LBP In-Game Censorship List
Archive: 51 posts
LBP In-Game Censorship List Explanation & Description of LBP Censorship In LBP, there are many foreign swear words and little-used English swear words that can censor text for seemingly no reason. Censoring applies to magic mouths, text chat, and level comments. LBP censors text by changing the entire text to asterisks(*'s). In LBP, the sentence "Make the computer out of cardboard" becomes "**********************************". UPDATE: After an update in both LBP1 and LBP2, only the individual word is censored. It doesn't let you know which word is censored. Most modern censoring programs would only censor the base word or the word containing the base word, but LBP is different. They use a system that gives every letter a designated number, and it will censor text that possesses the specific numbers in the specific order. It is a system that can cause a lot of frustration and confusion. Other Information: If you publish a level and a magic mouth is censored, and then you copy the level back to your moon to edit the magic mouth, you will have to erase the asterisks and retype everything. If you play an unpublished level on your moon with other players, they see asterisks in censored speech bubbles, but the creator doesn't. You can use this knowledge to prevent censorship in a published level. When you're talking (text chatting) to others, if your speech bubble is censored, it appears as asterisks to anyone else playing with you, but not to the typer. People will often say "censored" to tell the typer when this happens. Censors are somewhat easy to bypass. " S p a c e" out the letters, or "R?pl?c?" letters with foreign characters that you can find with the input mode of the LBP text chat icon. You can also use synonyms for word you want to use, such as "occurred" or "transpired" instead of "happened", a word that is censored. Censored Base Word List analouge canal N/A peacock cockroach woodcock cockatrice immobilize immolate N/A N/A impede stampede centipede N/A penetrate ripened opened deepened dampened... amputate computation disputable deputation N/A N/A trapeze grape scrape sweltering blistering altering watering catering... Stinger crunching hunching launching N/A Censored Base Word Dictionary To ease curiosity, this section is being added, and is still a work in production. It goes over slang or little-used censored base words, and foreign censored base words. Please be mature and use discretion with these words. You may also contribute to this list if you find anything I've missed. pede: N/A pedo: A shortened form of pedophile. pene: A Spanish word for penis. tering: A Dutch word meaning ****. unchi: A japanese word for excrement. puta: A word meaning whore in many languages. immo: N/A pute: A word meaning whore in many languages, like puta. X3: A symbol for sex. osiri: A Japanese word for a person's backside. tinge: A slang word for a section of a woman's reproductive area. chatter: N/A queue: A French word for penis. mange: N/A Credits: This tutorial is a revised list of Odd Censored LBP Words (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=6932-Odd-Censored-LBP-Words). Whaaaaale, its creator, hasn't been updating it for some time. A new thread for my original post here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=6932-Odd-Censored-LBP-Words&p=312294#post312294) was requested by RockSauron. This tutorial was made possible by Whaaaaale, for originally making the thread, and Gilgamesh, for being a great help with the confirmation and analysis of reported censored words. | 2010-05-06 01:44:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
scrape immolate What language is immo, and what does it mean? In Dutch, it means "estate." In Afrikaans, it means "real estate." Tering is Spanish for "orientation?" Like sexual orientation or like the first day at work you go to orientation? Why would that be censored? Puter is Norwegian for "pillows." Tinge is Italian for dyes. Queue is French for a bunch of words: tail, rear, male genitalia. Wait.... they use the same word for rear and male genitalia? Um.... Fun with google translate. | 2010-05-06 04:37:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
It also sensors Simmons. Haha. This is mostly only funny to me... right mrsupercomputer? ![]() | 2010-05-06 05:32:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
