Sleigh Bells
Archive: 4 posts
My most anticipated album of 2010 is Sleigh Bells' debut, Treats. Well, barring The Avalanches' new album, but who knows when that'll come out? Never? I doubt they'll be able to clear all the samples... ![]() Anyway. Sleigh Bells is... I guess you could call it noise pop. They just kinda decided to do away with equalizing and push everything into the read. To great success! They recently dropped Tell 'Em, which is to appear on the album. You can get it free on their site, I think http://www.infinitybells.com/ . I've been listening to it on repeat for a while now. Sick stuff. Get ready for loud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kJ05P-71gY I think my other favorite of theirs so far is Crown on the Ground. Also sick. This one is even less equalized, haha. And yes, it is supposed to sound like it does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z8ppcFGPlY Listen through the songs before passing judgement. You really have to listen through them to appreciate it. I can understand if you don't really get it, I'm not being elitist, but it definitely isn't for everyone. Personally I think it's magical. | 2010-05-02 22:33:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
I thought those songs were pretty ****ed cool. Might consider getting the album if it comes out over here![]() | 2010-05-02 22:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Cool, glad I could turn someone on to them! I'd imagine it'll come out in digital form, so you'll have no problem getting it. | 2010-05-03 00:56:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
So their album 'Treats' just came out.. yesterday, I believe. On iTunes. Well, go and get it already! | 2010-05-12 21:59:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
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