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Pokemon Black and White

Archive: 171 posts

There new pokemon games with new pokemon

heres the link to the website


it looks cool
2010-04-18 21:12:00

Posts: 409

hmm will this be coming out in the U.s?2010-04-19 00:18:00

Posts: 6419

Only one new Pokemon (not game, actual Pokemon)...
2010-04-19 00:21:00

Posts: 3607

oh wow and was that new pokemon that weird looking one in the screen shots?2010-04-19 00:35:00

Posts: 6419

LOL... thats ANNOUNCED! remember in gen III when only bonsly and munchlax where announced? there was another 101 coming with them -_-2010-04-19 01:42:00

Posts: 2468

Yeah I'm pretty sure swweet is right - and even then there has been two announced, they're just in the same evolutionary family.

Anyway, I thought we already had a thread for this


Merge these two threads mods?
2010-04-19 08:02:00

Posts: 2645

im sure more pokemon will be announced closer to release date
i was gonna re-realsed gold or silver but im gonna wait now
2010-04-19 12:20:00

Posts: 71

I don't see anything really special about it, other than the new story and pokemon. D/P could have utilized a 3d camera and I believe there is an AR code to use the 3d camera in D/P.2010-04-20 04:30:00

Posts: 32

nope, not one! there is possibly one for hg and ss... since they have two spots where there is REAL 3d... but i digress.

these ones still look better anyways... and look! they actually USE the ds' 3d engine to its fullest! what? what do i mean? well, according to nintendo, the ds has all the power of the n64 (not a big deal though, the psp is stronger than the ps2 in some aspects: framerate, for example) so there was no excuse to put visuals that the gba could handle! seriously! look up super monkey ball jr. ... it had full 3d that envied the n64 as well! easily fr and lg could have used that!

so overall, this shouldn't be a reason to buy it... though i will. but a reason to NOT hate nintendo for its visuals!

...yes, i'm a tech geek <_>
2010-04-20 04:43:00

Posts: 2468

Sweet I never knew the DS has the capabilities of the N64... I am now very dissapointed in a lot of the visuals from nintendo. Although Kingdom Hearts DS had some lovely graphics - easily the best on the system.

I was always going to get this game whatever new came out - I think it's subtle things that I like best though. For example, has anyone noticed from the screenshots that you can now see ALL of the pok?mon you're using rather than just the top half? It's amazing
2010-04-20 16:48:00

Posts: 2645

i remember when me and my bro were little we always were expecting black and white to be the next colors but it has taken them till now to use them :o2010-04-20 21:00:00

Posts: 6419

I think they're gonna be pretty screwed to think up new names after this.2010-04-20 21:45:00

Posts: 1872

I doubt it - there's still a tonne of colours to be covered! 2010-04-21 19:14:00

Posts: 2645

Ameythyst and Topaz

Thats gonna be a Generation probaly
2010-04-22 00:21:00

Posts: 6419

i saw this video of a game news site and it looks good

2010-04-22 16:34:00

Posts: 71

LOL Couldn't they come up with something better?2010-04-23 06:44:00

Unknown User

I think Pink and Purple would be good names. Maybe make a whole new type, Purple types. They are immune to all attacks except for Leer, which is a OHKO.2010-04-24 01:16:00

Posts: 425

I think Pink and Purple would be good names. Maybe make a whole new type, Purple types. They are immune to all attacks except for Leer, which is a OHKO.

Sounds like Wonder Guard. :B

But yes, I'm highly anticipating more information about this. Now, if you will, allow me to wildly speculate.

These games will come with two new Legendaries - due to the monochrome nature of these two titles' colors, I'm guessing that the legends will have something to do with color in itself. They may be the bringers or creators of color.

2010-04-24 02:08:00

Posts: 1129

There's probably gonna be more than two legendaries. I mean, theres only what, 4 regions now, and we have over 36 legendaries. The title "Legendary" really doesn't mean much anymore. Than been demoted to Pokemon that are just harder to catch.2010-04-24 02:38:00

Posts: 425

The player will start his or her journey with one of three starter Pok?mon, which will be of the Grass, Fire, or Water-types. Eight Gyms must be challenged before the player can take on the Pok?mon League; a villainous team must be stopped along the way. After the League has been defeated, a range of special areas will become accessible.

