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The Careers Thread

Archive: 67 posts

Hey guys and girls!

I just thought it'd be good to get to know each other more, and I thought that one of the ways to do this would be to share our professions / work! Like, if you're a bank manager then say so, or if you're a student, then say that your're a student, and what kinda work you would like to get into in the future. Because there's over a 1000 member to LBPC, and that must mean hundreds of different jobs that people do/want to do!

I'll start then shall I?

I'm a student at college at the momment, and I have hopes of joining the ambulance service as a paramedic.

Who wants to go next?

2010-04-28 23:01:00

Posts: 1113

I work at Rita's Water Ice, it's actually a lot of fun. Sometimes I have to wear a costume and dance out front. That's not really a lot of fun.

I'm a student at high school, soon to be a student at college though! Screw Philadelphia, I'm ready for Bostonnnn.
2010-04-28 23:50:00

Posts: 1361

I work at Rita's Water Ice, it's actually a lot of fun. Sometimes I have to wear a costume and dance out front. That's not really a lot of fun.

I'd love to see that! So what's Rita's water Ice? Some kinda.... resturant?
2010-04-28 23:51:00

Posts: 1113

Water ice? Do you have it in England? I was surprised to hear that it's mainly a big thing just in my area recently so I dunno.

Just imagine an ice cream parlor, but with flavored ice instead of ice cream.
2010-04-28 23:55:00

Posts: 1361

I'm 15, I've got no job, and I'm in high school.

My Student Average is 90. The third highest I know of in my school so far.

I figure that I'd like to have a career in either Graphic Design, or Programmerizing. (Err... Programming stuff.)

I don't know what Rita's Water Ice is either.

Don't think it's in Canananada. But it sounds good.
2010-04-29 00:10:00

Posts: 1106

I actually think there is another thread just like this, I'll try and find it because that thread should be continued.2010-04-29 00:15:00

Posts: 2358

Im a student, but I want to be a profressional writer.

2010-04-29 00:17:00

Posts: 3262

Same, I want to become a writer as well and have someone publish one of my books. 'tis my desire.2010-04-29 00:19:00

Posts: 243

I'm 15, I've got no job, and I'm in high school.

My Student Average is 90. The third highest I know of in my school so far.

I figure that I'd like to have a career in either Graphic Design, or Programmerizing. (Err... Programming stuff.)

I don't know what Rita's Water Ice is either.

Don't think it's in Canananada. But it sounds good.
Oh, it is good. We get too many screaming children though. And their loud parents. And drunk college students (the store's right next to Villanova University).
2010-04-29 00:28:00

Posts: 1361

I actually think there is another thread just like this, I'll try and find it because that thread should be continued.
Thanks! Would be greatly appreciated - see if it can be merged or something?

Im a student, but I want to be a profressional writer.


Same, I want to become a writer as well and have someone publish one of my books. 'tis my desire.

Great! Nice to know we've got some writers in our midst!
Hope to read some of your stories some time in the future! What kind of stuff do you write about?

I'm 15, I've got no job, and I'm in high school.

My Student Average is 90. The third highest I know of in my school so far.

I figure that I'd like to have a career in either Graphic Design, or Programmerizing. (Err... Programming stuff.)

I don't know what Rita's Water Ice is either.

Don't think it's in Canananada. But it sounds good.

Nice, like working with computer games or animation? That sounds really good - got any ideas ?

Rita's Ice sounds nice - but as for the stroppy kids, strict parents, and rowdy drunk college folk, I think I can do without!
2010-04-29 00:54:00

Posts: 1113

Currently a student ..and aspiring dentist. 2010-04-29 01:45:00

Unknown User

I are liek teh kiing of teh uneeversseee!!!!2010-04-29 17:10:00

Posts: 5592

Bah, I'm in Year 9 and all I hear is 'options options options'. It's very annoying. I don't even know what I want to do when I'm older 2010-04-29 17:24:00

Posts: 1893

Bah, I'm in Year 9 and all I hear is 'options options options'. It's very annoying. I don't even know what I want to do when I'm older

Don't worry, I'm 17 and don't have a clue either.
2010-04-29 17:31:00

Posts: 2266

Lol to leathers reply above. Im 18 and in college. Atm in in a community college, but I plan to transfer to a university to get my bacherlors of fine arts. I'm striving to become a computer animator and make animated movies. My dream is to work at Dreamworks in Cali.2010-04-29 18:10:00

Posts: 771

Don't worry, I'm 17 and don't have a clue either.

