Adept Ninja / Update 9/14/10
Archive: 14 posts
F4F: Adept NinjaMike0_o A ninja challenge level which I was inspired to make from playing some of my Japanese friends levels which where pretty tuff. Very hard platforming but im sure if you take some time in it you will enjoy if you dont get frustrated lol Psn: Mike0_o Level: Adept Ninja F4F: plz let me know what you guys think give me ideas on what your getting stuck at if it is very difficult i will edit and change . Other wise plz rate and comment Thanks to MrTak for his filming of my level and his hard work check his levels out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVPRcZYhrsg The level has been edited and republished thanks for the feedback guys plz give it a second playthrough much has changed =D | 2010-04-20 23:38:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
the vid working again | 2010-04-21 00:04:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
Hey, thanks for the feedback on my level. ![]() This is just a little cultural thing, but is this level supposed to be based in Japan or China? "Ninjas" are mainly from japan, so I got that intention, but the character at the beginning said "Ni hao" which is actually chinese. o_O lol just a little mistake, nothing serious. So anyway, the gameplay was okay, the visuals were kind of bland, and the grammar was bad; there were unnecessary capitalizations and lack of punctuation. Levels with improper grammar gives the player a feeling that the level isn't really that important. I also disliked the sudden change of difficulty at the end, it was rather frustrating. -_- I did like the old man at the table though, lol xD 3 stars. Thanks again for the feedback on my level. | 2010-04-22 20:51:00 Author: AbstractSam ![]() Posts: 332 |
no prob Xd grammar problems goes a long with it lmao but I will fix it | 2010-04-22 21:46:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
I just played this... well sort of, because I just COULDN'T get past the monkeybar type things!!!... lol i must be really bad... lol i'm sorry about that, I tried about 20 times! Anyway, on the parts i did see, I REALLLY liked the checkpoints and how you decorated around them. I liked the way you decorated and it really made me feel like I was playing a sequel to the Islands levels. The elevator was good, I liked how the rail thing came down as you were going up. lol that is kinda wierd.... I'm commenting on an elevator... ![]() Sorry I couldn't finish the level, I really feel stupid... | 2010-04-23 00:24:00 Author: Shhabbazz ![]() Posts: 746 |
- You can totally skip the first fire part by jumping down. :o - Checkpoints are awesome. I gotta make mine better! - Invisible gas on floor of platforms is annoying. - Flaming spikes are over kill and confusing to me. You think it's fire (only get burnt) but you die instantly. ![]() - Fix camera after angled black ninja platforms. You cant see electric spikes. - Cut the bottom left section of the level. It's pretty much copied from the story mode. I liked the visuals (except maybe the green sponge, didn't fit with the rest), difficulty is just right imo. Nice level. ![]() | 2010-04-23 02:50:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
everything that midnight heist says i agree with. I like the level even though i couldn't finish it (too hard for me but don't change it cause i suck) and it looked great. Fix the camera at the end though and make the very last electric spike thing go a little higher or lower i couldn't find a way to get around it after 10 minutes of trying (on that one part) overall i say about 4 out of 5 also could you try out my Fear Is Reality level, i'm working on number 2 which will be way better cause i've learned a lot since i finished number 1. | 2010-04-23 04:54:00 Author: Your Fat Zebra ![]() Posts: 22 |
I just played this... well sort of, because I just COULDN'T get past the monkeybar type things!!!... lol i must be really bad... lol i'm sorry about that, I tried about 20 times! Anyway, on the parts i did see, I REALLLY liked the checkpoints and how you decorated around them. I liked the way you decorated and it really made me feel like I was playing a sequel to the Islands levels. The elevator was good, I liked how the rail thing came down as you were going up. lol that is kinda wierd.... I'm commenting on an elevator... ![]() Sorry I couldn't finish the level, I really feel stupid... No its ok i need to make level less harsh and fix alot of other things but thanks for the play | 2010-04-23 10:02:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
Yes Im going to edit the obstacles since they are very hard and camera angles grammar much more thank you for the feedback Your Fat Zebra i will play your level soon and give feedback thanks for the reply and you to Heist and shhaabbazz | 2010-04-23 10:08:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