It can be assumed that the games will be released initially as a pair, with a third version following several years later. The third version will expand on the plot. Remakes of previous games may follow.

Just as Red and Blue were remade in Generation III, and Gold and Silver in Generation IV, it is possible that Ruby and Sapphire will be remade in Generation V.

The games will be accompanied by new Pok?mon manga, anime episodes, and TCG cards.

An assortment of new and old Pok?mon will make up a regional Pok?dex. Some Pok?mon evolution lines, such as those of Geodude, Abra, Zubat, Machop, Psyduck, Goldeen, Tentacool, and Magikarp, have been in every regional Pok?dex, so are expected to appear in future generations. Pikachu, as the franchise mascot, alongside its family, is virtually guaranteed.

Some Pok?mon may evolve into or from previously released Pok?mon. Pok?mon with cross-generational evolutions have existed since the second generation.

Legendary Pok?mon with myths specific to the region are expected. Recent games feature these Pok?mon in roles important to the driving plot. These Pok?mon often appear in duos and trios.

The remainder of the Pok?mon may be encountered once the milestone of defeating the Pok?mon League is accomplished.

Before the release of Generations II, III, and IV, new Pok?mon have been used to promote the new games through the anime. Ho-Oh, Togepi, Marill, Kecleon, Blaziken, Munchlax, Lucario, and Manaphy are a few of the Pok?mon that debuted before their generation. Additionally, the newest movie will introduce at least two Pok?mon from Generation V.

That's what is expected from the new generation
2010-04-24 09:55:00

Posts: 2645

A picture was found of the starters for Black and white and honestly....I really don't like them alot, probably will be my least fav starts.

2010-05-12 22:33:00

Posts: 1125

the green on is.....ewwwww.2010-05-13 00:02:00

Posts: 6419

The starters look absolutely horrendous! I don't like them AT ALL! I'm just thinking they better evolve into something a lot more slick, but do i really care? Don't think so! The pokemon just seem to get fuglier as generations go on.2010-05-13 00:30:00

Posts: 1370

the grass snake, and the fire pig... they are fine starters, and the otter should be fine... just its stance isn't very good-looking right now.

to say it in english... they will seem better in different stances.
2010-05-14 23:11:00

Posts: 2468

Why does eberyone hate the starters

I really like the Water one.

Oooooh, look what I found on Serebii:


Look at all the 13/05/2010-14/05/2010 pictures, especially the bridge one. Wow.
2010-05-15 13:13:00

Posts: 1893

Yeah the game is really shaping up nicely, it looks really good
New graphics, new battling motion.. animated sprites!

I can't decide which starter I like best, but I have a soft spot for the grass one already
2010-05-17 19:42:00

Posts: 2645

The green thing is eyeing me up... kind of a pervy look...2010-05-17 20:45:00

Posts: 2914

are you guys for serious? personally, i love the starters! smugleaf, piglight, and wotter... I might even go fire this time, for the first time EVER. (water, grass, grass, water in previous gens)

i thought gen 2 starters were pretty much all stupid. the second evolution of chikorita is pretty awesome but meganium is all like. lame.
2010-05-17 20:48:00

Posts: 1361

are you guys for serious? personally, i love the starters! smugleaf, piglight, and wotter... I might even go fire this time, for the first time EVER. (water, grass, grass, water in previous gens)

i thought gen 2 starters were pretty much all stupid. the second evolution of chikorita is pretty awesome but meganium is all like. lame.

yea i agree they look kool
i just want to know the evolved forms
2010-05-18 11:26:00

Posts: 71

You know what they are kind of growing on me. :blush:2010-05-18 14:33:00

Posts: 1370



And I'm still trying to find a decent picture of the water type
2010-05-18 17:24:00

Posts: 2645

that always happens...2010-05-18 23:18:00

Posts: 2468

The only one that i am liking right now is the Firepig pokemon XD

Did anyone else notcie the new pokemon zaorak looking supiciously like lucario?
2010-05-21 02:06:00

Posts: 1990

with it being of the fox/wolf looking yea2010-05-21 14:35:00

Posts: 71

lucario will still kick its ***... cause its a dark type.2010-05-21 15:15:00

Posts: 2468

Game freak tends to release the "cool" pokemon first. I feel they are over rated *cough*lucario*cough*..