Same. But as you like Guns N Roses... and I like Guns N Roses... We should like, make a band called um... Pistols N Posies, and make millions.
2010-04-29 19:32:00

Unknown User

Lol to leathers reply above. Im 18 and in college. Atm in in a community college, but I plan to transfer to a university to get my bacherlors of fine arts. I'm striving to become a computer animator and make animated movies. My dream is to work at Dreamworks in Cali.

Nice! I'm probably guessing that there are probably a lot of people wanting to do that kinda thing on this website - LBP kinda all about that isn't it?
Have to admit I've considered doing animation work but.... I guess I went down a different path. Still, if I figure out how to work it, might give it a go one of these days!
Good luck!

Bah, I'm in Year 9 and all I hear is 'options options options'. It's very annoying. I don't even know what I want to do when I'm older

Ah yes, remember those days only too well. They're probably feeding you that "it's the most important decsion in your life" crap right? Don't worry too much bout it!

Currently a student ..and aspiring dentist.

Cool! Bet you can't wait to sink your teeth into that job!
(Sorry for the stupid joke )

I are liek teh kiing of teh uneeversseee!!!!

Yeah, I hear that jobs pretty glamourous... apparantly you get to wear a pink dress and get a magic wand or something...?
2010-04-29 20:06:00

Posts: 1113

Im a student, but I want to be a profressional writer.

Me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I'm not quite sure what I'd like to be..
Probably either Journalist or just a professional writer
2010-04-29 20:10:00

Posts: 1913

Currently in year 10 of secondary school. Hoping to become a cartoonist/illustrator in the future!2010-04-29 20:21:00

Posts: 1277

I'm either going into journalism, physics, or maybe both. I can't wait to get some learning in me.2010-04-30 00:10:00

Posts: 1361

I know I've posted in a similar thread some time ago, so I'll just keep it brief.

My career is filmmaking. I'm in there, but not nearly where I want to be. There are a few ways to approach it. You can go the commercial route, get represented, and compete like a maniac to get commercial-directing opportunities which pay silly-huge paychecks. Or you can just focus on making films and try to hustle them. Neither is easy or particularly fun. I went with the latter. I have a video editing day job and make short films on the side. I've got a big one finishing up this year and really hope that I can find an audience - probably online - and use it to get something bigger going.
2010-04-30 00:39:00

Posts: 1937

That's why you watch so much?

I would never do well with an art degree, I have the awful combination of OCD with arty things and absolutely no talent. Drawing anything seriously, or even stick figures, feels like I'm hurling myself off a cliff. Haha.
2010-04-30 00:43:00

Posts: 1361

I'm actually not that much of a movie buff, at least compared to most filmmakers my age. There's no excuse, at my age, to not be essentially the walking encyclopedia of film history that people like PT Anderson and Quentin Tarantino are. Nearly every movie ever made is available, and not just the movie, but the story behind the movie and its filmmakers. Anyone can sign up to netflix or go to the video store and give themselves a master's class on film history. Anyone. Anytime.

I'm not though! I'm the anti-Spielberg. I dislike MOST movies I watch! I hope, every time I watch one I haven't seen, especially an older "classic", that I'm going to discover something amazing, that it's going to be a profound and indelible experience. This usually doesn't happen.

Nor do I think it's necessarily healthy to surround yourself with movies. Tarantino only makes movies about movies. That just bugs me. I'd rather make movie-watching a smaller part of my life, along with many other pieces of culture. I'm not going to live and breathe them like some filmmakers do. Your average Austin indie snob will probably be able to eat me for lunch when it comes to discussing movies we've seen. And that's okay with me.
2010-04-30 01:23:00

Posts: 1937

I'm 19 and my family wants me to go to school but i'm a bit strapped atm for cash so its kind of a no go... i want to get into game design, but i dont know where to begin i have 0 programming knowledge, sorry to put a damper on the topic guys haha. oh and any ideas people may have to get me on the right track GIVE ME A HOLLER!!2010-04-30 02:38:00

Blade Phoenix
Posts: 27

Me? I want to get a REAL job, even working at a farmer's stand or something.
But speaking of bands, real good idea for one.
Electrona-video game music (spoony bards?).

