PlayStation Move
Archive: 13 posts
http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/mc_large.jpg http://us.playstation.com/ps3/playstation-move/ I saw it in GameInformer and I was like WHAT sony's trying to copy nintendo?! But then I started to read more of the article and it sounds pretty awesome. It uses light tracking with the PS Eye to track the controller, whether it's pitch black or really bright in the room. Also, the light it uses to track the controller can also change colors, for example if you are full health it would be green, then it could turn from that to yellow then to red to display the player's health. It's got gyroscopes, speedometers, bluetooth and stuff in both controllers and can track the controller really well, and unlike the Wii, it can track almost perfectly where the controller is, so instead of flicking your wrist to hit something, with the Move, you'd move it just like you would in real life. So pretty much like Wii motion plus without setting your controller down on a flat surface every 5 minutes lol. And with the hardware of the PS3, it will be way awesomer than the Wii. I'm looking forward to seeing the games that will be compatible for it, and I bet the shooting games will be epic. And btw lbp will be compatible ![]() discuss. | 2010-05-10 03:04:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
Enjoy Wii Sports - in HD!!! Yeah, I'm waiting for something truly cool, but I'm not holding my breath. It also looks like some bizarre sex toy. | 2010-05-11 00:29:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
It also looks like some bizarre sex toy. lol.. WHY...? | 2010-05-11 00:41:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
O.O ... ... ... lol? | 2010-05-12 02:11:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Enjoy Wii Sports - in HD!!! Yeah, I'm waiting for something truly cool, but I'm not holding my breath. It also looks like some bizarre sex toy. Wasn't there a forum like this one? ![]() | 2010-05-15 02:22:00 Author: Shockwave4 ![]() Posts: 200 |
I am hugely interested in this forthcoming machine. My thoughts are on record (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=12088-Motion-Controls-Natal-PS-Motion-Controller-Wii-Motion-Plus). There are strong reasons to reserve excitement. - It requires a great deal of extra hardware which instantly prevents it from being the household object it needs to be in order to motivate big-budget AAA titles that utilize it exclusively. - The only reason it even exists is because the Wii is so ridiculously popular. So yeah, expect a bunch of crappy minigame compilations. Move Party. Move Sports. etc. There are, however, also strong reasons to BE excited. - Like it or not, motion control may just be the future of videogames. There's a long way to go, but if you feel like videogames are sort of stagnated right now, this may just give you something new. - There's a chance we may see more than just older games rehashed with new controls and minigames and small-budget titles. We may just see a major killer app at some point. And it may be a little something like this: A first-person adventure game - imagine it's a descendent of Half Life, Bioshock, Penumbra, Oblivion, Deus Ex and Myst. This game is all about your immersion in your environment. You use the controllers to interact with EVERYTHING. It is a wide, open, beautiful world. Every object and every door is able to be interacted with fully using the motion controls. There's a floating 3d cursor onscreen that shows where your character's "hand" is. You can pick up an item, bring it close to you, and rotate it fully to examine in. If it has a lid, you can open it up, pour out the insides. Imagine how something like "alchemy" might work - instead of combining items in menus, you physically combine them intuitively. Imagine this isn't some separate "minigame", but just part of the game's overall system of physics and interactivity. Imagine bringing up the map screen. You have pens you can use to mark on it - a technique we've seen utilized in zelda games on the DS. Now imagine it with the Move in HD. Make notes, mark buried treasure and secret areas and if you come across a land of fearsome monsters beyond your abilities, mark it on the map: "here be dragons". Imagine holding and aiming a flashlight or a flaming torch in the darkness. Imagine the swordfighting simulation. I'd love to see us get away from fps and gun shooting games and get more into adventure, exploration, environmental interactivity. I really hope some developers out there spend a great deal of R&D trying out every possible control scheme using these controllers until they come up with something profound. I've seen the things in action, and I think the possibility is there for something truly amazing and immersive to come out of it. I have no idea if we're going to see that come to fruition in the Move's life however. I think it's an uphill battle. | 2010-05-18 10:36:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
To all those people whiningh with yer "Oh but its just a copy of the Wii-mote" ya mayve it it, maybe not, who cares?! If no game or game console ever copied anything from another, all consoloes would suck, probably be trash, along with the games, so what if something take a bit of something else, if it makes it better, then isn't that good?! Sheesh, no one mentions how Projec NATAL (or whatever) Copies PS EYE technology either, what's up with that? Well whatever, just remember that taking an idea and making it better is usually good in a lot of situations... | 2010-05-18 10:50:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
