R1 sticker
Archive: 4 posts
Does anyone know where the R1 sticker is? I have seen it used on several community levels. I thought I had it but now I am making a level that I would like to use it in, I can't find it in my popit. I have all the prize bubbles from the main story levels and the MGS levels. And I only need to do the 4 player part of POTC. | 2010-04-21 01:24:00 Author: MicGorbachev ![]() Posts: 372 |
It's not a sticker you acquire throughout the game. It's a secret sticker that only appears in MM levels. Some community levels will offer it as a prize though search r1 sticker and you should find something. | 2010-04-21 01:33:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee ![]() Posts: 1370 |
It's a sticker MM has in the level "First Steps". It's not in a prize bubble though. You have to use the sticker cursor to put it on your sackperson. | 2010-04-21 01:33:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Thanx for you help. | 2010-04-21 09:16:00 Author: MicGorbachev ![]() Posts: 372 |
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