The band is called...

Cycling Road.
2010-04-30 03:37:00

Posts: 1063

oh btw im a dish washer for a place called the cardinals nest...and if anybody has been a dish washer b4 they know how crazy it gets. lol ...especially seeing how im they only one they hired... lol

Me? I want to get a REAL job, even working at a farmer's stand or something.
But speaking of bands, real good idea for one.
Electrona-video game music (spoony bards?).

The band is called...

Cycling Road.

a "REAL" job what does that mean?
2010-05-02 09:38:00

Blade Phoenix
Posts: 27

I finished a Bachelor in Visual arts a while ago. Here (http://midnightheist.newgrounds.com/)'s two of my animations I did.
I work in a supermarket stocking shelves atm, as nothing decent opportunities have come up. :/

My dream job would be to work for these (http://mukpuddy.blogspot.com/)guys, as I love flash and animation.
2010-05-02 10:26:00

Posts: 2513

oh btw im a dish washer for a place called the cardinals nest...and if anybody has been a dish washer b4 they know how crazy it gets. lol ...especially seeing how im they only one they hired... lol

a "REAL" job what does that mean?

I believe he meant any actual job, not in response to anyone else, but just saying he'd like to work.

Am i right?

Well, about me, i'm currently still at High School, planning to become a Game Graphic Designer or a general Graphic Designer, either of those are possibilities, tho i'm still pretty lost at where to start.
I've taken various art and computer-related classes sd i 've heard those help for the job, but other than that, i'm not really sure.
Colleges nearby don't have a Graphic Design class as far as i know and i'm not sure if i'd be able or willing for that matter, to move to another state for college.
So yeah, i'm kind of at a standstill, checking to see what will be my next move.
2010-05-02 10:50:00

Posts: 6707

Well I'm currently in grade 12, but i'm hoping to become an apprentice as a light vehicle mechanic. It's not much but it's something to fall back on if I ever find myself unemployed one day and it's a ticket into the car industry. What I would really love is to work for a place such as Croydon Racing Developments, maybe one day.2010-05-02 11:20:00

Posts: 2431

A lot of people looking to make it big in videogame design and graphics.. good luck with that, haha.2010-05-02 19:20:00

Posts: 1361

A lot of people looking to make it big in videogame design and graphics.. good luck with that, haha.

why is that?
2010-05-03 05:29:00

Blade Phoenix
Posts: 27

why is that?
A lot of people playing LBP are sure to be at least interested in graphic and design, being a gamer influences them on to the Videogame graphics and design career.
I believe that to be the reason as far as i've seen.
2010-05-03 05:33:00

Posts: 6707

Yeah, I like drawing personally, and would love to make an animation one day. But, the way I see it:
a) If I constantly have to meet deadlines, the drawing may not stay fun, and I like it as a hobby
b) I'm more interested in medicine and helping people in a pre-hospital enviroment - so my hopeful career seems perfect for me, and I love the idea!
2010-05-03 22:23:00

Posts: 1113

I'm a software manager at a software development company......2010-05-03 22:57:00

Posts: 4430

Well, I'm currently in 8th grade, and it sucks. In the future I would like to do something artsy, but I really want to be involved in movies not as an actor, cuz I suck at that, but directing, writing screenplays and stuff. Everyone in my class says I'll be a vet or an artist, bu, well, first I would never be able to work in something that involves sick animals cuz it would break my heart, and second: I wanted to be an artist, but I changed my mind, don't really know why.
I don't know if there is such a career, but I would like to do landscaping for movies, which combines my talent and what I want to do
2010-05-04 00:46:00

Posts: 978

I'm a software manager at a software development company......

Awesome! Any company we've heard of?

