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Mission Briefing Laptop (Shows a Movie Advertising my Series of Secret Agent Levels))

Archive: 4 posts

So how many of you out there have spent hours, days or perhaps weeks creating the Most Amazing Levels ever to Grace the surface of Little Big Planet! Only to come home, excited to see how many plays you got, to find you have.... 6 !!??
I sure have.

So I Had an Idea! What if I could somehow Advertise my Levels... In a way that would really interest people to actually visit..
Then I could package that advertising and actually Give it to people!

May I Present. "The Mission Briefing Laptop" Conveniently Located in its own Level simply Entitled "Mission Briefing"

Basically it shows you a slide show, and gives you a secret mission. ( Inspector Gadget Style *wink *wink)
It also gives you the key for the First Mission Level, and The clues you need to get through it.

I originally actually Scouted People Online! I would take them to build mode, Give them the laptop Item and tell them to place it on their moon and run it!!! Then I would Pop Offline all mysteriously to leave the person to either try it, or not..
That was actually pretty fun too! I already have two mission levels built for the series. If those get played enough I'll add more to the story.

Anyways Tell me what you think!
I have attached a few teaser photos of the Laptop!

2010-04-28 23:34:00

Unknown User

looks like a ds2010-04-30 00:22:00

Crazed Creator
Posts: 177

Seems like an interesting advertising technique... by looking at the photos, I think a realistic keyboard would make it even cooler 2010-04-30 01:28:00

Posts: 179

Yeah I know what you mean, I couldn't get the keyboard the way I wanted. But I hope people understand.
Thanks to everyone who checked it out.
2010-05-01 13:46:00

Unknown User

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