Community objects in Level objects area?
Archive: 5 posts
I have got some items from the LBP community, but they were placed in the objects section where story level objects are. I cannot delete them, Is there any way to get rid of them? | 2010-04-24 18:26:00 Author: m500games ![]() Posts: 23 |
You probably are talking about the ones from the GOTY edition. Sorry.. they just show up there since they were "kinda" from Mm and end up there and not able to delete. | 2010-04-24 18:33:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
You probably are talking about the ones from the GOTY edition. Sorry.. they just show up there since they were "kinda" from Mm and end up there and not able to delete. Actually, you can delete some of them, but only if they contain DLC objects which you do not own. | 2010-04-25 18:12:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Actually, you can delete some of them, but only if they contain DLC objects which you do not own. LOL!! No kiddin? I guess I never tried all of them! Thanks! | 2010-04-25 18:16:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
LOL!! No kiddin? I guess I never tried all of them! Thanks! You have to select them first, then when a message pops up saying "You can't use this cos you don't own blah blah", a red exclamation mark will appear on the object, at which point you can then press triangle to delete them. | 2010-04-25 18:18:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
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