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Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers

Archive: 9 posts

Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert SwimmersApeCheese

Here is a clubhouse with membership open to anyone willing & able to reach it. However, even if you?re willing, you probably won?t be able to reach it. To get there you must swim carefully past scores of highly sensitive impact explosives & evade the blood thirsty predators of the sea.

There are stickers hidden throughout the level, which when placed on the scoreboard unlock different features & game modes, including a boat, with scuba gear to hunt for treasure & explore the ocean floor.

I've gone out of my way to make this a tough level to beat & the notion that no one will ever make it past the explosives fills me with glee but, I assure you, once you?ve figured it out its actually pretty easy.

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcD5xg3JVI/AAAAAAAAABc/bTZ1hqg9K2w/A%20Photo.jpg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcEATWB00I/AAAAAAAAABk/B5O7IqdK00Q/A%20Photo.jpg

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcEQIGNCFI/AAAAAAAAAB0/9tb0upHBFQ8/A%20Photo.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcET99hwsI/AAAAAAAAAB8/8CEgYx4GJ9U/A%20Photo.jpg

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcEGENQ5CI/AAAAAAAAABs/LmD11FnZRdE/A%20Photo.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TEcDv6r16lI/AAAAAAAAABU/PdL_PzLrREI/A%20Photo.jpg
2010-05-10 08:21:00

Posts: 369


Also my friend OneEyedBanshee added a turtle....
...and helped stick my whale in the background.
2010-05-15 02:25:00

Posts: 369

this is an exercise in controller snapping frustration. but a good one.


Don't hug the Blowfish.
2010-08-01 10:30:00

Posts: 879

Lol seems to be a funny level! I will check it out soon!2010-08-01 14:45:00

Posts: 1990

Here are the current stickers that unlock bonus features when placed on the scoreboard at the start of Howth Beach, some of them are found in my levels, my friend?s levels & just levels that I admire.

1.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFX6u0P0dsI/AAAAAAAAAPE/1r1ZnKxJTqs/A%20Photo.jpg 2.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtXzudGUI/AAAAAAAAAOA/7hDUzQ-s_p4/swinging%20silhouette%20poster 3.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtT919qBI/AAAAAAAAALw/28qWTBolcS8/Beach%20Pass.jpg 4.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtUIPGjLI/AAAAAAAAAL4/rnexlx8-Cp0/Mr.%20Beaver%20plotting%20mischief.jpg
5.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtVCFzB5I/AAAAAAAAAMo/Eln8VyUmp28/Yearbook%20Picture.jpg 6.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtUeEBMII/AAAAAAAAAMI/WEChG_EmhZo/You%20wouldn%27t%20like%20me%20when%20I%27m%20angr y.jpg 7.http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtUsUrzRI/AAAAAAAAAMQ/-3aO2j_mYOU/Hammered%20Drunk%21.jpg 8.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtVN6DpgI/AAAAAAAAAMc/4cT8U18owio/Vault%20key.jpg
9.http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtUwQiZVI/AAAAAAAAAMU/Wh9bRAJJxBg/Group%20Photo.jpg 10.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtVnfudLI/AAAAAAAAAM0/o5EazWNg0FA/ShaynaMac%20on%20the%20attack.jpg 11.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtVmUG-NI/AAAAAAAAAMs/Bo8L9ICDqlw/Death%20before%20dishonour%21.jpg 12.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFYTPdnKavI/AAAAAAAAAPM/yle_G7_Tptg/Rwitzofsky45%20%26%20I.jpg
13.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtWRBZTjI/AAAAAAAAAM8/G7Bowe9XUwc/%E4%BC%9A%E5%93%A1%E8%A8%BC.jpg 14.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtW8YXH0I/AAAAAAAAANM/Cf5lOV_uaxw/Industrial%20Caution%20Sticker.jpg 15.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtXA5SsTI/AAAAAAAAANg/9d7bgF0GaQw/A%20Photo.jpg 16.http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtWvn0c0I/AAAAAAAAANE/ZPf2st04cmk/A%20Photo.jpg
17.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtWzo0afI/AAAAAAAAANY/R56tiEJ8eoE/A%20Photo.jpg 18.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtXVpvVJI/AAAAAAAAANo/zVO6Xmq_mVc/A%20Photo.jpg 19.http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtXmk6eUI/AAAAAAAAANs/1SCsrpFNPaM/A%20Photo.jpg 20http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtXtEqHqI/AAAAAAAAAN0/CU1yMor4NZM/A%20Photo.jpg
21.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtT02Q3OI/AAAAAAAAALo/wDO7vJ1w_O0/Scoreboard%20Sticker%20%2321.jpg 22.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtUCgfBnI/AAAAAAAAAMA/yt7Vvz76qi0/Scoreboard%20Sticker%20%2322.jpg 23http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFYTTocJorI/AAAAAAAAAP4/H3umBzBGRrA/Eggy_555.jpg 24http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtYcdtbDI/AAAAAAAAAOQ/vkraQnrX8sw/4TH%20XXAO%20BANKAI%20PIC.jpg
25.http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtYNcBOyI/AAAAAAAAAOI/-GFbMR8UDIo/The%20Mage%20that%20once%20Moo%27d.jpg 26.http://lh5.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtY0IU0fI/AAAAAAAAAOg/wzrc8awq1Zg/Y%20E%20L%20L%20O%20W%20%20F%20A%20C%20E.jpg 27http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtYkQAMcI/AAAAAAAAAOY/PD41FEjEI8M/Time%20Trial.jpg 28http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtZnEyZUI/AAAAAAAAAOw/1cJaTmLgTt0/A%20Photo.jpg
29http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtZOC49pI/AAAAAAAAAOo/uV4C2R1gfP0/A%20Photo.jpg 30 http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtZVrcT9I/AAAAAAAAAOs/T5r5LINB2rU/A%20Photo.jpg 31http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFbKTXxeEkI/AAAAAAAAAQU/WujnHCRAlss/They%20called%20him....%20ApeCheese.jpg 32http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Zpmq97-CMWU/TFXtZCUlj1I/AAAAAAAAAP0/TJBEh44igBM/A%20Photo.jpg

