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Swords Swords. more swords and then some.

Archive: 2 posts

ive been on little big planet for a looong time. played the beta it was great, and my talent in this game is really making swords. im good with costumes 2 but i dont share them with the public.

well im going to list some of the swords i have and maybe i can peak some interest and get a few new fans.

well first off i dont keep my stuff on for very long usualy i take stuff out and put new stuff in. but pretty much the main swords that people like are the first tsurgi and zacks buster. i honestley think there the best in lbp, but there just swords. i got a few swords from bleach and naruto, i got zabuzas sword ( usable ) its pretty legit.

hmm i got alot of levels for just sword fighting, my newest one is the tesla areas. there also pretty tight, i would show pics but i dont got a camera. also a while back i made an ai dummy, and there pretty fun to kill with swords. hmmm..

all i can say is that, if your a fan of swords, or anime, or zombies? i think i got the most origional zombie lv in lbp also,
(just saying) well if you like any of that check out my levels.

i also make custom whatever, if anyone wants a cool logo or anything, there fun to make and show off ftw.

hmm... ya.. well just went by to check lbp2, it looks f'n awsome. ya maybe this is your one opportunity to check out my levels. there kinda isolated with the 2 million bomb survival levels -_-
2010-05-11 00:09:00

Posts: 5

If the were 2 million bomb survivals then you're saying that every level that currently exists is a bomb survival. 2010-05-11 00:27:00

Posts: 3607

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