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Glitched Fall thru metal

Archive: 2 posts

I'm having this weird problem again. I'm making another tower and in one of the top rooms i have some turrets with explosives. Now, when ever you destroy the turrets, the bombs go off. However, the background layer, the room your in and some other things become detached from the tower and fall right thru the other rooms below. I'm talking about you falling thru metal without stopping along with logic and a whole metal room. Falling right thru. Does anybody know what to do without having to start over because i have already deleted the room but other weird glitchs happen. Please help!

Oh, and im glad that we now have spell check for titles.
2010-04-20 23:28:00

Posts: 243

Usually when that happens, it's because you've got too much going on in a small area: too many objects or something. I once made tank treads that used somewhere from 300-400 pieces (there was a logical reason) and it caused problems with the treads slipping through the tank's wheels or my sackboy slipping right into the ground and dying. I solved it by removing about 50 of the pieces the treads were made from.

Try merging smaller objects if you can: gluing them together can help, but not as much as actually fusing them into solid pieces of a single material. If you have a lot of logic in the area, consider moving it to another part of the level and maybe even spreading it out. If you've got emitters that run constantly, consider turning down the lifetime and/or max at once and hooking them up to sensor switches so they're only running when the player is close enough to see them.

Of course, when your bombs go off, they're adding vertices and stickers to the materials being destroyed, which is likely why the bombs are what's triggering the problem. If you simplify the area enough, the damage done by the bombs shouldn't push the level over the edge so that it starts glitching.
2010-04-21 10:02:00

Posts: 2188

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