LBP In-Game Censorship List Good stuff. I don't think the separate spoiler tags are really necessary. How about just having the base word at the top, and then a few examples of common words underneath? You're also missing a few which are in Whaaaaale's version, although that might be because the forum software doesn't like them. If so, I guess it's okay to bypass the language filter in this case, as this is useful info for LBP creators, but I'm wondering if the entire word list should go into a single spoiler tag. What language is immo, and what does it mean? In Dutch, it means "estate." In Afrikaans, it means "real estate." "immo" is also apparently an English slang term for "immigrant", but I'm not sure if that's the reason. Tering is Spanish for "orientation?" Like sexual orientation or like the first day at work you go to orientation? Why would that be censored? "tering" is a generic Dutch expletive, although originally meant "tuberculosis". Puter is Norwegian for "pillows." The base word there is "pute" which is French for "whore". Tinge is Italian for dyes. "tinge" is apparently an English slang term for the perineum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineum) although apparently only on a female. The male equivalent is apparently "taint" which is not censored. That's just sexist. ![]() The Urban Dictionary (http://www.urbandictionary.com/) is probably one of the best references for these things. It also sensors Simmons. Haha. This is mostly only funny to me... right mrsupercomputer? ![]() Also causes a problem for mnimmo1986 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?4602-mnimmo1986). ![]() | 2010-05-06 13:18:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
[...]You're also missing a few which are in Whaaaaale's version, although that might be because the forum software doesn't like them.[...] For the record, I've re-tested some of the words that were on Whaaaaale's list and found that a few were not actually censored in LBP. I've brought this to Incinerator22's attention and he removed them from the list. There were a lot of false-positives in the old thread and I didn't systematically check every one of them. | 2010-05-06 15:55:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I disliked the whole censoring all together. thankfully items in a level or level its self is censored by the players. like if a nude character lets say a lab clone floating in a tube. sure its nude but its done tasteful in a artistic way. it probably wont get flaged as long as the maker gave a M warning. that gives me a idea. that gives me a idea. when we published a level we should have a option to put a rateing on the level like E for every one to mature. that way your warned. | 2010-05-06 17:27:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
For the record, I've re-tested some of the words that were on Whaaaaale's list and found that a few were not actually censored in LBP. I've brought this to Incinerator22's attention and he removed them from the list. There were a lot of false-positives in the old thread and I didn't systematically check every one of them. Cool. I tested a few myself, such as "puter" should be "pute" for the base word, but I was planning to test the lot at some point. | 2010-05-06 17:58:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
"immo" is also apparently an English slang term for "immigrant", but I'm not sure if that's the reason. "tinge" is apparently an English slang term for the perineum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perineum) although apparently only on a female. The male equivalent is apparently "taint" which is not censored. That's just sexist. ![]() Wow. Never heard of any of these. Are they specific to the UK or the US, or are they ubiquitous in the English language? | 2010-05-06 20:04:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Wow. Never heard of any of these. Are they specific to the UK or the US, or are they ubiquitous in the English language? I've never heard them used either, so I've no idea. I'm just going by the Urban Dictionary. ![]() | 2010-05-06 20:29:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
I wasn't sure if adding reason to the censored base words was necessary, but I think I will. Gilgamesh already did a lot of hunting in whaaaaale's thread. EDIT: I made it, but specifically, I can't find definitive reasons behind "immo", "chatter", "tering", "pede", or "mange". I don't think the separate spoiler tags are really necessary. How about just having the base word at the top, and then a few examples of common words underneath? I used this structure because it seems more convenient, and shows the base word to anyone that just wants to scroll through the long base word list. The spoilers are secondary lists to see other commonly used words that use that base word. You're also missing a few which are in Whaaaaale's version, although that might be because the forum software doesn't like them. A few people were posting words that weren't actually censored, like scum, humpty, unremovable. Cool. I tested a few myself, such as "puter" should be "pute" for the base word, but I was planning to test the lot at some point. Puter is a term for a woman's reproductive organ, which caused multiple reasonings in whaaaaale's thread. I'll update the list. | 2010-05-08 03:33:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Did MM really have to bother with censoring obscure foreign obscenities? I mean, I'm not sure how many people are like, "Darn, this foils my plans for a level with Mexican whores and Italian excrement!"........ Basic English ones I can understand.. But really. | 2010-05-25 08:45:00 Author: KablooieKablam ![]() Posts: 364 |
