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( CC11 ) Elastic Powered Cannon

Archive: 12 posts


This is an entry for the 11th Contraption Challenge - Artillery weapon (http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/LittleBigPlanet-PS3-General/LBP-Contraption-Challenge-11-Artillery-Weapon/m-p/10637815#M53731)!

This is a bit different to your average 'Press a button and let an emitter do all the work' cannon. In fact, it's a lot different....

The whole cannon is powered purely by elastic (hence the name). Also, to really show off, at the start, the whole cannon falls from the sky . There's not really much to say about it, apart from, play it NAO :kz:. So right over to the pictures....


Enjoy, feedback is very welcome.

Oh, also, good luck to everyone else entering!
2010-04-25 12:17:00

Posts: 5592

LOL, elastic.
Nice idea though. Very original.
2010-04-25 12:49:00

Posts: 341

It looks awesome!
I tryed to make a giant bow using elastic, but it didn't work...
Good luck!
2010-04-25 13:56:00

Unknown User

Hmmm....... Very original idea there Doopz. I will be sure to notify you when my giant railway gun of death (or this http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5388/gustav.png)

I'm rather interested to see it in action after school tomorrow.

Best of luck to the both of us
2010-04-28 04:57:00

Posts: 192

Awesome cannon, Doopz! Very different to the other entries!

Good luck with the competition!
2010-04-30 14:46:00

Posts: 841

Nice one doopz! Will play it once my little brother and his scooby doo has finished! Looks great!

I'm still working on one of mine...
2010-04-30 16:11:00

Posts: 2105

That is a good canon, BUT, at first somethimes it shoots the small one WITH the large one. I think that it has an orignal idea! Good luck for you quest to win the CC112010-05-01 00:08:00

Unknown User

That is a good canon, BUT, at first somethimes it shoots the small one WITH the large one. I think that it has an orignal idea! Good luck for you quest to win the CC11

Really? Ah, haven't come across that before. I'll look into it see if I can fix it. Are you sure it's not because you pressed the button on the right before the button on the left?
2010-05-01 00:10:00

Posts: 5592

ok, i played this about 10 times (MY falt on most of them). i DID get atleast 2 good ones.
I found that you can be about 5* from " all the way to the right" so that the button comes down when it is not "all the way to the right" witch ALLWAYS causes the first one to miss completely. you can glue it down in the pasiton. OR you can do something so that the button does not come down when it is all the way to the right.
another errer was that the ball did not get "let go" so it just went over the wight thing and the elastic smashes it to the ground.
i hope you got some help

EDIT: i wont worry about what i posted above, i guess it just happends evey so ofton
2010-05-01 01:30:00

Unknown User

ok, i played this about 10 times (MY falt on most of them). i DID get atleast 2 good ones.
I found that you can be about 5* from " all the way to the right" so that the button comes down when it is not "all the way to the right" witch ALLWAYS causes the first one to miss completely. you can glue it down in the pasiton. OR you can do something so that the button does not come down when it is all the way to the right.
another errer was that the ball did not get "let go" so it just went over the wight thing and the elastic smashes it to the ground.
i hope you got some help

EDIT: i wont worry about what i posted above, i guess it just happends evey so ofton

No, I can fix that. These are all things that kept happening while I was making it. I thought I fixed them, turns out I just made them less likely to happen. Making it so the button doesn't come down till it's all the way to the right, is as simple as making the range of a key switch smaller. The others, are almost as simple.

I'll fix then ASAP. Thanks for noticing that.
2010-05-01 10:01:00

Posts: 5592

I played this, I thought it was cool. Any chance you could make it fire in the other direction too? It's just the 3-Way switch seems a bit pointless when you can only fire in one direction.

Good Luck!
2010-05-01 10:28:00

Posts: 1893

I played this, I thought it was cool. Any chance you could make it fire in the other direction too? It's just the 3-Way switch seems a bit pointless when you can only fire in one direction.

No, I can't, sorry. The 'anchor' ball, needs to land perfectly in position, or else the whole thing wouldn't work.

I put the 3 way switch there so the player would actually have something to do, even if it is just pulling a switch and pressing a couple of buttons, instead of simply just watching it.

I might consider hiding the buttons and switch and make it automatic after you press one button, what do you guys think? It would mean that it would never miss.
2010-05-01 10:46:00

Posts: 5592

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