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Joshofsouls' Epic scoreboards!

Archive: 23 posts

Well, i've gotten into making the scoreboards using the glitch
i've made about 32 and decided to make a thread where you can request them!

i've made a few such as
AWESOME face smiley scoreboard
Trollface scoreboard
Gir scoreboard
My TheZimInvader drawing scoreboard
rainbow scoreboard
FAIL scoreboard
a couple name scoreboards
My multipul faces scoreboard
Here's how the requests work, i can do them pretty quick, depending on the type
So all you got to do is comment on the scoreboard you want, any material, and color.
but if you need comples ones with custom stickers, you need to send them to me.

and tell me if you don't want to share it, because i'll be opening a gallery for the ones i make giving them as prizes, if you do request, add me on the psn and i'll finish your request!.
i felt i needed to make something useful on this site so here you go!.
(if this is the wrong thread please move it almighty mods)
Sorry for the pic size, i can't seem to enlarge it on my ps3, but here you go, these are some of them, the bottom one is my newest
i have a lbpc one and a few really artistic ones, like the purple one which was provided by Fuzzballfox here on lbpc!
2010-05-01 09:32:00

Posts: 1569

Hehe, so this is the thread you talked about.
I can say that you won't be dissapointed when you get them
2010-05-01 20:43:00

Posts: 3871

pics? I'm curious to see these scoreboards. 2010-05-01 21:44:00

Posts: 3322

yeah, i'd love some pics!2010-05-01 22:34:00

Posts: 1114

Sounds interesting. I agree, PICS!2010-05-02 07:12:00

Posts: 258

umm okay, i'll post them, silverleon showed me a site that i can use on my ps3 to upload on! i'll post them in a few

Edit: DONE! srry for the size...
2010-05-02 10:22:00

Posts: 1569

I'm not asking for one but I'm sure there'd be a market for "Part 2 Out Now" types, just a simple clean look so it easily fits into most level styles.

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to say that the look really well made and I might have to nab myself that LBPC one, for when I finally publish something.
2010-05-02 11:08:00

Posts: 2431

I'm not asking for one but I'm sure there'd be a market for "Part 2 Out Now" types, just a simple clean look so it easily fits into most level styles.

Hmmmm, i have a thanx for playing one, a NO h4h one, but i haven't got that one yet...
i'll work on it in bulk when i get a few requests in!

Cmon people a can make anything, as long as its in a flat player of course, i found an easy way to do this a couple days ago that doesnt require finger strain or emitters!
2010-05-02 11:15:00

Posts: 1569

Nice, so do you use the compression tool, or the shifty moving layer glitch thing?

I do the shifty layer thing because it's faster.

Looking at your screenshot, I see no Mr. Molecule scoreboard?! That makes me sad.

Even though I already made my own.

Yours look really good though.

I remember when I was one of the only people who knew this glitch still existed after they removed the original merge glitch...
2010-05-02 14:11:00

Posts: 1106

he uses compressor
**** i have a merged scoreboard level but those are not as awsome as yours are :I
2010-05-02 14:51:00

Posts: 668

I make them with dark matter2010-05-02 16:42:00

Posts: 184

Actually, i use a new technique, an easy one, it take literally 2 seconds pres R1 and X at the same time, and it'll be in the layer before material, then grab the scoreboard and it moves into the layer as your flat peice, and glue it!

i just did freakin' 23 anti h4h ones and a couple face ones!
i'll show u another i made later.
2010-05-02 21:48:00

Posts: 1569

Actually, i use a new technique, an easy one, it take literally 2 seconds pres R1 and X at the same time, and it'll be in the layer before material, then grab the scoreboard and it moves into the layer as your flat peice, and glue it!

i just did freakin' 23 anti h4h ones and a couple face ones!
i'll show u another i made later.
Yeah, that's the shifty thing I was talking about.

I found it right after the original glitch was patched. (In the Water Beta.)

