Tales of a LittleBig Fantasy: Chapter 2 (RPG level)
Archive: 19 posts
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17352Tales of a LittleBig Fantasy: Chapter 2 (RPG level)thi766 This is the second part of my RPG series in LBP (wich is btw the first and only RPG level ever with a battle system). It has a RPG final fantasy - like turn based battle system (wich is improved) and a great story too. If you played the first part it probably took you over 40 minutes to complete it well in this part you'll have to spend about 50 minutes - 1 hour to complete it. -If you are wondering how you have to play a level during 1 hour long, well you dont have to ![]() Throughout the level, you will be recieving a certain ammount of "checkpoint stickers" (under the condition that you put "community objects" on "on"), and you can place them at the begin of the level to be redirected directly to the part of the level that you want to, and thus skipping everything that is before. The story and gameplay: Story: Ok i dont want to give away any spoilers, so i put togheter pictures of almost every area on the level aswell as a few of the battle system, and ill make a small presentation of the story and what globally happens in the level. The story has been written by me. -After being able to hold up the ancient Sword of Kings, because the hero (wich is YOU) was chosen to do so by the mysterious godess that is the ruler of the world (and especially Vestoria,the capital) , he will be granted the way to the forgetten land of Seelow and its temple. In the temple he should be able to find the legendary Stone of Kings, of wichs power is still unknown. By obtaining the Stone of Kings and using it to archieve the associated focus given by the godess, the user should be given immortal life as a reward. The hero is accompanied by his friend Exon, aswell as a mysterious man named Qualion. After the human emperor of Vestoria Steven Biguns died due to illness, the empire has decided to give all his power to his nephew Russel Muscel , because all his other family members were mysteriously assassinated. Russel desires the stone aswell, but he wants to use it not to help the godess, but to strike her down, and thus ending her rule over the world wich prevented the humans to fully take control of their empire. By destoying the godess, Russel would take control and rule over the world all by himself and turn all sacks to slaves. He considers himself the man that will "Bring history back in the hands of man". Gameplay feat. the turn based battle system: If you already played one of the old Final Fantasys (FF 1-10), you would know what battle sytem im talking about. In this level however, the player will have the choice between a bunch of different actions (offensive magic, heal magic, physical attacks..) and be able to use them on his turn. There are boss fights aswell as regular enemies (not too much due to thermo though) wich difference from each other on difficullty levels. The player and the enemy alternate turns during battle. Here are a few demonstrations: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17335 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17341 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17346 Screenshots from the level: (Please note that these pictures were taken during the creation of this level and do not neccesarily represent how the level looks like currently, ex: in the current status there are thousands of wires everywhere)) http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17336 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17338 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17339 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17340 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17343 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17344 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17345 | 2010-05-11 19:23:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
I have reviewed your level and I felt great, I had never seen the option to save your game until LBP and do not believe it and I checked I said wow! LOL I found a very good choice, congratulations on that idea also seemed to be an impressive level where you can play almost 1 hour, it really is not very often in LBP and I think that Final Fantasy fans will be super well thought out, I liked that you might set the option of different attacks, analyzing the creature that was very good idea. ![]() It really is an excellent representation of RPG games and one of my favorites was the Chocobo creatures, have a great difficulty, and this makes you cling more to destroy all the creatures, you have very good design. And in the end they've done an excellent level. I have given you: :star::star::star::star::star: Cheers dude! F4F: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=26126-Enchanted-adventure | 2010-05-11 19:49:00 Author: psyntens ![]() Posts: 562 |
Oh, i suppose you played it during the short time it was published because right now it's unpublished. Anyways im glad you liked it so much i have edited a few small details though so there are no more bugs now also a few parts may appear a bit easier. Anyways i'll check out your level when ill get the chance | 2010-05-11 20:02:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
I'll look forward to playing this. It looks great and apart from a few minor niggles chapter 1 was very impressive too. You're certainly going to be doing some awesome stuff with LBP2 when the time comes. | 2010-05-11 20:03:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
