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1 Player Only Device

Archive: 9 posts

It seems that I've made a 1 Player Only Entrance Gate by accident. I wanted to create a checkpoint that got destroyed for my Lockbox, so if you got something wrong, you died and got the 'You've ran out of lives' message. That didn't work. However, when my friend came round, I showed him, and as the Entrance Gate dissapeared so did he, leaving me, player one left.

Is this useful at all? The other player(s) come back if you activate a checkpoint (levels are hard to make without them, especially since the entrance gate gets destroyed, meaning you'd spawn at the scoreboard). I also wandered if anyone else had made something like this before.

I've published a level with it inside in case anyone wants it, but all it is is a Entrance Gate glued to a square of cardboard, with a sensor switch on it. The cardboard has a brain, and the sensor switch sets a timer, which after 1 second or so (can't remember exactly), kills the brain, destroying the Entrance Gate and any players other than Player 1.

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3971/aphoto22.jpg (http://img706.imageshack.us/i/aphoto22.jpg/)
(^ The level icon sticker ^)
2010-05-09 21:26:00

Posts: 1893

It is possible for two players to spawn at once - possibly making this object completely useless - however, I'll try it out. =)2010-05-09 22:10:00

Posts: 619

Hmm that sounds very interesting. I always wanted a one player entrance for some of my levels.2010-05-10 13:15:00

Posts: 554

i just tried that out. i took a 1 layer thick block of cardboard, put the entrance in it then i put a creature brain(protected) then i made a bit of logic that when the sensor switch noticed me it would activate the brain in 1 second, enough to get me into the lvl, no one else,, i also tested this with multiple controlers on. it works perfectly! it would be very usefull for survival challenges.2010-05-11 01:00:00

Posts: 176

i just tried that out. i took a 1 layer thick block of cardboard, put the entrance in it then i put a creature brain(protected) then i made a bit of logic that when the sensor switch noticed me it would activate the brain in 1 second, enough to get me into the lvl, no one else,, i also tested this with multiple controlers on. it works perfectly! it would be very usefull for survival challenges.

That same sensor switch could be used to activate a similarly set up checkpoint so that all four players could spawn in different points in the level.....theoretically. Could someone test that out?
2010-05-11 19:11:00

Posts: 183

That same sensor switch could be used to activate a similarly set up checkpoint so that all four players could spawn in different points in the level.....theoretically. Could someone test that out?

Oooooh! I'll try it tommorow, you might be on to something. 'Kill your best friend' levels could be so much eaisier! (lol )
2010-05-16 19:03:00

Posts: 1893

I used to have something like this. It worked 99% of the time, but it was a piece of crap. All it was, was a sponge attached to a rubber over a electric pit, it could only support 1 person, and an Require all sensor was placed on the sponge activating the gate across the pit, so only 1 player alive could reach it.

Centurion24's pretty much has the best 1 out there. its compact and perfect.
2010-05-16 19:13:00

Posts: 1125

Alternate solutions:

Emit a start gate from an emitter with a lifetime of, say, 2 seconds. Pause as soon as it emits, and capture the checkpoint. Place it down in the level, save, and play. The checkpoint now destroys itself after those two seconds expire.

Alternate II:

Demit the checkpoint via switch. If you don't know how to do that, try a quick forum search.

2010-05-16 19:46:00

Posts: 5338

The easiest way is to put a directional grab switch on a sponge that's connected to a low-strength piston that's only strong enough to carry one sackboy at a time. When a sackboy gets to the top, you can make a trigger to gas the others.

2010-05-17 20:50:00

Posts: 3251

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