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Emotions question

Archive: 13 posts

Do the d-pad emotions have any effect on Sackboys/girls in the game?2008-10-04 18:59:00

Posts: 126

No, they are just for show. 2008-10-04 19:03:00

Unknown User

It would be cool if they made sackboy act diffrent, like if you made sackboy angry he could jump higher2008-10-04 19:07:00

Posts: 43

It would be cool if they made sackboy act diffrent, like if you made sackboy angry he could jump higher

Or slap harder. Lmao we would have a bunch of angry little sackboys running around just so they can hit you harder...
2008-10-04 19:40:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Well it would be cool if they changed his abilities, but I'm happy if they don't. It's just cool anyway. I do wonder if the d-pad buttons could have been put to better use than that, though...2008-10-04 19:44:00

Posts: 126

It'd be interesting, yes. But probably too subject to abuse. People constantly switching emotions to be angry and make that one jump higher, scared to run faster through one section, etc. Really, emotions are just one (surprisingly cute) facet of the social side of the game. And that's just fine.2008-10-04 20:12:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

If you look at their hands they change depending on emotion. Anger = fists and so on.2008-10-04 20:34:00

Posts: 2575

I'd like to see a 'drunk' emote but, alas... maybe for an update.2008-10-04 22:28:00

Posts: 192

They also run different depending on their mood.2008-10-04 22:51:00

Posts: 601

I'd like to see a 'drunk' emote but, alas... maybe for an update.

I'd like to see a sick one, he goes a bit green and gets sick every now and then.
2008-10-04 22:56:00

Posts: 2575

I don't know whether it is just me but I swear my sackboy is more successful in slapping people if you make him emote anger first. Try it....

Cheers QuozL
2008-10-04 22:56:00

Posts: 921

It'd be interesting, yes. But probably too subject to abuse. People constantly switching emotions to be angry and make that one jump higher, scared to run faster through one section, etc
That wouldn't be abuse though, would it? It would just be one way of playing the game. There would be some jumps you couldn't make if you were nervous, or perhaps if you were really scared it made you hold on tighter when your rocket ship is zooming off too fast!

Don't get me wrong, I understand that they'll be a cute and fun way of interacting with LBP, I just wondered if there was a gameplay 'point' to them. I suppose they'll be an effective way of communicating with other players in online play, like smileys!
2008-10-04 23:13:00

Posts: 126

Right, I understand you. It'd be interesting, certainly. But making them balanced would the the hard part. It'd be a cool way to have some added depth, for sure. But I think it's probably adding too much complexity to the control scheme for the target audience. And plus, some people might just like to run around scared or the like, without any downside dragging them down.2008-10-04 23:32:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

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