Greetings, Mike; Overall, I think that the level made excellent and extensive use of the The Islands motif (Goodies Bag items, decorations, music) from Story Mode -- it felt very much like a sequel throughout. Some of the platforming was quite clever, either unique to itself or offering a unique twist on something familiar, which always makes me smile (because being 'unique' in the realm of platforming is *hard* to do). A few suggestions are included below, for you to consider: Atmosphere: -- The atmosphere was primarily that of a dusty, Chinese village under the glare of a hot, summer sun. The major contributors to this were the orange fog-color and the 'washed out' color filter (global lighting effect) you used. Was this what you were after? If Japan is what you were really after, think: vibrant, *rich* earth tones (greens, browns, rock-grays) in the background, with highly-contrasting black, white, bright reds, greens, & yellows for the houses/structures in the foreground. -- I greatly appreciated the soundtrack in the level, particularly the use of very selective tracks from The Islands and Wise Owl. The one place I would suggest a change here is in the very beginning, where you pop into the level with multiple tracks of The Islands playing full-out, which then gets toned down once the actual game-play starts. You might try inverting this: begin light and soft, set the initial theme, give the player an 'appetizer', and then build up musically as the level progresses. Platforming: -- I would recommend using 'invisible gas' *only* for places where a player can somehow get out-of-bounds (out-of-platform) by wild jumping or being thrown; that is, as an invisible platform boundary. Otherwise, deadly hazards should be either visible or rather obvious: it's annoying when you have to discover that the innocent looking stretch of sidewalk ahead is *really* deadly by, well, dying. -- Flaming or electrified spikes are rather redundant (and a little cheap, with regard to fire -- you *think* you can touch against it once...nope!). I would recommend choosing one hazard for an obstacle and sticking with it for that section. -- With all of the fun and *new* bits of platforming that you included, it was a bit disappointing to encounter direct bits right out of Story Mode here and there. In particular, I never liked "evil Sushi on a tilting platform" in the first place, and here it was again. That said, my 9-year-old loved being able to shove them off the platforms to their death...the ones on Story Mode are electrified. Story: -- Please, please, write out dialogue in proper sentences: with good grammar, capitalization (where needed), and **punctuation marks**, with no emoticons / abbreviations / texting-speak permitted. Write your dialogue in the manner in which your character would actually TALK, *not* text/IM. [Nanluin steps down from soap-box, pet-peeve expressed.] -- Your story-line was a mix of old cliches, and could perhaps be dressed up a little --> although this IS a platforming level, such that the story need only get you up on the platforms! The use of the term "Grasshopper" from teacher to student is right out of the old Kung Fu television series, where Cain is being trained as a Bhuddist Monk (not a Ninja), so I found that to be a bit disjointed (supporting a Chinese theme, not a Japanese ninja theme). I was also confused as to whether there were several different masters / teachers? or was there only one who was following your training, just appearing differently each time you encountered him? -- The ending, to me, was a bit of a let down, and *not* consistent with the rest of the level: the rocket-powered "slow boat to China" (the scoreboard). I was sort of expecting a graduation ceremony in the Main Hall or dojo or something. If you keep the raft ride, you might considering having it propelled by a slow piston, rather than the rocket: I wanted to tell the master, "Dude...you raft is on fire!" Please take all of the above as constructive. It WAS a fun level to romp through, and I let my much-better-at-twitchy-platforming son have fun in it too. -- Nanluin | 2010-04-23 16:18:00 Author: Nanluin ![]() Posts: 98 |
Greetings, Mike; Overall, I think that the level made excellent and extensive use of the The Islands motif (Goodies Bag items, decorations, music) from Story Mode -- it felt very much like a sequel throughout. Some of the platforming was quite clever, either unique to itself or offering a unique twist on something familiar, which always makes me smile (because being 'unique' in the realm of platforming is *hard* to do). A few suggestions are included below, for you to consider: Atmosphere: -- The atmosphere was primarily that of a dusty, Chinese village under the glare of a hot, summer sun. The major contributors to this were the orange fog-color and the 'washed out' color filter (global lighting effect) you used. Was this what you were after? If Japan is what you were really after, think: vibrant, *rich* earth tones (greens, browns, rock-grays) in the background, with highly-contrasting black, white, bright reds, greens, & yellows for the houses/structures