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Play, Create, Share Sticker

Archive: 3 posts

Here you go LittleBigPlanet community, I present to you this fine little 'Play, Create, Share' Sticker. I will gladly allow you to use it in your levels, or to simply admire it. Like it? Let me know! Don't like it? Tell me what you dislike about it. One more thing, if you use it in your levels, be sure to inform me of that by this thread as I would love to play it! PSN ID: RJA00000 Level Name: Play, Create, Share Sticker2010-05-12 23:21:00

Posts: 387

The sticker is awesome!2010-05-13 00:35:00

Posts: 3607

defently a check out... not on ps3 at the moment2010-06-01 09:26:00

Posts: 488

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