i am not been a fan of the wii and so with the Natal and move and going to keep my eye on but not really fuss about it and continue to move my conputer game characters with the power of my thumbs | 2010-05-18 11:21:00 Author: monkeymagic ![]() Posts: 71 |
To all those people whiningh with yer "Oh but its just a copy of the Wii-mote" ya mayve it it, maybe not, who cares?! If no game or game console ever copied anything from another, all consoloes would suck, probably be trash, along with the games, so what if something take a bit of something else, if it makes it better, then isn't that good?! Sheesh, no one mentions how Projec NATAL (or whatever) Copies PS EYE technology either, what's up with that? Well whatever, just remember that taking an idea and making it better is usually good in a lot of situations... Project Natal looks like it's doing more than PS Eye could ever do. Move looks like it's going to support the same sorts of software as the Wii. God, I feel like I'm being a total bummer. But I just can't help but feel I've seen this wave of excitement years ago, with the Wii. People will inevitably be let down when they find that waving the controller is nowhere near as.. visceral? As they would like it to be. It's just impossible to do, without possible attachments. Swords won't swing with weight (in fact, nothing has weight), writing or drawing offers no resistance like paper does which I find to be crucial. I am prepared to eat my words if I am disproved but I dunno. We'll see. I do love my Wii though. Monster Hunter Tri <3 | 2010-05-18 11:29:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
Well whatever, just remember that taking an idea and making it better is usually good in a lot of situations... I think that's the real thing to pay attention to here. The Move is clearly capable of impressive stuff that is really impossible on the wii, even with the motion-plus on the job (which is sort of high-maintenance, requiring frequent re-calibrations and still with that tiny hot-spot toward the sensor bar that's actually capable of "point" controls). The Move in fact is such a drastic step forward for motion controls that I'm quite excited about it. I think it's by far the best solution yet presented for console motion controls. I'm really hoping that with the glowing orbs we won't have to constantly be "pointing" them at the screen as with the wii-remote as well, which is incredibly uncomfortable for longer games. Nintendo desperately needs some hard competition in this department, because they've been pretty content to sit around and sell more and more crap for years without directly competing with ANYONE at all. This elevates the game. Nintendo's going to have to replace the Wii with an HD system and better motion tech. Sony may eventually bundle all PS3s with Move controllers and Eyetoys depending on how they're able to pull this thing off. We'll see though... it's a lot more plastic gadgety crap to buy and plug in and set up. And did I mention buy? It bears repeating. | 2010-05-18 11:29:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Project Natal looks like it's doing more than PS Eye could ever do. Move looks like it's going to support the same sorts of software as the Wii. Haha,i expected, suspected and anticipated someone saying this actually! ![]() Yer just supporting my point there m8 ![]() Why? I never said Natal wasn't different/ better/ worse, i just said it was based on the same technology, (your answer had nothing to do with mine actually), just like the Move is BASED on the same tech, let me put it to you this way, PSEye is to Project Natal what the Wiimote is to the PS Move You het what i'm saying? Oh and btw, I remember there were some games that used the PSEye in a similar way Natal is used actually ![]() Eh, what's this i see below that? (Not wnough space) | 2010-05-20 01:58:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Eh what's this i see below that? I just can't help but feel I've seen this wave of excitement years ago, with the Wii. People will inevitably be let down when they find that waving the controller is nowhere near as.. visceral? As they would like it to be. It's just impossible to do, without possible attachments. Swords won't swing with weight (in fact, nothing has weight), writing or drawing offers no resistance like paper does which I find to be crucial. Wait, you say that, yet you're suporting NATAL? I don't know about you, but i believe weilding an object (PSMove) would at least feel more realistic than walking around with an imaginary gun. sword/ whatever. Tbh, i think i controler based mechanism is way better than a hand's free one, sure a camera that can scan and follow movements sounds all all tech and fancy, but can you really imagine yourself using it? I don't it would just feel weird and akward. i rather have some sort of controller/ remote in my hands tbh. | 2010-05-20 01:59:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Natal I see more as a whole interface thing, I don't see it being used well in games. Didn't mean to give that impression. And yes, I can see myself using it to navigate menus and stuff. It's being designed with that purpose, yes? | 2010-05-20 02:19:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
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