Well, I'm currently in 8th grade, and it sucks. In the future I would like to do something artsy, but I really want to be involved in movies not as an actor, cuz I suck at that, but directing, writing screenplays and stuff. Everyone in my class says I'll be a vet or an artist, bu, well, first I would never be able to work in something that involves sick animals cuz it would break my heart, and second: I wanted to be an artist, but I changed my mind, don't really know why.
I don't know if there is such a career, but I would like to do landscaping for movies, which combines my talent and what I want to do

Well I'm sure there's something along the lines that your heading at. I mean, someone's gotta be doing it right?
Anyway, (Don't shoot me?!) but I'm not sure if being an artist is a very... reliable job. It's kinda like being an actor a bit - you either get it or you don't - it's very competetative, and the ones who make it big aren't necessarily because they have talent, or their only famous after their dead! I mean, if you wanna be an artist, that's fine! But personally, I think it's a job that's a bit too risky for my liking!
2010-05-04 01:35:00

Posts: 1113

A lot of people playing LBP are sure to be at least interested in graphic and design, being a gamer influences them on to the Videogame graphics and design career.
I believe that to be the reason as far as i've seen.

that still doesn't answer why we need luck though.
the industry is booming and taking off
2010-05-04 02:22:00

Blade Phoenix
Posts: 27

yeah but like...
that doesn't guarantee you a decent, stable job without extensive education. haha. and sounds like a lot of people are expecting just that. if you're not really good, you can expect to be living with your parents for a while, if you don't have a backup plan... i think you're overestimating the industry's stability.
2010-05-04 02:32:00

Posts: 1361

Well, I'm a high school student at the moment. Curretly maintaining a 4.0 GPA! :] Don't have a job at the moment, but am planning on a getting a summer job this year. As for he future, graphic design, the biotech field, and some engineering (mechanical, civil, electrical, medical[?], or chemical) seem to fit my interests at the moment. If I keep up my grades and continue to work hard, I believe I could do most things.

But please! Nothing that has to do with writing! I hate English! Haha!
2010-05-04 03:43:00

Posts: 2979

Awesome! Any company we've heard of?

Well I'm sure there's something along the lines that your heading at. I mean, someone's gotta be doing it right?
Anyway, (Don't shoot me?!) but I'm not sure if being an artist is a very... reliable job. It's kinda like being an actor a bit - you either get it or you don't - it's very competetative, and the ones who make it big aren't necessarily because they have talent, or their only famous after their dead! I mean, if you wanna be an artist, that's fine! But personally, I think it's a job that's a bit too risky for my liking!
I know, but everyone keeps telling me I'm so good at it!!! I'm confused
2010-05-04 16:29:00

Posts: 978

I'm not saying its bullet proof ... but no dreams are ... i just don't feel its right to be shooting down people's aspirations like that. Especially when this community is open to a younger audience let them get at least to college to realize that they're stuck in this thing called life. lol2010-05-05 20:17:00

Blade Phoenix
Posts: 27

doctor/lawyer/architect/vet/games designer.
someone pick one for me
2010-05-05 20:18:00

Posts: 1872

Lawyers get a lot of money! As do doctors!
Which subject are you best at and more importantly, enjoy? What are your hobbies etc?
That should help you pick ^_^
2010-05-05 20:28:00

Posts: 1913

Lawyers get a lot of money! As do doctors!
Which subject are you best at and more importantly, enjoy? What are your hobbies etc?
That should help you pick ^_^

well im pretty good at everything (except writing essays about shakespeare) ; and my hobbies include ............ basketball. so :S its hard to choose.
2010-05-05 20:31:00

Posts: 1872

doctor/lawyer/architect/vet/games designer.
someone pick one for me
Wow, quite a variety of things you got there!
Just one thing about architecture. Are you willing to spend around 8 years in university in order to get that degree? If you are, that's great! But just wanted you to be aware!
2010-05-05 21:30:00

Posts: 1113

Well, I'm currently in 8th grade, and it sucks. In the future I would like to do something artsy, but I really want to be involved in movies not as an actor, cuz I suck at that, but directing, writing screenplays and stuff. Everyone in my class says I'll be a vet or an artist, bu, well, first I would never be able to work in something that involves sick animals cuz it would break my heart, and second: I wanted to be an artist, but I changed my mind, don't really know why.
I don't know if there is such a career, but I would like to do landscaping for movies, which combines my talent and what I want to do

The job you may be looking for his "greensperson" or "head greensperson". The thing to keep in mind though is that in film, almost everything you see is an illusion. Even the parts that are real are disguised and altered in superficial ways.

