"Walkabout" Sticker Dilemma (Help needed)
Archive: 8 posts
So recently, I've decided to re-create LittleBigPlanet PSP levels onto PS3. I've chosen to do the Australian level called "Walkabout", a fun and simple level and also the first level of the game. Now obviously I don't have the Australian stickers, so I need to improvise. If you watch the video on YouTube you will see what stickers they use and maybe get an idea what stickers to use instead. If you can think of any stickers to improvise with... that would much appreciated :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDNrumi8_eQ Sincerely Satflik | 2010-05-03 15:40:00 Author: Satflik ![]() Posts: 16 |
Just make the stickers out of materials instead, change to front view and capture with the photo tool. You can't make it transparent though, so the background of the sticker will have to be the material you're stickering it on | 2010-05-03 16:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I agree with Paddy it's the only way you'll get it looking really close to the psp stickers. Having watched the vid seems fairly easy as the stickers, well some have quite simple shapes to them. Feel free to add me and I'll make one as I have gotten into stickering quite a lot of animals recently so kangaroo would be right up my street. | 2010-05-03 16:54:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
Just make the stickers out of materials instead, change to front view and capture with the photo tool. You can't make it transparent though, so the background of the sticker will have to be the material you're stickering it on So.. say I was going to use that sticker that looks like red grass, I would just use a material that's red and shape it into a grass shape? Oh and OneEyedBanshee, I've made the kangaroo and it looks pretty good. Thanks though :] Although I haven't made Bruce yet... that's going to be tough. Your offer sounds great and it would be awesome if you could make the flowers and stuff. But how do you give them to me? | 2010-05-03 18:29:00 Author: Satflik ![]() Posts: 16 |
I don't know your PSN but mine is under my avatar and also it's my username and for extra convenience here it is: OneEyedBanshee lol just add me as a friend on PSN and I can send gift of objects, or join you and make something. There's a few ways, provided your connected online. | 2010-05-03 18:39:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
I'm pretty knew to this forum.. In fact I joined today. So a few things... Do I just go add friend when I'm in the PS3 menu? Then type OneEyedBanshee? Lol sorry ![]() | 2010-05-03 18:51:00 Author: Satflik ![]() Posts: 16 |
It's alright, from the game you can press the PS button, one in between the start and select buttons with PlayStation logo ![]() ![]() | 2010-05-03 18:54:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
Coolcool But there's something wrong with my LittleBigPlanet online.. I need to update Playstation system software. So I'm not sure when I'll be able to send friend request. Soon though :] | 2010-05-03 18:59:00 Author: Satflik ![]() Posts: 16 |
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