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Sequence Lock

Archive: 3 posts

Hey everyone, This is something i made up while doing the 'twinkle twinkle little star' music bit when doing my mysterious forest level. I had to reset the mechanism if someone hit the wrong button, so I thought up this.

Mind you, it is a year old and is actually pretty simple. I used four of 'em because i needed four different sounds. There's 3 sets of pistons with square blocks, the block on the far right hand side has an emmiter that emits magnectic key switches. When the magnectic key switch activates it makes a sound and moves the one of the pistons so that the next magnetic key can fall in the other key switch and so on. You use buttons to control the emiters. BUT when the emiter goes over the wrong key switch and you press on the same button instead of the next button which controls the other emitter, it will activate wobble bolts that will make the key switches fall and therefore the pistons will reset!

I've made this awfully confusing haven't I? If you want to see it in action play my mysterious forest level. PS - if you get it right the first time without hitting any dud notes, then you'll get it as a prize!

Actually, ill post pictures of it soon!
2010-05-16 16:13:00

Posts: 511

No pictures yet? I'm interested.2010-05-18 23:26:00

Posts: 3251

They won't upload via PS3, im gonna have to get a usb majiger thing.

Watch this space!
2010-05-20 17:12:00

Posts: 511

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