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CC11- Artillery gun

Archive: 7 posts


This is my artillery gun.


I tryed to make it very detailed ,but I also wanted that it reload so... I made an automatic reload mechanisms. When you shoot a crane takes a new shell and let it fall in the artillery. Than it push the shell into the gun and you can shoot again. I also used ligts. When is ready to fire its green, if you shoot it goes on red and when it reload it goes on yellow.


There are only two things you need to know. Use the wheel to aim and pull the lever to shoot.


If you want to play my lvl search: Verrott or CC11-Artillery gun. You can also type CC11 and you find it on the first page.

Sorry for the bad english I'm dutch.
2010-05-07 01:25:00

Unknown User

hi Verrott i try a lot of Artillery guns for cc11 and i think yours is the best the design out there.My level is calld cc11 ion tank if u want try it out,i would really appreciated what u think2010-05-07 09:17:00

Posts: 67

Your lucky cause you get all those plays. But on the other hand your gun was very detailed i must say, the controls arent the best but they get the job done. good work!2010-05-07 13:12:00

Posts: 1030

very nice maybe you should make it so it is shareable2010-05-08 20:06:00

Unknown User

very nice maybe you should make it so it is shareable

the design was very nice! the wheel got a little annoying at time to make it completely accurate though
2010-05-08 20:10:00

Posts: 1872

That looks great!2010-05-17 02:27:00

Posts: 369

My god.
That looks amazing.
I'm definitely gonna have to try this level
after school tomorrow.
2010-05-26 05:42:00

Posts: 195

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