AFAIK the censoring system is Sony's brainchild, not Mm's. The reason foreign words are censored is because they couldn't be bothered to censor the words only in their proper language, so all words are censored in all languages for everyone. It's not just people who speak English who play LBP. | 2010-05-25 12:27:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
This was great thanks, I had the word "happened" in my level and for the life of me could not figure out what was wrong with my magic mouth, I realized I said hell at first, but after I changed that to pancake it was still giving me grief, now people will finally be able to understand what was said. | 2010-05-26 07:06:00 Author: ElementalPenguin ![]() Posts: 83 |
It just seems that if they're going to go to the trouble to censor every naughty word in any language ever, they might as well figure out how to make it not censor words like "computer". | 2010-05-27 01:29:00 Author: KablooieKablam ![]() Posts: 364 |
What i can't understand is why they still allow words like (sorry if ya don't like mah bad language) (All the words i wanted to say were blocked!) except scrotum! Darn... i was hoping those weren't blocked on LBPC... but i guess mods keep it clean! lol | 2010-06-01 02:42:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
There are lots of bad words they surprisingly do allow, but it's probably best not to list them. | 2010-06-05 10:06:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
how come i cant even get to write computer ?? i mean pute doesnt mean anything if thats the offence... same for wtf | 2010-06-10 03:28:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
how come i cant even get to write computer ?? i mean pute doesnt mean anything if thats the offence... same for wtf "pute" is a foreign swear word and the "f" in "wtf" is a swear word. You can write "wth" though. | 2010-06-10 22:36:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
This isn't too much of a necro is it? I found your mysterious words on urban dictionary Immo - The English slang word for an illegal immigrant, which is a lower lifeform spawned from Asia or Eastern Europe. Usually gathering in large groups in City Centres. Pede - French slang for homosexual. Comes from the word Pederaste (a man who has sexual relations with a boy), and is considered derogatory Mange - I best not put the real definiton for this but its basically a female part that is "infected" Chatter- This is a bit confusing, it could be chewing tobbaco or someone who talks to people they never met online all the time O.o I guess we are somewhat chatter ?!?!? ![]() I hope i helped | 2010-07-29 06:57:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
[...] Chatter- This is a bit confusing, it could be chewing tobbaco or someone who talks to people they never met online all the time O.o I guess we are somewhat chatter ?!?!? ![]() I hope i helped It's confusing because it's wrong. The censored word is "chatte", not "chatter". "Chatte" is a well-known french slang. What's tragic is that it also simply means "female cat". I can only imagine the French-speaking LBP community trying to talk about their favorite pets and it being censored for this reason (again, silently and without telling the "offender" why it happened). | 2010-07-29 12:09:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Waw, didn't have an idea that many words were forbidden. But if you need to use those words, what can you do then? | 2010-07-30 01:09:00 Author: snaker ![]() Posts: 68 |
Waw, didn't have an idea that many words were forbidden. But if you need to use those words, what can you do then? From the initial post: Censors are somewhat easy to bypass. " S p a c e" out the letters, or "R?pl?c?" letters with foreign characters that you can find with the input mode of the LBP text chat icon. That's really the only thing that can be done. Either that or find a synonym to the word you're trying to use. | 2010-07-30 01:20:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I find it, and i'm sorry to say this, A bit of hypocrite from MM's side. But probably they have a good reason for it... | 2010-07-30 23:38:00 Author: snaker ![]() Posts: 68 |
I find it, and i'm sorry to say this, A bit of hypocrite from MM's side. But probably they have a good reason for it... I must stress that, like I mentioned in a previous post, all of the information I have seen points to this being Sony's creation, or at the very least something Sony commissioned. They do have a good reason for censoring words (although some of these are a stretch even once you know what they mean), but the implementation could not have been more amateurish. Whoever approved of this design should be deeply ashamed of themselves, but my guess is they don't care. | 2010-07-31 01:32:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
You know what i dont get, were getting a computer costume in LBP2 i believe! Will the costume be blurred out! ![]() | 2010-07-31 01:33:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