Will be interesting to see the evolved forms of the starters. I hope the water one is cool, since I have chosen water starter first every time.
2010-05-21 15:42:00

Posts: 2513

wierd...me too! except maybe for gen 2...2010-05-21 16:03:00

Posts: 2468

I wonder if i can get this on an emulator on my imac...2010-05-23 10:51:00

Unknown User

Hmm, with the starters each generation:
Gen I - Charizard
Gen II - Typhlosion
Gen III - Swampert
Gen IV - Infernape

Those are what the best starter pok?mon (at least as far as movepools and stats go) have been so far. But looking at them, I'd like to see the grass type break the trend for once (lets face it, there have been no good grass starters since Gen I) and be good.
So that's what I'm probably going to choose. What's everyone else liking the look of?
2010-05-23 15:09:00

Posts: 2645

When is this meant to be out? I wanted to get it on visualboy advance on my mac, and i got a black one. Apparently, the wrong one. The water starter looked like a pile of blue jelly.

Edit: It was Chaos Black. Which one is that?

Edit 2: Apparently it's a fake game. **** them all. Gonna go find another one. Maybe i'll go back to the old school. Red for the ****ing win.

Edit 3: Got Fire red in the end. Not that it matters... it's not like i'm losing money...

Edit 4: Sweet, found a DS emulator...

Edit 5: How close is this to the graphics on the actual version of fire red?


Edit 6: http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r449/ir0nmaid3nfan/Picture1-4.png

Charmander, now known as Fraps for reasons not even know to me, FTW.
2010-05-23 15:14:00

Unknown User

emulator...i could do that on my psp if i wanted too!

and thats the same, i will never forget firered... was my favorite until someone stole it...
2010-05-23 17:24:00

Posts: 2468

Why did i put the same pic twice? Confused.

And how'd you get it on your psp? If it involves modding i'm not interested, but if it is easy...
2010-05-23 18:53:00

Unknown User

well... it involves using something called the half-byte loader... and a save exploit. or, if you want to spend money, modding. oh and your psp has to be version 5.50 or below for slim, and 5.70 for the GO... yah, i thought about moddding, but then i realized that i could get arrested!

if its regular, anything will do.

by-the-by the website is www.pspslimhacks.com
2010-05-24 23:27:00

Posts: 2468

Well its coming to NA Spring 2011 (so everywhere else should get it around there too) and the legendaries for the cover have been revealed and they're......well....


2010-05-28 18:59:00

Posts: 1125

The black one is go******** awesome, the white one is okay.

You guys sure have odd tastes in pokemons.
2010-05-28 19:02:00

Posts: 1361

Those legendaries look like grey scale digimon.
The white one is pretty. Pretty terrible! lol. That was bad, sorry.
Pure flying type would be nice. Not that I would use it because legendaries are lame.
2010-05-29 06:28:00

Posts: 2513

Oooh... Black one is nice...
Gotta make an avy for that...
2010-05-29 07:35:00

Posts: 3607

I can't quite work out if I like them. On the one hand they're probably very strong and they certainly look... legendary.

But they're so different! It was much better when they were based off animals (birds.. dogs etc.) and now they're looking kinda.. odd
2010-05-30 00:12:00

Posts: 2645

Out of all the Pokemon announced so far...

Only 2 of them look like Pokemon!

The fire starter, and Zorua. (Zorua barely.)

I don't like the way they're going now... Trying to make the legendaries look "Epic", and the pokemon, like Yugioh monsters.

In my opinion... The generations rank...

Generation 2
Generation 1
Generation 4
Generation 3

I obviously don't know where 5 goes, but still.

