Adventures). I played Spore for bout a month again when I got Galactic Adventures, but meh. And Sims 3, I got it on the first day with my sister. An amazing amount of bugs, pretty much same gameplay as Sims 2, and overall dissapointing.

Maxis- Spore, Sims 3, and Sim City Societies. 'nuff said
2010-05-22 16:08:00

Posts: 3262

I actually like Final Fantasy XIII a lot. (Yeah yeah, linearity, and no towns.) And I also like Final Fantasy IX, which everyone else seemed to hate.

See, here's how I see it: If someone makes a good game, I will buy it. The reason I don't take allegiances, is because maybe said company will release something awesome, and I'll really wanna play it, even though I'm boycotting them. I am a consumer, and I buy games that interest me.

Another thing to realize, is that game companies are exactly that: Companies. And companies want to make money. And to do that, they see if a product is selling well. Final Fantasy VII had a HUGE fanbase, so it only makes sense in the company aspect to make more games with the same title. Maybe the quality isn't what you'd expect, but that's just it: They KNOW people will buy it because it has the words Final Fantasy VII in it, and because its a continuation of their original best selling product. Yes, maybe games have gone downhill since the end of the 90's, but we still have great companies like Mm who make quality products.

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents on the whole ordeal. I hope I didn't make anyone mad...^^ *has paranoia*
2010-05-22 17:11:00

Posts: 152

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