You know what i dont get, were getting a computer costume in LBP2 i believe! Will the costume be blurred out! ![]() Maybe they'll just put two dots on it so that it becomes a comp?ter, like I do. ![]() For some reason, I always think of mrsupercomputer when this word comes up. Does it even show his name when he chats or joins a game, or does it go all "******" ? ![]() | 2010-07-31 01:41:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Maybe they'll just put two dots on it so that it becomes a comp?ter, like I do. ![]() For some reason, I always think of mrsupercomputer when this word comes up. Does it even show his name when he chats or joins a game, or does it go all "******" ? ![]() I sense total failure. I do hope in the language that pute is a swear word that they don't use the word computer for computers, or we should file a class action suit against Sony for them being idiots. | 2010-07-31 23:15:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
FUDGE !! I hate the censoring ! You look like a right pancake saying stuff like o p e n e d and h a p p e n e d in a level ! You might a well put " fankoo fur plaez meh level ! teh cuddlez maek teh bebbehs crie...." But seriosuly the person who made the censoring needs to get off his bottom and do something ... I received a unfliltered psn message with a load of "f" and alot of "s" inside and it was completely unfiltered ! Why not censor those instead of computer , I'm hardly gonna mean mean the foreign meaning of the word when I say " enter the computer lab Mr Smith ..." am I ? ![]() | 2010-08-01 10:48:00 Author: G-Hustla ![]() Posts: 81 |
I looked up *unchi* as I had no idea what it means... apparently it's Japanese for pink poop onna stick YAY! came across this while searching tho so be careful. http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/Strangepom/lol.png scam fail... If you look carefully you will see I'm running a Linux OS | 2010-08-05 00:00:00 Author: Strangepom ![]() Posts: 445 |
I still can't believe " tering " was censored ![]() ![]() | 2010-08-20 04:57:00 Author: PixelDinozoors ![]() Posts: 5 |
I once made a sentence in one of my levels that, if I remember correctly, went something like this: "We'd go after them ourselves, but we're only plastic toys." I was never able to find out just why that was censored. | 2010-08-20 05:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, for people asking, pute is French word for whore. And computer in French is ordinateur (or-dee-nah-ter) Queue is French word for tail, wich is also used as a slang word for penis. You can also say "la queue d'une avion" (the tail of a plane). Pede is slang word for homosexual (still in French). Chatte is the common word for a female cat and for woman privates in French again. But do you often use that word ? People just say cat even for a female cat. I never had any problems with ****** for now. I make levels in English anyways, but my first language is French. Whatever, it is lame... | 2010-09-21 23:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i never had any problems with ****** for now. I make levels in english anyways, but my first language is french. Whatever, it is lame... oh the irony | 2010-09-21 23:46:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
I'm surprised someone has done all this. Probably to discover the disturbing truth behind the censorship system.... If there is one [truth] not that [censorship system] ![]() Seriously though. I'll never have to puzzle over censored words again, I can just whip out my laptop and find this page. [I'll never have to puzzle over censored words again...] Until the truth is discovered! Which will happen around the 18th - 21st January.... Hey! Coinsidence! LBP2 is then! or is it.... | 2011-01-16 13:06:00 Author: mutant_red_peas ![]() Posts: 516 |
It censored "happened." What the fup. | 2011-02-25 23:38:00 Author: lemurboy12 ![]() Posts: 842 |
Why is it that they only sensor words that are in other languages? for example, "osiri" is a Japanese word for a person's backside, if you live in NA like me, coming across a fully japanese person is rare, and when are you ever gonna say that? like 99.9% of the world didnt even know what that word ment. What the SHOULD sensor is words like a** and ********* (lol dirty mouth :3) because those are the most common bad words of the ENGLISH language. | 2011-04-22 18:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
LBP is an international game, with international players who speak all kinds of languages. They have to censor words in all languages. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to detect what language someone is typing in and only censoring words from that language. This being said, at least the censoring has gotten a "tiny bit" better now that it only censors words instead of entire sentences. They still need to learn how to make a whitelist though (I bet even my lazy, overweight cat could do it). After all, we still can't mention "non-digital signals" and "electronic devices that process user inputs and data, and display the results". ![]() | 2011-04-22 21:04:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
It censored "happened." What the fup. I think it's because it has the word 'pene' which is Spanish for... well... you should be able to make a good guess. | 2011-04-23 18:32:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