I wish they'd stop at 500 Pokemon, and just add variations and stuff to them for new generations... (8-Tailed Ninetales, Sabre-Tooth Meowth, etc...) They're running out of Pokemon ideas, and I'd rather they not try to overdo it...
2010-05-31 01:55:00

Posts: 1106

News: the two legends are both dragon types, not confirmed if they have a second type or not...
Zorua is not the fire starter, it's the pre-evolved form of Zoroark (the game's first confirmed legend)
And I liked gen 3, best one of all.
2010-05-31 02:27:00

Posts: 3607

Gen 3 is ruby/sapphire? ugh, couldn't stand those, too much water2010-05-31 04:13:00

Posts: 1361

News: the two legends are both dragon types, not confirmed if they have a second type or not...
Zorua is not the fire starter, it's the pre-evolved form of Zoroark (the game's first confirmed legend)
And I liked gen 3, best one of all.
I know, I meant Zorua and *Checks the fire starter's name* Pokabu.

And generation 3 was fun, but it just felt odd in my opinion. I loved diving, and all the legenadaries and stuff though.
2010-05-31 11:41:00

Posts: 1106

hmmm, dragon types that doesn't really suprise me.

I do agree though, the legendaries are jjust getting a bit monstourous. Personally I like the grass starter, seems pretty cool
2010-06-01 22:12:00

Posts: 2645

Well its coming to NA Spring 2011 (so everywhere else should get it around there too) and the legendaries for the cover have been revealed and they're......well....



White one has suicine like face/hair and most of it looks familiar... Black one reminds me of diamond/pearl legends on the legs body and arms. Hair is like smaller darkrai. Horn is kind of... familiar aswell. Don't seem very original to me. More like a mix 'n' match of other pokemon.
2010-06-02 02:30:00

Posts: 2914

i am getting Pokemon Black just for that Legendary Pokemon2010-06-02 14:09:00

Posts: 71

Of course they look beastly, but I'm getting white I think, it just looks more like a real pokemon 2010-06-02 19:52:00

Posts: 2645

I will get whichever one I can find on an emulator! xD2010-06-02 23:35:00

Posts: 2914

Thanks so much for sharing!

I can't wait for this game!! =D
2010-06-02 23:39:00

Posts: 2105


I read this joke from a someone on TV.com.

Pharmasist: Welcome to the Poke Mart! What can I get you?
Girl: Actually I'm here because the Poke Center nurse wanted me to tell you...
Girl: ... I'll come back later.

Also, suprised with the lack of gameplay pictures here. I'll be back in a jiff with some nice ones.
2010-06-03 19:26:00

Posts: 1703

Sorry for the double post but:
The region will be called Ishhu. Here are some pics.

http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/7/7e/BW_Prerelease_Cave.png/120px-BW_Prerelease_Cave.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/1/15/BW_Prerelease_Bridge.png/120px-BW_Prerelease_Bridge.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/c/c0/BW_Prerelease_City.png/120px-BW_Prerelease_City.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/6/64/BW_Prerelease_Train_tracks.png/120px-BW_Prerelease_Train_tracks.png http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/4/4c/Black_White_City.png/120px-Black_White_City.png

Here are some clips of walking in the city and the new battles. (Pardon the japanese)


Also these Legendaries are SHINY
2010-06-03 19:50:00

Posts: 1703

haha loved the joke silver
Also yeah I get most of my info from serebii.net so the pictures are hard to get from that website - thanks for posting them and the videos
2010-06-04 13:21:00

Posts: 2645

I present to you some NEW AND OFFICIAL Pokemon. And also the Female Prof. at the bottom right corner of the 2nd picture.



I am SO getting the Electric Zebra.
2010-06-11 22:46:00

Posts: 1703

I'm not going to lie. That pink thing looks like the worst thing ever to get into a pokemon game....

On the brightside, there are some really nice looking pokemon (well.. for this generation they're nice looking) AND FINALLY A PURE STEEL TYPE!!!! (I know, Mawile, but that was just terrible).