I will add this to my playlist tonight and I have played RPG battle system levels before,but yours is even better.I will leave feedback once I play it. | 2010-05-11 20:13:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Thank you very much for taking your time ![]() @mistervista I'd love to know what you think of it, because you have given me very useful feedback on the first level, it had a few problems especially the puzzles part with the weights. and yeah the battle system in chp.1 was a bit boring, i tried to make it a little bit more interesting so you can dodge attacks, and walking around on the battlefield, and the battle system is clearer. Also the menu doesn't have a chance of randomly breaking (lol). | 2010-05-11 20:24:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
Sorry for the double post but i just wanted to say that i added a picture from the title screen i the presentation, because i had troubles with my usb key at first. On a side note i may publish the level even tommorow, depending if evrything works perfectly. Hope you're looking forward to it ![]() | 2010-05-12 16:13:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
I played through chapter 1,but I didn't get the key to chapter 2 -_- | 2010-05-12 21:45:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
I just published it on my moon, you shouldn't have played trough chapter 1 to get the key... im sorry that you probably wasted your time. Anyways the level ( chapter 2) is now published, i'd love to hear your opinions ![]() | 2010-05-12 23:49:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
...Wow. Looks absolutely amazing. Will play this soon! | 2010-05-13 22:29:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Pro - The level was absolutely amazing! The gameplay was great and the conversations between the characters was really cool! Con - The level design wasn't as good as the first and some of the level broke apart at times. Overall - 9/10 Cannot wait 'till the next ![]() | 2010-05-13 22:50:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Just played it ( well tried to but gave up ). Sorry thi. I'm afraid I just have some negative feedback so far. I really hope you can fix it because I want to see this be succesful as you're leading the way with rpg's in LBP and doing some very clever stuff. It's just not quite working to it's full potential so far. Anyway here goes with my thoughts so far: 1-The part on the ship at the beginning was a bit too slow and tedious. Although it was moving back and forth it was obvious it wasn't moving because the clouds never moved which kind of ruined the effect. 2-The character names throughout the story I find annoying. Especially Russel. I'm guessing you're parodying russelsmuscles. He was extremely annoying at the time and I don't want to ever hear of him again, let alone see him given a starring role in your rpg. You're making him more famous than he was infamous. Also your reference to steve big guns again just spoils the story. I'd much rather you used made up names. 3-After going up on the elevator I walked off it and fell through the floor to where it started from. I then had to pop and I respawned on a field somewhere before a battle tutorial against a chocobo. Don't know if I missed a load of story there or not. 4-The prize bubble under the bridge seemed impossible to get without dying. Not a fan of that. 5-The boss fight against russel ( I think ) was just impossible. It just rained electrified stuff down on me on every layer for ages and I was just caught in a constant cycle of spawn,die,spawn.die,spawn,die and never got chance to do anything for a long time. The attack commands came on and went off again once and I couldn't get to them because I was still dying constantly , this time by fireballs, and couldn't move. When I eventually did get chance to move to the front layer and the attack commands came on I couldn't use the ones I wanted because they were too high up to reach and directly above the other 2 so I could only keep grabbing protes and analyse which i didn't want. It also suffers the same problem as chapter 1 in that if you're grabbing when it goes off screen you get taken back into the gas and die again. Then the electric and constant spawn, die cycle started all over again so at that point I almost threw the controller at the cat and I quit the level in frustration. 6-Also during that same fight the flashing lights are very annoying and really hinder your view making it even more difficult than it is already to enter your own commands. 7-There were quite a few spelling mistakes throughout and I'm guessing I hadn't even got very far. It spoils it for me especially as reading the dialogue is such a major part of this type of level. Overall the most annoying part was the boss fight not working well. The major fault with that being the inaccessibility of the commands and dying when you've eventually managed to grab them. Could you place them better and maybe have them dissolve instead of dragging you back with them. If not maybe have an audible warning when they are about to retract so you know to let go. Sorry for all the negative stuff but it's just because I want to see this be as good as possible. | 2010-05-14 16:12:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Will play the moment I get home! Great Job! | 2010-05-14 16:21:00 Author: sackish ![]() Posts: 72 |
