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Bungie signs 10 year deal with Activision

Archive: 11 posts

Bungie, the studio that created the Halo franchise, will be partnering with Activision for an "exclusive, worldwide partnership" the developer revealed this morning. The partnership will encompass one upcoming franchise and will last for the next ten years.

Bungie was founded in 1991 and was purchased by software giant Microsoft in 2000, but parted with the company in October 2007. After the split, Microsoft created a subsidiary to handle now owns the rights to the Halo franchise ? a franchise that Bungie created.

According to the official press release, "Under the terms of the agreement, Activision will have exclusive, worldwide rights to publish and distribute all future Bungie games based on the new intellectual property on multiple platforms and devices. Bungie remains an independent company and will continue to own their intellectual property." From the sound of it, Activision gets to publishing rights to one IP on multiple platforms. This agreement certainly does not mean that Bungie is part of Activision.

"Today, we're poised to open a new chapter in Bungie's history-one that begins with a partnership between Bungie and Activision and ends where we always knew it would, with World Domination," stated the company's official blog . "Our Next Big Thing now has a concrete path, leading from our studio to the platforms of our choosing. The business formalities are behind us. Our Constitution remains unchanged. We are still Bungie, still independent, and now we are free to bring our stories to an ever bigger audience."

The decision might come as a surprise to some; however, Bungie describes its decision why it chose the publishing giant, best known for the Call of Duty series and the Guitar Hero games. "We chose to partner with Activision on our next IP because of their global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise," said Harold Ryan, President of Bungie in the official release. "From working together over the past nine months on this agreement, it is clear that Activision supports our commitment to giving our fans the best possible gaming experiences." This essentially confirms that Bungie, a former Microsoft developer, will be making multi-platform games.

"Bungie is one of the premier studios in our industry and we are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to work with their talented team over the next decade," stated Thomas Tippl, Chief Operating Officer of Activision Blizzard. "Bungie has developed some of the most compelling and successful games, multiplayer experiences and thriving fan communities, and this alliance underscores our long-standing commitment to foster the industry's best creative talent. Our unprecedented partnership with Bungie will enable us to broaden our pipeline of exciting new games as we continue to strengthen our industry position and pursue long-term growth opportunities."

Bungie is currently working on Halo: Reach for Microsoft Game Studios and the Xbox 360. Bungie calls Reach the "most ambitious game" it has ever made. The title is expected to be one of the biggest titles released this year. Early access to the Beta starts today.

Source: http://kotaku.com/5527119/halo-developer-joins-forces-with-activision?skyline=true&s=i

That means their new IP will be multiplatform...but why ACTIVISION? What was Bungie smoking when they signed it with them? They're probably the greediest and most retarded publisher right now.
2010-04-30 21:26:00

Unknown User

I saw this. It's crazy stuff. Activision doesn't even publish any good games anymore. The Tony Hawk Series is all warshed up and Guitar Hero has been overshadowed by Rock Band since RB's release. The only good thing they have is COD, and...well, we all know what happened there. 2010-04-30 22:16:00

Posts: 3664

Well now that activision have essentially destroyed their relationship with infinity ward they need to get a good studio working for them again so bungie was a good Idea.2010-05-01 09:42:00

Posts: 2662

YAY! Now there will be more XBOX360 fanboys! (sarcasm)2010-05-01 09:48:00

Posts: 837

No doubt Activision will encourage them to go multiplatform then. Meh all it will mean is another overpriced game and mega hype no doubt.2010-05-01 13:03:00

Posts: 3767

You guys are dumb. The reason Bungie went to Actavision is because Microsoft was ruining Bungie. Halo two Microsoft made Bungie mad rush thus them having to cut levels and allot of content. They did allot of other stuff to. The most recent one was how Bungie never intended to sell ODST for the $60 price. However a mounth before shipping what did Microsoft do. Thats right! MICROSOFT was the reason for the 60 dollar price... not Bungie.

Why they left to Actavision you ask. Because Actavision promised to not to interject into Bungie's work process..... I dont know if actavision will hold up. But so far for Halo Reach. Actavision has yet to do a thing

Shame on all of you for giving bungie such bad rep.
2010-05-05 19:30:00

Posts: 123

where the hell do you see us giving bungie bad rep??? all we're doing is bashing activision because that really is the worst choice a studio can make.2010-05-05 19:35:00

Unknown User

Im sorry but it sorta sounds like you are bashing them... one could say im a bit of a Bungie fanboy..... a hardcore one..... thats been with halo since the age of like.... 6...... I may have jumped the gun alil....

However I do agree.... Actavision... or the other name I use for it that im not allowed to use here..... does infact bite.
2010-05-05 19:42:00

Posts: 123

thats been with halo since the age of like.... 6......
am i really that old now? it just strikes me as so odd that kids today grew up with halo. not that i don't love halo, haha.

and i won't pass judgement on the purchase, only time will tell.
2010-05-05 19:47:00

Posts: 1361

am i really that old now? it just strikes me as so odd that kids today grew up with halo. not that i don't love halo, haha.

and i won't pass judgement on the purchase, only time will tell.

Indeed. However so far the Halo: Reach BETA has proved to be 1000X more fun than Halo 3..... There are a few kinks but none to which ruin gameplay.
2010-05-05 20:04:00

Posts: 123

Reach is being published by microsoft though because they own the rights to the halo franchise.2010-05-06 10:51:00

Posts: 2662

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