Personally I'll be getting me one of those mouse pokemon - look how cute it is
2010-06-12 13:23:00

Posts: 2645

You know eventually they're going to release the game that goes with the matched pair and out classes it... Which bring me to the point i don't like the choice of black and white as it is but just wait until you get pokemon... GREY!... I smell a lack of inspiration Oh well, I fell off the pokemon trend when a gameshark destroyed my copy of blue lol2010-06-12 13:45:00

Posts: 20

i like the gears they are epic2010-06-12 15:20:00

Posts: 409

Time for some new pics. Anybody like the new region?


If you look at the bottom right corner of this picture, you'll see a honey coated building. A Bug-Gym perhaps?
2010-06-12 17:15:00

Posts: 1703

I think that fire monkey thing looks AWESOME!2010-06-12 17:23:00

Posts: 763

Looking at the region map, I can't be the only one seeing a HUUUGE divercity. There's ice mountains, huge cities, tiny towns, some sort of desert thing... there's tonnes! So expect new pokemon of many types I guess?

Also on the map I like the big area that seems to be shaped like a pokeball - that looks cool
2010-06-13 00:00:00

Posts: 2645

I got Soul Silver on an emulator and it is weeeeeell good. I actually like pokemon again. I just hate all the talking and long battles...2010-06-13 00:38:00

Posts: 2914

NoooO! the region looks awful! if only because it looks like there will be a lot of SURF. SCREW THAT.

i like the floating pink fatty, it is adorable.
2010-06-13 14:02:00

Posts: 1361

It doesn't look like a lot of that surfing is mandatory though, there's really bridges everywhere. I'd like to see a lot more water pok?mon introduced though.. and not just another 8 magikarp clones2010-06-13 14:18:00

Posts: 2645

What is up with the nose on that zebra thing?2010-06-13 14:46:00

Posts: 2914

I'm not going to lie. That pink thing looks like the worst thing ever to get into a pokemon game....

On the brightside, there are some really nice looking pokemon (well.. for this generation they're nice looking) AND FINALLY A PURE STEEL TYPE!!!! (I know, Mawile, but that was just terrible).

Personally I'll be getting me one of those mouse pokemon - look how cute it is

Better watch out, Coxy! You don't want to see that thing when it's angry!

Oh, and I believe that that mouse-like Pokemon is more specifically called the chinchilla Pokemon.
2010-06-13 14:56:00

Posts: 387

R.I.P Pokemon, you will be missed. 2010-06-13 15:21:00

Posts: 128

Anybody else notice the ferris wheel under the pokeball shaped island. Amusement park perhaps?

Also, the Desert Crocodile, has this awesome ability called "Overconfidence" which means after every pokemon it defeats, it's ATK gets a boost.

I'll be getting me one of those.
2010-06-13 17:08:00

Posts: 1703

Yeah the ability seems like it could break that pokemon.. or at least make it very strong. So don't expect many powerful attacks

Also, do I see another lighthouse? Maybe we had to feed the sick electric zebra
2010-06-13 21:00:00

Posts: 2645

Siamese twin gears!?! I'm so catching that!2010-06-13 21:47:00

Posts: 2358

Oh no! Foreshadowing!


2010-06-14 18:50:00

Posts: 1703

haha nice spot there
Oh the irony! You have your floral pink pokemon now random picnicker
2010-06-14 19:30:00

Posts: 2645

Also, the Desert Crocodile, has this awesome ability called "Overconfidence" which means after every pokemon it defeats, it's ATK gets a boost.
I'll be getting me one of those.
Awesome ability. I hope there are more new ones like that.
IMO, the newer revealed ones look kinda lame. I like the region and the area screenshots though.

BTW, I finally found and caught a Kecleon via pokewalker!
Now I need to chain breed corsola>quagsire>kecleon for Recover!
2010-06-22 10:43:00

Posts: 2513

meh i dont really like the design of these its kinda getting worse and worse...i guess it is pretty hard to come up with like 150 unique creatures though

I probably won't get the game it depends they are basically all about the same...
2010-06-22 10:56:00

Posts: 2701

I don't mind the Pokemon designs getting worserer, it pays off when you get the few that are really good.