From filmjob.info:

"The greensperson, traditionally referred to as the ‘greensman’, is the standard position in the Greens department or possibly the only position on a smaller job where greens is part of construction. Key aspects of greensman film jobs are extensive use and manufacture of artificial plants and keeping greenery alive on concrete studio floors under powerful lighting and the threat of the crews tramping all over the plants.

On larger jobs the development of a nursery might be required or the growth and sourcing of crops months in advance. When working on The Last Samurai in New Zealand, the greensperson’s had to plan well in advance for the supply of traditional Japanese apple blossoms and wheat for making thatched rooves. On another production large fields of corn were required for indoor use on a raised platform, and on another fully mature trees are sourced, felled and cast as moulds for the construction of artificial forests indoors over steel armatures. Work can include making swamps, caring for potted plants, moving dirt or supplying drift wood.

The greensperson will typically oversee labourers and assist and consult with other film jobs such as sculptors (who may be carving in polystyrene fake branches) an steel fabricators who are making substructure for a huge tree and require guidance on the proper twists and turns to look authentic.

When on location work may involve the adaptation of existing landscapes or the dressing with greenery of buildings. It may require the removal of planting and care until the restoration so that the location is left in the condition it was found in. A greensman film job is varied and involves more than just greenery, the work extends to other landscape elements such as fences, or road sanding and the ‘greening out’ of unwanted visual elements, particularly on period films – for example a modern satellite dish on an 18th century cottage which will have to be disguised."
2010-05-05 23:40:00

Posts: 1937

I'm still in high school but I wanna be an illustrator, concept art is my kind of thing, I love drawing and I'm getting better and better with PS.
The only work I could show you are drafts and practicing and whatnot... but if you ask, I'll give you the link to my sketchbook
2010-05-06 00:13:00

Posts: 1712

The job you may be looking for his "greensperson" or "head greensperson". The thing to keep in mind though is that in film, almost everything you see is an illusion. Even the parts that are real are disguised and altered in superficial ways...

Thanks for the info you work in film making right?
2010-05-06 00:38:00

Posts: 978

I work at Baldwin Stocker Elementary School.

My job is to be a student.
2010-05-06 00:41:00

Posts: 3607

Thanks for the info you work in film making right?

Yes indeed! I'm in Vancouver and there's a big industry here for huge Hollywood movies, which I prefer to avoid at all costs. I have several friends who work either on set or in the office for these big productions. They get paid pretty little and in ridiculous conditions. Imagine an 18-hour workday being almost standard. Imagine not even getting overtime pay until you breach 12 hours. Imagine giving up your entire life for three months so that you could be a grunt on a comic book movie. It's not fun! There are some good, highly competitive, extremely hard-to-get jobs - but then there are the ubiquitous, easy-to-get Production Assistant jobs, also known as slave labor.

Greensperson you might do very well at securing if you set yourself to it. It's not one of the more competitive positions. Some of the greens jobs on films are enormous and their work is amazing.

Did you ever see the making-of documentary for Fellowship of the Ring? Check it out, it's amazing. They basically created a real Hobbiton. A year in advance they landscaped and created this hobbit town, planting the grass and letting it grow until it was lush and green and ready for its close-up. And it looks stunning in the movie.
2010-05-06 00:56:00

Posts: 1937

I 'm a psych...

Hey, stop laughing over there!

...I said, I'm a psychiatric nurse.

And yes, that means I get to electrocute mad people's brains or jab them in the buttocks with a 20-gallon brass syringe full of holy water

2010-05-06 01:57:00

Posts: 2130

I 'm a psych...

Hey, stop laughing over there!

...I said, I'm a psychiatric nurse.

And yes, that means I get to electrocute mad people's brains or jab them in the buttocks with a 20-gallon brass syringe full of holy water

Sorry, not trying to be rude or anything, but that doesn't sound like a great attitude to have to your job, even if you are joking. These people are in hospital because they need help, or they can't manage by themselves, and you're actually making fun of them?
Just my opinion, but I think that's out of order.
2010-05-06 02:01:00

Posts: 1113

Sorry, not trying to be rude or anything, but that doesn't sound like a great attitude to have to your job, even if you are joking. These people are in hospital because they need help, or they can't manage by themselves, and you're actually making fun of them?
Just my opinion, but I think that's out of order.

