Looking for a certain LittleBigPlanet picture...
Archive: 2 posts
Does anyone know where I can find the picture of Sackboy holding Craft Earth whilst bursting through cardboard; the picture the background becomes on the XMB when you load up LBP? Please help! | 2010-05-15 17:02:00 Author: HackbookPro ![]() Posts: 20 |
Does anyone know where I can find the picture of Sackboy holding Craft Earth whilst bursting through cardboard; the picture the background becomes on the XMB when you load up LBP? Please help! I'm looking for that as well! Only thing to do is google 'Little Big Planet Wallpaper' and hope for the best :/ | 2010-07-06 09:17:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
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