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The Clich?d Exploding Red Barrel (Now with Pic)

Archive: 27 posts

Well basically it's exactly what the title says.

Don't be fooled though I've put I a lot of time into this to make it look and work as good as possible. And it is very low on thermo, one barrel won't even make a difference to the thermo visually.

The reason I decided to make it is because of my new level I'm going to start (In my sig). Firstly I just made it from cardboard and stickers which turned out terrible. So I started thinking of other ways and finally it worked. In standard form it is 3X5 small grid spaces exactly, it is grabbable, with enough impact it still explodes and explodes instanly when shot with paintinator.

I've published a really quick level which showcases it a little bit and let's you collect it as a prize. If you want to find the level just search Exploding Red Barrel or my PSN wstockdale93. Hope you all like it.

Feel free to use it if you want but let me know where so I can play it

2010-04-25 14:16:00

Posts: 2431

Cool, a red barrel!
I turned off my PS3 just now, so it'll be a while before I check it out.
2010-04-27 05:14:00

Posts: 341


edit: nvm im too dumb to read the last paragraph....
2010-04-27 06:19:00

Posts: 746


edit: nvm im too dumb to read the last paragraph....

Actually shhabbazz, according to what I said the pic should already be there but I just haven't had the time, i'll try yo get one up soon.

EDIT: I just found a spare moment, so there you go
2010-04-27 08:08:00

Posts: 2431

I'm going to have to take a look at this. It looks like it would fit perfectly in my new level! Don't worry,
credit will be given
2010-04-27 11:41:00

Posts: 2979

I'm going to have to take a look at this. It looks like it would fit perfectly in my new level! Don't worry,
credit will be given

I'm glad you like it
I'll have to take a look at your level when you're done.
2010-04-27 11:50:00

Posts: 2431

Does it use DLC?
If not, could you pleeeease let me use it in my level too?
I'll give you credit.
2010-04-27 13:40:00

Posts: 341

looks very good.2010-04-27 20:54:00

Posts: 255

Played this earlier and it was excellent. Have you used some sort of glitch because I can't work out what the curved red part is and it isn't a sticker. When I enlarged it after getting it out of the popit the red part disappeared and it just showed a dissolve block with what I assume is 2 impact bombs inside.

Great effect when they blew up aswell.
2010-04-27 21:02:00

Posts: 2210

Awesome! Looks great! Might have to check this out in LBP a little later!2010-04-27 23:59:00

Posts: 746

Haha! Sorry about that! I meant my level that's in the works! Ha!2010-04-28 01:51:00

Posts: 2979

Is the barrel made of tree missile heads? Only guessing.2010-04-28 05:37:00

Posts: 282

Does it use DLC?
If not, could you pleeeease let me use it in my level too?
I'll give you credit.
It uses the Metal Gear Solid pack, that's it.
If you have the MGS pack I would love you to use it

Played this earlier and it was excellent. Have you used some sort of glitch because I can't work out what the curved red part is and it isn't a sticker. When I enlarged it after getting it out of the popit the red part disappeared and it just showed a dissolve block with what I assume is 2 impact bombs inside.

Great effect when they blew up aswell.
Used the compression tool (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24434-Merging-Objects-or-Materials-aka-Compression-Tool&highlight=compression+tool) glitch to put 3 impact explosives together (The head of the missile). The reason it turns into a piece of dissolve when you enlarge it is because the dissolve is always there it's just invisible (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=17759-Creating-Editable-Invisible-Material-In-Seconds) at it's regular size.

Haha! Sorry about that! I meant my level that's in the works! Ha!
That's fine, I would still love to see it.

