making fire cool off?
Archive: 7 posts
Okay so I'm trying to make a puzzle using a 3-AND switch where when you flip these three switches, it will "cool off" the fire hazard.. essentially. However I'm really not sure how to do this without flooding my level with water. I know de-lethalizing is a major problem in LBP1 but I'm trying to brainstorm a way aroudn this that doesn't look really tacky. My only idea thus far is to make the firey object disinigrate material, and then disinigrate it and emit a new one that isn't on fire. I really wish there was a way to have contained water ![]() Either way any ideas that don't look tacky (as I want the player to see them being delethalized, though I'm sure if all else fails I can just not let them see it happen as they won't be in that area when it does. EDIT: Nevermind I decided I'd sort of make fake water that goes over top of them as they disinigrate/re-emit. I haven't tried it yet but there aren't any forseeable problems. | 2010-05-12 16:42:00 Author: KBling ![]() Posts: 35 |
You could have the water raise for a split second before returning to normal i.e. 0.1/0.2 seconds | 2010-05-12 22:55:00 Author: Jedi_1993 ![]() Posts: 1518 |
Delethalising isn't possible in LBP but will be in LBP2. The best solution I can see for you is to make a layer of dissolve as thin as possible without going invisible, set that on fire and glue it above the existing floor. Then when you dissolve it you'll already have a floor undereath without having to emit one. | 2010-05-12 23:01:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Mistervista that's a great solution, better than the one I was planning on using. I kinda figured delethalizing wasn't possible but I thought I'd ask. Either way thanks for the suggestion, both of you. | 2010-05-13 02:26:00 Author: KBling ![]() Posts: 35 |
With my level Tenement, I did kinda the same thing you're asking for but in reverse. There's an explosion when you enter a certain room and then the whole thing catches fire. I basically used a demitter to replace the "not on fire" room with the "on fire" room. Couldn't you use this technique to replace your blazing scenery with charred scenery? | 2010-05-15 23:22:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Attach a piston to the fire hazard (make sure the hazard isn't pasted on anything), make it take 0.1 seconds to get to it's farthest point, put a direction switch and make it activate after the puzzle is done. If this confuses you, add me on PSN and I'll show you. | 2010-05-16 02:59:00 Author: GreatWhite000 ![]() Posts: 673 |
Could you embed a non-burning piece of material into a burning piece then demit the burning one? | 2010-05-18 20:38:00 Author: IStwisted ![]() Posts: 428 |
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