No, you're not being rude...you're absolutely right. After 15 years of being kicked, punched, sworn at and spat at by patients, I am now totally burnt out and uncaring. Now I've also reached the point in my life where I recognise that I have serious personal issues of my own and I'm seriously considering driving south to see the view from Beachy Head, so no...I absolutely couldn't give a crap about the welfare of Britain's drunks, self-harmers and schizophrenics anymore. Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. I've got three young mouths to feed and I have to keep the money rolling in, but I'm not qualified to do anything else that would earn me ?16 an hour, so I'm stuck with this crappy job whether I like it or not. I reckon the best thing I could do would be to put an end to my own sorry existence, thus giving my patients some respite from the sharp end of my needle and also helping my family with a big life insurance pay out, but until I garner the courage to do what's right, I'll be keeping that 20-gallon brass syringe fully loaded and ready for action.
2010-05-06 02:41:00

Posts: 2130

That was a heavy dose of suicidal thoughts.. I hope you were sort of joking about that too? Believe me, your family would never be better off with you gone, whatever your situation.

So update on my job - it's getting hellishly hot here, so there have been a lot of customers. Meaning lots of tips. Yaaay. I don't want to wear the costume in this heat though.
2010-05-06 03:28:00

Posts: 1361

That was a heavy dose of suicidal thoughts.. I hope you were sort of joking about that too? Believe me, your family would never be better off with you gone, whatever your situation.

So update on my job - it's getting hellishly hot here, so there have been a lot of customers. Meaning lots of tips. Yaaay. I don't want to wear the costume in this heat though.

Wow, when I first read this, I didn't catch the "never" in your first paragraph. I read it "Believe me, your family would be better of with you gone, whatever your situation."

now, I tend to take the bone dry route when it comes to sarcasm, but even that seemed ballsy to me. Glad to see I only misread it! (If you mis-type it's called a typo. So if you mis-read, is it called a reado?)

I appreciate ungreth's dose of angsty honesty. Although it is a little odd to see it on LittleBigPlanetCentral, where sackchildren gather to compare sponge rocket-boats. Nevertheless, the honesty is appreciated by this burned-out fellow pseudo-misanthrope.

I only say pseudo, because I still have a hard time imagining anyone on LittleBigPlanetCentral being fully devoted to hating mankind. no matter what you are, if you're a regular at LittleBigPlanetCentral, that gives you "endearing" points, like it or not.
2010-05-06 06:15:00

Posts: 1937

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I can see how you might feel like that. I appreciate your honesty.
But somehow I really doubt people would be better off without you.
Seeing as your a registered nurse, is there any other kind of nursing that you could do? Or extra training?
Good luck
2010-05-06 08:42:00

Posts: 1113

Yes indeed! I'm in Vancouver and there's a big industry here for huge Hollywood movies, which I prefer to avoid at all costs. I have several friends who work either on set or in the office for these big productions. They get paid pretty little and in ridiculous conditions. Imagine an 18-hour workday being almost standard. Imagine not even getting overtime pay until you breach 12 hours. Imagine giving up your entire life for three months so that you could be a grunt on a comic book movie. It's not fun! There are some good, highly competitive, extremely hard-to-get jobs - but then there are the ubiquitous, easy-to-get Production Assistant jobs, also known as slave labor.

Greensperson you might do very well at securing if you set yourself to it. It's not one of the more competitive positions. Some of the greens jobs on films are enormous and their work is amazing.

Did you ever see the making-of documentary for Fellowship of the Ring? Check it out, it's amazing. They basically created a real Hobbiton. A year in advance they landscaped and created this hobbit town, planting the grass and letting it grow until it was lush and green and ready for its close-up. And it looks stunning in the movie.