Is the barrel made of tree missile heads? Only guessing.
Yes, you're spot on!
2010-04-28 06:51:00

Posts: 2431

Awesome, not that I had been needing anything like this but now that I have it, I can't help but think about 100 uses for it.
If I ever use it, I will of course credit you
2010-04-28 18:19:00

Posts: 1653

Awesome, not that I had been needing anything like this but now that I have it, I can't help but think about 100 uses for it.
If I ever use it, I will of course credit you

I hope you do use it, the whole reason I made it is for people to use, not much point in me keeping it to myself. If you do end up using it I would love to see what you've done with it
2010-04-29 07:20:00

Posts: 2431

Aha! Another great use of the compression tool (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24434-Merging-Objects-or-Materials-aka-Compression-Tool&p=423511)! Glad that helped you make this object and will look at it when I get on lbp again. Credit for compression tool goes to TINTED 2010-04-29 17:47:00

Posts: 771

Haven't tried it, but I'm guessing it makes a cool ASPLOSION Nice work!

...with enough impact it still explodes, explodes instanly when shot with paintinator.

Hmm... do you think you could make one that lights on fire after being shot and explodes in, oh, 5 seconds? That'd be interesting and challenging I don't actually need one, I just think it'd be even cooler!
2010-04-30 01:34:00

Posts: 179

Could you make me a version using a red mag switch instead of the paint switch please. I can't remove the switch myself as it won't let me edit anything on it. I could use that for the CC11 entry I'm working on at the moment. Thanks a lot if you can.2010-04-30 01:43:00

Posts: 2210

dude, I checked out your barrel and i think they look so cool. great job...2010-04-30 03:34:00

Posts: 58

Interesting. It explodes if you impact it? Are there impact explosives floating about inside, or something else?2010-04-30 04:06:00

Posts: 3251

Aha! Another great use of the compression tool (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24434-Merging-Objects-or-Materials-aka-Compression-Tool&p=423511)! Glad that helped you make this object and will look at it when I get on lbp again. Credit for compression tool goes to TINTED
Yeah, the compression tool is amazing. It makes so many things possible.

Haven't tried it, but I'm guessing it makes a cool ASPLOSION Nice work!

Hmm... do you think you could make one that lights on fire after being shot and explodes in, oh, 5 seconds? That'd be interesting and challenging I don't actually need one, I just think it'd be even cooler!
You know what, I think I can do that. Great idea Heckboy, i'll try to make it this weekend.

Could you make me a version using a red mag switch instead of the paint switch please. I can't remove the switch myself as it won't let me edit anything on it. I could use that for the CC11 entry I'm working on at the moment. Thanks a lot if you can.
No problem MisterV, I'll get right onto it.

dude, I checked out your barrel and i think they look so cool. great job...
Thank you Pete

Interesting. It explodes if you impact it? Are there impact explosives floating about inside, or something else?
Actually it's made entirely from impact explosives and a piece of dissolve
2010-04-30 06:55:00

Posts: 2431

Hmmm... I wonder why some of the MGS bosses missile heads are missing... Crap, here comes snake! Fire the duds! Maybe they will squish him! *Squish sound*2010-05-02 18:36:00

Posts: 341

This was great, I liked how it was actually a cruve and not a 2D square.

Good Job!
2010-05-02 21:16:00

Posts: 2345

ehmteh praiz buble?
Empty prize bubble?
2010-05-03 01:36:00

Posts: 341

This was great, I liked how it was actually a cruve and not a 2D square.

Good Job!
I did originally make a 2D square one and tried to make it look round with stickers, it kind of worked, but this one with an actual curve it infinitely better, and it more thermo efficient

ehmteh praiz buble?
Empty prize bubble?

Is it? That's interesting, i'll go take a look.

EDIT: Should be working now, if it isn't that's very strange.
2010-05-03 03:06:00

Posts: 2431

I hope this is something your giving to the lbp community to use?2010-05-03 04:24:00

Posts: 187

I hope this is something your giving to the lbp community to use?

Hmm, probably should have put that in the OP. Yeah I'm giving this away, if you want to use feel free to do so, just go play the showcase level and you'll get it
2010-05-03 05:13:00

Posts: 2431

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