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i often have an idea for something in lbp i just have to build, but then cant use it in any level just yet.
also stuff i build for other people, i put them all in a level online: randon stuff.
i'll try to ad some screenshots soon but i'll list all the items below, couls i feel like it

a ninja from some show i dont know
a fat sulten
dr. booty
marco from metal slug
a mime
dig dug

a wipeout hovercraft
a monowheeler
a hot air balloon
the red barron airplane
a swamp boat
a race boat

polar bear and cub

rockem sockem robots
a hand with animated finger

and thats all in that spesific level

i also made atac boss, from killzone 2. for in a level celteen was building, but he bearely playes lbp anymore
its like a flying turrent thing that shoots lazers ans fire on you, you can even stun it with the electrical posts on the side

i also made the tank from metal stug, but i plan to use that
just like the stuff in my level: more random stuff. all enemies for a run & gun level im building
2010-04-24 15:39:00

Posts: 99

the killzone boss sounds cool....2010-04-25 03:17:00

Posts: 255

The mime was sooo cool. The movements were perfect!2010-04-26 12:17:00

Posts: 385

The mime was sooo cool. The movements were perfect!

heh, thanks. his hands and body are one seporate pistons.
the stickers wer like those hidden stickers you dont get in the story, so i figure i use them, thats the face and the stripes.
2010-04-27 02:48:00

Posts: 99

How do you get the secret stickers?2010-04-27 12:17:00

Posts: 385

How do you get the secret stickers?
theres some levels online that give you a pice of wood with them all on it. and you can just take them of.
just search for secret stickers, or story stickers or something
otherwise you would have to go through the story levels and look for the stickers yourself.

the most used secret sticker has to be the R1 sticker. u know from the 1st story levels
2010-04-27 14:26:00

Posts: 99

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