in the foreground. -- I greatly appreciated the soundtrack in the level, particularly the use of very selective tracks from The Islands and Wise Owl. The one place I would suggest a change here is in the very beginning, where you pop into the level with multiple tracks of The Islands playing full-out, which then gets toned down once the actual game-play starts. You might try inverting this: begin light and soft, set the initial theme, give the player an 'appetizer', and then build up musically as the level progresses. Platforming: -- I would recommend using 'invisible gas' *only* for places where a player can somehow get out-of-bounds (out-of-platform) by wild jumping or being thrown; that is, as an invisible platform boundary. Otherwise, deadly hazards should be either visible or rather obvious: it's annoying when you have to discover that the innocent looking stretch of sidewalk ahead is *really* deadly by, well, dying. -- Flaming or electrified spikes are rather redundant (and a little cheap, with regard to fire -- you *think* you can touch against it once...nope!). I would recommend choosing one hazard for an obstacle and sticking with it for that section. -- With all of the fun and *new* bits of platforming that you included, it was a bit disappointing to encounter direct bits right out of Story Mode here and there. In particular, I never liked "evil Sushi on a tilting platform" in the first place, and here it was again. That said, my 9-year-old loved being able to shove them off the platforms to their death...the ones on Story Mode are electrified. Story: -- Please, please, write out dialogue in proper sentences: with good grammar, capitalization (where needed), and **punctuation marks**, with no emoticons / abbreviations / texting-speak permitted. Write your dialogue in the manner in which your character would actually TALK, *not* text/IM. [Nanluin steps down from soap-box, pet-peeve expressed.] -- Your story-line was a mix of old cliches, and could perhaps be dressed up a little --> although this IS a platforming level, such that the story need only get you up on the platforms! The use of the term "Grasshopper" from teacher to student is right out of the old Kung Fu television series, where Cain is being trained as a Bhuddist Monk (not a Ninja), so I found that to be a bit disjointed (supporting a Chinese theme, not a Japanese ninja theme). I was also confused as to whether there were several different masters / teachers? or was there only one who was following your training, just appearing differently each time you encountered him? -- The ending, to me, was a bit of a let down, and *not* consistent with the rest of the level: the rocket-powered "slow boat to China" (the scoreboard). I was sort of expecting a graduation ceremony in the Main Hall or dojo or something. If you keep the raft ride, you might considering having it propelled by a slow piston, rather than the rocket: I wanted to tell the master, "Dude...you raft is on fire!" Please take all of the above as constructive. It WAS a fun level to romp through, and I let my much-better-at-twitchy-platforming son have fun in it too. -- Nanluin Thank you so much I will go through adding these points later on Definately need some editing XD | 2010-04-26 08:25:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
-My only complaint is at the part with the electric spikes that jab up and down the camera angle at the checkpoint doesn't let you see what's coming next and it's really hard not to die the first time as it's pretty much a leap of faith. I also didn't like seeing the media molecule obstacle soon after that segment, it's a little unoriginal, it's still fun to go through though. -Overall I had a fun time playing this level. I didn't find anything to be visually spectacular nor did I find the platforming to be very original but to be honest most levels aren't really all that original, which isn't a bad thing, as long as the level is fun and rewarding, which I think you pulled off, then I'm satisfied. In the end I gave it four stars. | 2010-05-01 03:47:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
overall, a decent level. however, the camera really made things difficult in a bunch of spots - especially in the glass jumping near the end. visually, you seemed kind of confused as to whether you wanted to go for a clean temples look, or more animated, vibrant temples with lots of character and decoration. Would have been cool to end on something more epic than a slow boat ride... didn't see anything in here for the first time, and actually saw a lot of pre-made media molecule stuff used exactly as they used it... but other than the camera, everything worked. not bad. would love it if you could check out my level "Dark Side of the Rainbow" | 2010-05-01 04:43:00 Author: mr Radical 5601 ![]() Posts: 515 |
PLz check my level out again its been updated now of 9/14/2010 | 2010-09-14 08:57:00 Author: Mike0_o ![]() Posts: 51 |
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