You said 'puta' is a word for whore in many languages, yet 'whore' is not even censored on lbp. Strange or what? | 2011-04-23 19:59:00 Author: sackruler905 ![]() Posts: 103 |
analouge you mean ana.log or ana.logue [sticks]? | 2011-04-24 20:04:00 Author: Cronos Dage ![]() Posts: 396 |
I had the word p h y s i o t h e r a p i s t censored. I can understand why, the offensive word is there plain as anything... ONCE IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTENTION!! But how many people would even spot that it contains such a term unless it's dragged kicking and screaming to your attention? So now, my movie with th espoken line, "you need to do the exercises set out by the p h y s i o t h e r a p i s t" is censored on the subtitles, immediately bringing anyone's attention to it (and also distracting from the film as the viewers attention is now distracted by trying to figure out what the possible reason for censoring is. In short, this policy draws attention TO swearing/offesivenes rather than hiding it. | 2011-05-23 14:36:00 Author: MuddledMuppet ![]() Posts: 115 |
I had the word p h y s i o t h e r a p i s t censored. I can understand why, the offensive word is there plain as anything... ONCE IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTENTION!! But how many people would even spot that it contains such a term unless it's dragged kicking and screaming to your attention? So now, my movie with th espoken line, "you need to do the exercises set out by the p h y s i o t h e r a p i s t" is censored on the subtitles, immediately bringing anyone's attention to it (and also distracting from the film as the viewers attention is now distracted by trying to figure out what the possible reason for censoring is. In short, this policy draws attention TO swearing/offesivenes rather than hiding it. It's probably because of the word 'r a p i s t'. Maybe thats why. ![]() | 2011-05-24 16:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It seems to have trouble dealing with long strings of unrecognized words also. The PS3 doesn't let you use Japanese characters if your system lang is set to English, so, when i'd try and review [JPN] stages, i'd try and use romaji, and the result would be stars all the way through. In my stage, i hadn't realized it was censoring the word "chatter" until my wife and i tried playing through on her account, and, yep, stars again. And yet, i was playing...what was it...wooden waterfalls, maybe? Some of the comments on that stage are pretty vile. Sure, lots of stars, but the unstarred stuff...was a bit surprised. | 2011-07-13 16:07:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
And yet, i was playing...what was it...wooden waterfalls, maybe? Some of the comments on that stage are pretty vile. Sure, lots of stars, but the unstarred stuff...was a bit surprised. Of course; the censoring system is reserved for the truly despicable words like "Osiris" and "Computer". ![]() And don't even think of mentioning the word "Analog" near sensitive ears. ![]() | 2011-07-13 16:32:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
OMG! I had W T F censored | 2011-07-17 13:43:00 Author: comeroiroc ![]() Posts: 157 |
It also sensors Simmons. Haha. This is mostly only funny to me... right mrsupercomputer? ![]() Now try to make a Gene Simmons level with all of that random censoring goin' on, eh? | 2011-07-17 14:16:00 Author: madmarsrocks ![]() Posts: 83 |
Funny enough i can say whatever i want in LBP 1&2 and for some reason the laws of censorship don't apply, no joke. Its very strange, the same glitch occurs to me in call of duty i can hear both teams microphones even if i have been muted, i must just be lucky. | 2011-08-06 10:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It's confusing because it's wrong. The censored word is "chatte", not "chatter". "Chatte" is a well-known french slang. What's tragic is that it also simply means "female cat". I can only imagine the French-speaking LBP community trying to talk about their favorite pets and it being censored for this reason (again, silently and without telling the "offender" why it happened). you also have to remeber bich is a female dog however censored for its common slang uses. same as chatte female cat censored for its common uses as slang ![]() | 2011-08-07 06:56:00 Author: RAZZORWIRE ![]() Posts: 63 |
Ah yeah this totally annoys me. You don't need to censor words like opened or happened. DOES MM KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE THESAURUS? ![]() | 2011-08-21 07:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
So that's why all my PSP Speech bubbles have been *breaking*. Thanks you so much for the list, it will help alot! | 2011-08-28 04:56:00 Author: Ricky-III ![]() Posts: 732 |
So that's why I can't say happened! LUDICROUS! Ah, well, could be worse. We could be limited to menu chat, now THAT would suck... | 2012-05-11 16:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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