I like showing off to people who don't know how to do it... Is that wrong?
2010-05-02 22:28:00

Posts: 1106

I assume you have a Playstation Eye to take some of the pictures you used for these? I don't have one myself but if you do I have a request.
I'm planning to do a trio of levels and would like two scoreboards, both with William Blake's Behemoth and Leviathan in them:
The major difference between them would be that the painting is upside down in one of them. If the whole image of the painting doesn't look good in it then cropping off the saints and angels at the top is fine as Behemoth and Leviathan are the major elements I want in.
Colors and materials aren't really that necessary, though I'd like to see Aztec Stone for the right side up one and Aztec Gold for the inverted one if possible.
And yes, I'd rather have these for myself.
Thanks in advance for anything.
2010-05-03 02:50:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

If you have a PS Eye could you do a Phantasy Star Online symbol for me?
EDIT: Is this better?

Had to put in URL because picture was way to big and I'm not sure how to edit size. This one is just the same thing but against a black background. It should stand out more. I might have a friend who can take the picture.
2010-05-03 06:47:00

Posts: 65

I assume you have a Playstation Eye to take some of the pictures you used for these? I don't have one myself but if you do I have a request.
I'm planning to do a trio of levels and would like two scoreboards, both with William Blake's Behemoth and Leviathan in them:
The major difference between them would be that the painting is upside down in one of them. If the whole image of the painting doesn't look good in it then cropping off the saints and angels at the top is fine as Behemoth and Leviathan are the major elements I want in.
Colors and materials aren't really that necessary, though I'd like to see Aztec Stone for the right side up one and Aztec Gold for the inverted one if possible.
And yes, I'd rather have these for myself.
Thanks in advance for anything.
Ummmm actually, ima need someone to provide the cam, mine is broken as of last week

If you have a PS Eye could you do a Phantasy Star Online symbol for me?

Like i said up there ^^^ if you can provlide them, i'll pake it, i also have a method to make the sticker a bit more noticable! and not so Low def
2010-05-03 08:53:00

Posts: 1569

Actually, i use a new technique, an easy one, it take literally 2 seconds pres R1 and X at the same time, and it'll be in the layer before material, then grab the scoreboard and it moves into the layer as your flat peice, and glue it!

i just did freakin' 23 anti h4h ones and a couple face ones!
i'll show u another i made later.
I dind not understand.
2010-05-03 09:43:00

Posts: 184

Aww come on! Don't I get any credit for MAKING some of those anti H4H stickers?? Lol... I don't have any requests as you already did one for RJA00000's stickering powers so...2010-05-03 09:46:00

Posts: 1436

Yo kean, i was planning on uploading more pics with YOUR stickers in there, so chillax bro!2010-05-03 23:04:00

Posts: 1569

Kean your sig and avatar look really cool. It's unique, I've never seen anything done like that.2010-05-04 05:32:00

Posts: 65

I dind not understand.

okay, i'll explain it with more details..

1. Make a square out of the desired material, make it bigger than the scorebord.
2. sticker or design something in the material.
3. copy the scoreboard and line it up with the image or deisgn.
4. move back one layer.
5. QUICKLY press L1 and X at the same time, if you did it right, the scoreboard will be directly behind the material the light on top will be visible through tht material.
6. Grab the scoreboard, it should move into the same layer as your decorated material.
7.Gue it down to prevent the material from sperating from the scoreboard. and Delete all excess matiral around the scoreboard, leaving your design in the middle.
There, i'd say i explained it pretty darn well, wouldn' you?
2010-05-04 06:48:00

Posts: 1569

okay, i'll explain it with more details..

1. Make a square out of the desired material, make it bigger than the scorebord.
2. sticker or design something in the material.
3. copy the scoreboard and line it up with the image or deisgn.
4. move back one layer.
5. QUICKLY press L1 and X at the same time, if you did it right, the scoreboard will be directly behind the material the light on top will be visible through tht material.
6. Grab the scoreboard, it should move into the same layer as your decorated material.
7.Gue it down to prevent the material from sperating from the scoreboard. and Delete all excess matiral around the scoreboard, leaving your design in the middle.
There, i'd say i explained it pretty darn well, wouldn' you?

Yup, I'd say that's exactly right.

Also, my PS EYE is found as of two days ago, so I could help you if you wanted. My computer is right beside my PS3 now. (I also took an epic photo of mah kitteh!)
2010-05-04 12:27:00

Posts: 1106

Sweet klaww, add me on psn2010-05-04 15:59:00

Posts: 1569

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