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Fully Operational Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machines.

Archive: 1 post

Sorry for lack of pictures or video of my DeLoreans.

You can find my DeLoreans (BTTF2 models [Mr. Fusion added to back of car]) by searching my name in LBP.

The Deluxe Delorean is fully stocked with RWD, working headlights/tail-lights, running Delorean engine sounds, 'fluxing' flux capacitor, timed emitting fire trails, timed lighting-up exhaust ports, and bursts of light in front of the DeLorean in the movie.

The Basic DeLorean is only stocked with RWD and a fluxing flux capacitor.

Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
2010-05-04 00:30:00

Posts: 4

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