The new gen have been surprisingly promising so far, really like the fire and grass starter and the gears. The crocodile and zebra thing aren't too bad either.
They're probably choosing to show off the better designed Pokemon though, I'm sure we haven't seen the worst of them yet.
2010-06-22 11:17:00

Posts: 2100

Floating pink floral patterned pokemon?? I really am not sure what it is even, must evolve because it's a blob with legs right now.2010-06-22 19:45:00

Posts: 1370

Haha glad to see you got your kecleon Midnight!

not a lot of new stuff released for a while.. calm before the storm?
2010-06-23 14:08:00

Posts: 2645

Ice Cream!!!

Oh and a new cutscene style.

I said his room was a little messy and he got so angry he decided to battle me.

New Pokemon! Opinions? My Opinion, digimonish, but I'll deal with it.

And to top off this extremely long post. Holy three pokemon on one side!
2010-06-28 20:55:00

Posts: 1703

Zangoose evo up there? Those 2 do look quite beast and to be honest I was very bad at pokemon before always sticking to legends and stuff instead of looking at the stats. At least this time there are some awesome looking ones that aren't legends. T-rex with blood soaked axes on its face? NICE! 2010-06-28 23:10:00

Posts: 2914

lol, go to serebii to see all the info, i don't like the sarcophagus though... it is wierd

triple battles sound nice!
2010-06-29 05:13:00

Posts: 2468

Triple battles?!
Woah. I wonder what's the most unbeatable combo?

New Pokemon:
blue/red crystal one is poo, looks like an ugly Metagross.
black/white girly one looks terrible.
Thankfully the rest are passable.
2010-06-29 10:43:00

Posts: 2513

No Zangoose evo. If you're talking about the purple one on the second to last pic. It's its own pokemon, a mole pokemon. Here's a pic of it's pre-evolution:
It's the one whose all over the female trainer.
2010-06-29 20:01:00

Posts: 1703

Can't wait for this! Though agreeable that some look... wierd o_O2010-06-29 20:29:00

Posts: 3607

some of the new pokemon look a bit crazy but its how it is2010-06-30 16:23:00

Posts: 71


go to www.serebii.net NAO, lots of info has flooded in...

2010-09-04 21:00:00

Posts: 2468

Darn. I don't like the starters (http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml).
Grass evo looks like dragonair, fire starter is just what I expected, and the water one looks like that digimon.
And I really don't like that chimpmonk evo.
There are some I do like though.
2010-09-04 23:32:00

Posts: 2513

How does the grass evo look like dragonair? It's body shape, maybe, but everything else is completely different. And pretty much all of them look like digimon.2010-09-05 16:38:00

Posts: 1703

Don't forget that the starter evos haven't been officially confirmed.
Though the source has been right about other things, but still - They aren't official (yet)

I probably will end up not using the starter at all and trade over an old one. Probably a Treeko, I never used one or its evolutions.
2010-09-05 16:42:00

Posts: 1518

i like mijimarus evo... and they all seem O.K... but i am upset if pokabu is fire fighting again...i think he good be dark for his final... the only evo i hate is pokabus semi-final evo...2010-09-05 17:45:00

Posts: 2468

Is anyone else wondering why a firepig pokemon evolves into some kind of monkey thing? 2010-09-05 19:16:00

Posts: 1990

How does it look like a monkey? I still see pig/ganondorf. Monkey's are most often thin, plus it has a snout and tusks (like a boar) If anything it might be a gorilla but it's short arms disprove that.

