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LBP2 LOGO now in LBP1!!!!

Archive: 4 posts

Everyone stop what you are doing and head over to "LBP 2 Logo" level by Andyboy1995!!!!

It's as close as we could make it in game, using the internets and a pseye, and the best part is, he's giving it away for use in your own levels!!! check it out now. :star::star::star::star::star:<3

(ps: its a puvlished level but its only to show an object)
2010-05-11 19:51:00

Posts: 785

Ooh you copycat LOL.

I made one earlier today and put it as an Aced prize in a level called LBW5 : KARMAGEDDON.

Great minds think alike eh !

If anyone says " fools never differ " I'll slap 'em.
2010-05-11 19:53:00

Posts: 2210

lol hey mistavista, if ur reading this then im the guy springs is talking bout in the post above urs, the 3 genius's, like the way you think, and you're right, great minds DO think alike 2010-05-11 19:59:00

Unknown User

Fools never differ, I suppose :32010-05-11 20:38:00

Posts: 583

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