@mistervista Thank you for your promised and detailled feedback i expected, i expected a few negative stuff even though most of it is from the boss fight. 1-The part on the ship at the beginning was a bit too slow and tedious. Although it was moving back and forth it was obvious it wasn't moving because the clouds never moved which kind of ruined the effect. Ok, maybe ill find a way to fix this maybe there shouldn't be clouds there at all, ill see about this problem, 2-The character names throughout the story I find annoying. Especially Russel. I'm guessing you're parodying russelsmuscles. He was extremely annoying at the time and I don't want to ever hear of him again, let alone see him given a starring role in your rpg. You're making him more famous than he was infamous. Also your reference to steve big guns again just spoils the story. I'd much rather you used made up names. Not many people have noticed it yet, but actually almost all the important character in the story are based on people in lbp that i know (mainly people that helped me creating), or just very famous (or infamous) people in lbp, thence the strange names...but i think i wanted the player to hate the villain so thats why i chose russel -_- his character is supposed to be a classic villain like kefka, sephiroth... 3-After going up on the elevator I walked off it and fell through the floor to where it started from. I then had to pop and I respawned on a field somewhere before a battle tutorial against a chocobo. Don't know if I missed a load of story there or not. Thanks for telling this!! I already noticed this yesterday and also fixed this, it was due to a thick material in the background that you couldn't see. You only missed about 5 seconds. 4-The prize bubble under the bridge seemed impossible to get without dying. Not a fan of that. Ok. I did it most of the time without dying but i guess it depends. Ill just lower the gas I almost threw the controller at the cat and I quit the level in frustration. Lol. Anyways if you played until the boss fight you played about 30% of the level. As far as the rest of the other thoughts are concerned, im sorry. To be honest i didn't exept the level to play 100% perfectly, because i had a lack of level testing, it would take me 1hour everytime i test the level. I published a locked beta vesion for my friends to test but that wasn't good enough either. But remember what i did with chapter 1? I published the first buggy version of it and it got 3 stars but a ridiculous ammount of comments (i think over 1000), so that allowed me to improve the level and publish a more recent version and it got 4 stars and a much bigger succes. I kinda planned to do the same with this part too, so except alot of improvements. -As far as the bosss is concerned.. alot of people complained about that too, i wanted it to be hard and super epic, but maybe making the player die every 2 seconds is a bit too ridiculous ...:blush: What i have to do is to re-create the fire attack and the ice attack completely anew. -English isn't my first language, actually it's my third language and im 15. Therefore my grammar is bad sorry. Maybe someone would correct all my speech bubble but i doubt it. -I like the idea of the audible warning just before your turn is over, that is very possible. | 2010-05-14 19:37:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
Hmm, okay level. The idea of fitting such a big idea into a little level is thinking outside the box. I mean, making a RPG level in LBP? And it worked, so congrats. Making such a long level, however, does come with sacrifices. I can see how many people won't complete your level (I believe there was arround 1,000 plays, but 90 completions?). With that said, your level felt a little bit boring. The story was a little confusing (I DID play the first one). Alot of grammar errors. etc. I did love the battle system, and the option to leave where you left off. That's pretty genius stuff, so kudos on that. The visuals were bland (I understand it had to be bland to make it long), but had an "RPG feel" which was nice. Overall, it was okay. It will only appeal to a oh-so-many ammount of people though, because it was verry long. I gave it three stars. Can you leave feedback on Farewell Ruins of the Moon: Chapter One (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=26787-Farewell-Ruins-of-the-Moon-Chapter-One) by AbstractSam? Thanks. | 2010-05-14 23:18:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
I wish I can enjoy this level as much as the first installment but I found it to be okay![]() ![]() ![]() Since this is and F4F, play my levels and give me feedbacks if you get an chance [I recommend "The Hero Quest" level series to you]. | 2010-05-15 01:58:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
WOW, that looks awesome! Even if I'm not a big fan of Final Fantasy, this still looks pretty epic to play! | 2010-05-15 06:22:00 Author: Woflgod ![]() Posts: 295 |
Ok. I finally was able to make a huge update i hope it makes the level more fun for those who complained and i also have added a few new stuff - The boss fight that was frustrating/messed up has been improved. The ice attack is different because the ice blocks are emmited on the thin layers and therefore won't kill the player every 2 seconds. The fire emmits less often and on specific layers only so you are able to dodge it. - There was a joke in the level that involved a man on the Landonium Steppes being homo, this was deleted due to people considering it offensive. -An epic 2 minutes intro cutscene has been added prior to the former intro, to avoid confusion on the story. It explains who the godess is and her role in the story, because she was not very much mentionned in chapter 1 EDIT: I also deleted a few parts of the intro aswell as the cutscene in the airship to keep the gameplay more fluid as there will be less cutscenes. Multiple hints have been added in the city part if you are confused where to go next and like i said the difficulty has been lowered especially at the boss fight. Tell me if its better or not or if it still needs improvements. (PS: I hope the people that gave up on the boss may give it another try) | 2010-05-16 18:35:00 Author: thi766 ![]() Posts: 135 |
Yeah youve smashed it with this series, im looking foreward to seeing how put LBP2 into use, I only hope the thermo in that game is limitless... | 2010-09-04 02:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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