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Hellknight. (( I finished creation for my unfinished level. ))

Archive: 2 posts

I made this roughly 6 months or so ago.
Usually the Hellknight's flaming, and running straight at you, this is it's "Working" size.
If you make it any smaller, it fails to move properly, it'll either faceplant or start running into the sky like that squirrel from 'Bible Games'.
Make it any bigger and it works just fine, keep on increasing that scale to around 2x it's actual size and it'll fly around the entire 'Create' space you have, it's like, the perfect mixture of light and heavy materials, I was proud when I took out a friend's custom pirate ship in and empty but half filled with water level. (( That's right, this elemental can swim. c: ))

Like said, it did take many hours to make, it wasn't one of those "I have an idea of what I'm building" moments, it just sorta popped into mind, and I improvised as I went along. There weren't really any YouTube tutorials, they may have been, but I never checked, cuz' by this time I figured I can make me some legs... that was a very stressful day, making those motors and joints work right was tricky, making it lethal was also shockingly hard, I didn't want to set the entire thing on fire, I wanted to make the Hellknight look freaky, but thoughtful at the same time, giving it teeth was just a bonus, the feet take up 1 layer, the foreground layers (( The other 2)) have lethal red gas shaped in the form of the foot, to avoid people running under the Hellknight, (( It's still possible, but you'd have a better chance playing with traffic with no painful outcome )) the gas also adds a nice 'added fiyah-E effect, lately I noticed it gives off a sweet blood effect when it's been destroyed or stuck under water.

The spine/ ribs, which is made of sponge is as you're obviously aware, grabbable.
So let's come back to that later, the whole purpose of the Hellknight was ( in my level ) for it to randomly pop up, run at the player then suddenly disappear, in some cases, actually kill the player's sack, almost like a F.E.A.R. 2 moment, an entity appears, forces you to fire a clip at it, and after all that it does nothing but vanish, etc.
So yeah, at one point in the level, you have the height advantage, and you have to ride the Hellknight out of the complex, then a few other unconfirmed things happen before the level finishes, yada yada.

So yeah, this is my creation, I would like your feedback, and incase your wondering, that level isn't and never will be finished, unless someone wants to give it a shot, I might post up a few things to guide you on how it's s'pose to work, but this is off topic.
Thanks. ;P
2010-05-09 00:00:00

Unknown User

I'll try and get a video up there too. o:2010-05-09 00:39:00

Unknown User

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