Also, it seems like their might be 3 on 3 battle for the first gym badge: The first pic shows 2 other gym leaders (dressed in respective elements) with a green gym leader already confirmed to be the 1st gym leader (4th pic). Plus the main puzzle for the gym involves the 3 elements, and the badge has the 3 elements as well. Opinions?
2010-09-05 20:24:00

Posts: 1703

Wow, my own drawn versions were way better... Mijimaru started as worst but final form best, but yet, doesn't compare to first gens...
starters in order of quality:
5. gen iii
4.gen v
3.gen iv
2.gen ii
1.gen i
2010-09-05 20:41:00

Posts: 1758

The new pokemon literally KILL pokemon, -.-2010-09-06 03:14:00

Posts: 6419

Oh yeah. I'd totally forgotten that Nintendo is releasing new Pokemon games... hmm...
LBP2 > Pokemon
...I used to play Pokemon, but after LittleBigPlanet, I stopped. Also, Nintendo owns the copyright on "Pokemon Gray", so I'm probably just going to wait wait until that one. (At that, point, of course, I will most likely no longer care at all.)
2010-09-06 03:29:00

Posts: 276

It's sad, I've never really paid attention to next generations until the games have actually come out. Now, I feel like I never should've looked because of all the negativity people are just raining down.2010-09-06 03:38:00

Posts: 1703

i like the pokemon... they have grown on me like at first, and i have high hopes for these games.2010-09-06 03:43:00

Posts: 2468

All of em are out now... There's a few good ones floating in the sea of endless vomit..2010-09-18 19:14:00

Posts: 1758

Is it just me, or do the new ones look like combinations or slight changes of older Pokemon? For example:

Yanappu = Chimchar + Turtwig
Baokki = Infernape
Hiyappu = Piplup + Chimchar
Mamapato = Starly
Hatoopoo = Staravia
Gamageroge = Toxicroak
Marakachi = Cacturne
Gochiruzeru = Gardenviore
Mebukijika = Stanler
Denchura = Ariados
Buffalon = Tauros

Sorry if I have a few spelling errors.
2010-09-18 19:39:00

Posts: 463

well when it comes out in america, I'll be the judge if its crap or not

but some of the new features of the new game look pretty interesting to me.
but some of their pokemon look wack as everyone has noticed
but from all the replies are negative here.........I feel even worse for liking pokemon
at school now here, will the rain ever stop?
2010-09-18 19:57:00

Posts: 85

I'm currently playing the game on an emulator (Up to the third gym) I must say it's a step above the last few gens. The gameplay is good, but a lot of the pokemon are awful.2010-09-18 23:39:00

Posts: 1277

Is it in english? I never understood spending all that money for an import that you can't read.2010-09-19 03:58:00

Posts: 1703

Wow, TMs are now infinite use. :o

Plus the pokemon close their eyes when asleep in battle. It's the little things. :o
2010-11-12 23:20:00

Posts: 2513


i pre-ordered white, what about you guys? (and by I, i mean ME. i payed for it XD)

BTW... what happened to the old pokemon trade thread? i liked it, i may have not had wi-fi then, but it was good...
2011-01-30 23:16:00

Posts: 2468

Ah, yes, a bump!

After playing some of the older games I decided I would be getting this one. I'll probably buy a DSi XL along with it, as I have a very old DS at the moment. I also saw the pokemon you can get in the White Forest, and the White only pokemon Yuniran (and his evolved forms) so I'll definitely be getting White over Black.

I've been looking at the new pokemon, and I'm looking at going for these new pokemans;

Klink (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Klink), Monozu (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Monozu), Yuniran (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Yuniran), Pidove (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pidove_(Pok%C3%A9mon)), and Hitomoshi (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Hitomoshi).
2011-01-30 23:58:00

Posts: 2358

ah, well i like this (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/604.shtml), this (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/619.shtml), and this (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/609.shtml). i also like yuniran and Oshawott. i might get the version exclusive grass on my team as well, but i'm probably getting zorua or zoroark2011-01-31 00:13:00

Posts: 2468

If this hasn't already been posted, Bulbapedia have the Ken Sugmori art on every 5th gen Pok?mon (http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sugimori_art_of_Generation_V_Pok%C3%A9mon_revealed ) (except for events). I am so using this guy in my party:


Also, who's bright idea was it to make Monozu, a stage 1 pok?mon, not evolve until Lv50? And then that evolves at Lv64?
2011-02-03 08:06:00

Posts: 1893

probably the same person who made Larvesta evolve at 59, for the first time!!!