1. Beach Pass ? by ApeCheese ? given away to a few friends (I deleted my copy so I had to make a second one)
2. swinging silhouette poster - found at Post-apocalyptic by anpostteller
3. Beach Pass ? found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
4. Mr. Beaver plotting mischief - found at Mr. Beaver Says No! by ApeCheese
5. Yearbook Picture ? found at The Vault by ApeCheese
6. You wouldn?t like me when I?m angry ? found at The Vault by ApeCheese
7. Hammered Drunk! ? found at The Vault by ApeCheese
8. Vault key ? found at The Vault by ApeCheese
9. Group Photo - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
10. ShaynaMac on the attack - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
11. Death before dishonour! - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
12. Rwitzofsky45 & I - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
13. (Japanese characters) - found at (Japanese characters)LBP(Japanese characters) ver.1.1 by IKORINGO
14. Industrial Caution Sticker - found at INSECTOIDS:LBP2 Arcade Shooter by M_R_Enigma
15. A Photo - found at hi fi?s sticker museum by hi-fi_genius
16. A Photo - found at Dragons Lair by OneEyedBanshee
17. A Photo - found at Dragons Lair by OneEyedBanshee
18. A Photo - found at 3 Pro Challenges. by creator68hell
19. A Photo ? found at The Elusive City..(BUBBLE CHALLENGE) by SalamiTurd
20. A Photo ? found at My Very Own Sticker Shop1 by Rwitzofsky45
21. Scoreboard Sticker #21 - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese (sticker designed by Luxran85)
22. Scoreboard Sticker #22 - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
23. Eggy_555 ? found at Fun land by Eggy_555
24. L0v3M/4TH XXAO BANKAI PIC - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese (sticker designed by lovemath)
25. The Mage that once Moo?d - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese (sticker designed by Moocow701)
26. Y E L L O W F A C E ? found at funky face stickers! by Geno-03
27. Time Trial - found at Infinity Spires ? HARD - 1 PLAYER by SLS10
28. A Photo - found at LBP(Japanese characters)! (Japanese Characters) by IKORINGO
29. A Photo - found at sack toy ????????.. great platform lvl by simple_sack
30. A Photo - found at A Life Of Crime by A_Morton
31. They called him.... ApeCheese - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese
32. A Photo - found at Howth Beach and Clubhouse for Expert Swimmers by ApeCheese (designed by creator68hell)
2010-08-02 03:49:00

Posts: 369

Wow, so many extras. that's awesome. I thought there was just the post-apocalyptic sticker, the time trial sticker and the yearbook sticker. Your levels are filled with so many secrets which I love. 2010-08-02 03:58:00

Posts: 5208

The great thing about ApeCheese's levels are that he makes what HE wants to make. If others can't work it out, thats their problem. XD A really great creator and a good friend.

Anyway, the level is great. Tricky in places (as usual for you!) but altogether wonderful. The Gorillaz scene turned out great and was a highlight of the level.
2010-08-02 04:15:00

Posts: 1477

Thanks for the kind words guys & a HUGE thanks to Memodrix for recording my level, too bad my failure to reach the end of the race is forever documented in the annals of youtube. I still have a lot of stuff I want to add to the level, like that "Duck Hunt" bit I've mentioned to some people, but I'm completely burnt out on that Beach level for now so it'll have to wait...2010-08-04 00:59:00

Posts: 369

Wow, that video really makes this level look visually appealing. The bottom of the body of water there ... just awesome. Definitely giving this one a go.2010-08-08 18:57:00

Posts: 1154

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