Stickers (the 3D attachemtns) not destroyed in explosion? Glitch?
Archive: 4 posts
I'm having a wierd issue on a boat that I made. It has some stickers on the side (3D ones, like coral growth and pipes), and the side is Disolve. In Create Mode, when I drop a mine on it, boom, leaves a hole and the stickers go away. When I do the same in Play Mode, boom, the stickers float out in midair attached to nothing... What gives? Any advice? I'm I doing something that initiates some kind of glitch? Currently, I put strips of wood behind the attachments on the side so that they were at least attached to something after the explosion, but that ups my object complexity for no good reason... other than asthetics. ![]() | 2010-04-19 20:04:00 Author: SledKnight ![]() Posts: 93 |
Well, ive had trouble with it as well, but i make the object outta 2 materials so it chunks :I | 2010-04-20 01:36:00 Author: Joshofsouls ![]() Posts: 1569 |
I think (and I may be wrong, as its been a while) that decorations (the 3d stickers) stay in the place that they originally were until the entire object is destroyed. So if you blew up every piece of that chunk of material, the decoration would disappear, otherwise it will float in midair. | 2010-04-20 03:36:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I think (and I may be wrong, as its been a while) that decorations (the 3d stickers) stay in the place that they originally were until the entire object is destroyed. That does appear to be the case in Play Mode (I was testing in Create Mode and did not know about this glitch, prior to testing in Play Mode). I will be mindful of this in the future. Thanks a bunch! | 2010-04-20 16:33:00 Author: SledKnight ![]() Posts: 93 |
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