Well, that's too bad you have to do partly slave labor for living
I haven't seen the documentary, but I think my dad has, I'm going to ask him Another thing I like is making movies like Coraline, with dolls and stuff, that's also pretty cool
2010-05-06 14:18:00

Posts: 978

I work in a Removal Company. We move peoples household effects within the UK or Abroad. I work in the office. I'm a domestic co-ordinator, in charge of the internet enquiries, a credit controller, i cover the archive department, i am a part time receptionist aswell and loads loads LOADS more! I have a busy hard job. I am logged on here most of the time during the week but its minimised so i can pop it up to eyeball around to KEEP ME SANE! lol 2010-05-06 14:24:00

Posts: 1969

I'm a student at the minute. Doing medicine... not really sure what area I want to go into yet, still have 3 years left. It's going ok... kinda sick of all the studying... doing exams at the moment, they're going ok. Ugh... I've almost completely lost the will to do anything. Apathy central right here. Think I'll love the job but the studying sucks.2010-05-06 14:44:00

Posts: 1018

Some people already know,
I'm a graphic designer/Art director assistant in a communication agency.
But I'm fed up of being an assistant, one day I'll be the Art director..! (I wish, lol)
2010-05-06 14:57:00

Posts: 1486

Some people already know,
I'm a graphic designer/Art director assistant in a communication agency.
But I'm fed up of being an assistant, one day I'll be the Art director..! (I wish, lol)

That's so cool!!!
2010-05-06 20:38:00

Posts: 978

Wellz I'm in year nine and it's option choosing times! ... Well it's actually exam time now but we've recently chosen what we're going to do for the rest of our lives nao... Apparently what you choose at GSCE is pivotal to your career, but TBH I think it's all about A levels and whatever happens at Uni/college.
My mum says I should choose what interests me and the university I pick should have the best courses on paleontology but my dad says OXBRIDGE will get me any job I want. I dont care about any of this as I know what I wanted to be since I was 3.
A dIN0SaWR!!!1111one1!!! Lol...
2010-05-06 20:45:00

Posts: 1436

The English system baffles me, picking careers at such a young age.. what happened to 'discovering yourself' in college, or wherever? Is that just an American idea? It probably seems silly to you.2010-05-06 21:46:00

Posts: 1361

The English system baffles me, picking careers at such a young age.. what happened to 'discovering yourself' in college, or wherever? Is that just an American idea? It probably seems silly to you.

Yeah, for me going to high school in Texas, picking your "career-oriented" classes was about as laid-back as you can get. They were called "electives". You take what you want... it only takes up a couple of classes out of a year. You can change it midway if you want. No big deal.

The british system seems to be predominantly career-oriented. Obviously I only have the American experience to go on, but it makes so much more sense to me to, as you said, discover yourself as you transition into adulthood, and not chart your life's path before you're even at the age to really deal with it.

I guess in this case the grass is greener on your own side?
2010-05-07 00:09:00

Posts: 1937

Meh I can see where you're coming from, but the system we have here sets you up and teaches you the stuff you need to know for your future career. The options given at year nine are not career choices but subject choices -y'know: filter out all the junk that you hate doing. It's not all based on your future career choice, but on what subjects you enjoy. We are encouraged to go as wide as possible in our range of subjects, so we're not just convicted to a career for the rest of our lives from the age of 13/14. I think there's been some misunderstanding somewhere along the line.2010-05-07 00:56:00

Posts: 1436

OKay, so that doesn't sound too different from what we've got. Only rarely do any classes you take in high school do anything for you when applying to a college. Your Grade point average matters, unfortunately your standardized test (SAT) scores matter. But if you want to say, be an architect, and your high school has drafting and architecture classes, but you took photography instead, this really is unlikely to matter. If you WANT to get a headstart on college, you can take AP courses which give you college credits and a bit more of the workload you'd expect out of a college course. Aside from that though, there's very little meeting between high school and university in the states, at least in my experience.

If you can pay tuition and can turn in a decent application, and you didn't totally slack off in high school, you can pretty much get into any college or program no matter what courses you decided to take in high school.
The biggest factor of all of course is "tuition".
2010-05-07 01:23:00

Posts: 1937

But if you want to say, be an architect, and your high school has drafting and architecture classes, but you took photography instead, this really is unlikely to matter.
Eh, if you're applying to like the Cornell architecture program, they'll find it suspect. But in most cases you're right.

And I think there may have been a little misunderstanding, but as Teebonesy said, the American system in general is far looser. Not to say that it's better. The college application business is ridiculous in every way.
2010-05-07 03:43:00

Posts: 1361

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