(then again, its evolution is basically a legendary... you even find one at lvl 70, in th ancient castle post-game (at lv.100 it learns an exclusive move!))
2011-02-04 02:35:00

Posts: 2468

Ah B&W.. you shall be epic. Gonna love this game to death once it comes out. Haven't pre-ordered it yet, but will get on it later in the month. Have been avoiding most BW stuff though, because I don't want to spoil it for myself, like I do with pretty much every Pokemon game since Crystal. Out of the new Pokes I know though, my favorite is "Cofagrigus (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Desukaan_%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29)" who I will immediately rename to something a lot less stupid. Like King Ramses.
(The man in gauze, the man in gauze.. If you got that, you are awesome and are now my best friend forever.)
2011-02-04 03:15:00

Posts: 386

Between these new Pokemon games and Okamiden, the DS is going out on an epic swansong as focus shifts to the 3DS.

I really enjoyed Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and Heart Gold/Soul Silver, but really Black and White are looking to put them to shame. Lots of small polish elements and new features that are looking to make this into the most significant step forward to the main series of Pokemon games.

Can't wait for it! Only seen a few of the Pokemon designs - trying to go in fresh with minimal knowledge of actual game content. Some of them do look pretty weird so far, but there are some great looking ones among them.

Really looking forward to sinking my teeth into the game.
2011-02-09 12:58:00

Unknown User

I'm gonna get pokemon white. white is my fave color after all. xD
honestly i like most of my pokemon i own already. plus some I've yet to get.
pokemon i like best. "All of them are female. heh"

Gardevoir "my fave"
Weavile "my 2nd fave"
Celebi "don't own yet"
Mew "don't own yet"

only ones i like at all from the new games coming are.


Not to many new ones i really want.
plus gonna need a friend to help send over my old pokemon as i don't got two DS. :/
2011-02-09 16:10:00

Posts: 4261

got my GI... BW got 8.75 out of 10, promising.2011-02-10 02:57:00

Posts: 2468

Btw guys, if you have an open wifi and you go onto either D/P/Pl/HG/SS you can go to Mystery Gift, then Nintendo WFC, and get a free Raikou. Also, if you take him into B/W, you will get Zoroark.

I got Heartgold a couple of days ago, along with a DSi XL. So much fun.
2011-02-10 03:38:00

Posts: 2358

ehh, got a crown raikou on serebii, so there is no need, but the celebi event is a week before the game releases (gets zorua, which is a pokemon i like atm)2011-02-10 04:11:00

Posts: 2468

I used to be a huge fan of the series, but now I'm having my doubts. The thing I loved from Diamond and Pearl was the trading, I always loved barganing and haggling with other collectors with trades, and built up a huge list of amazing pokemon and transferred them to My Pokemon Ranch for the Wii, whereI had a blast playing with them there.

It was also one of the very few games I cheat on. I don't mean cheating as in "Hacked Mew with Hacked Moves with infinite health and items to tick off online players" I mean as in "Raising and Cloning pokemon to trade with because I don't want to waste weeks breeding to get pokemon with the right moves/nature when i can speed up the process with Infinite TMs and quick breeding and hatching down to a few minutes". I never liked battling unless it was for pure enjoyment such as duo fighting with Metronoming pokemon (which sometimes gave hilarous results)

But now with a huge change in the graphics, having to wait for Action Replay cheats so i can have fun raising and cloning guys to trade with others (My old AR broke and I never opened the new one i got for christmas), and no sign of a "My Pokemon Ranch 2" (I don't think White/Blacks Storage system is going to hold all my guys from ranch). I really don't know if I want to continue my pokemon career
2011-02-15 22:20:00

Posts: 1125

1, a new pokemon wii game is in the works... could be a pokemon box black and white for all we know...

2, the game has 24 boxes, so that is over 700 pokes

3, the tms are harder to get now

4, you won't have to wait that long... the codes usually are leaked a week or so ahead of time by hackers.

and finally...

5, the graphics kick *** for a ds game.

so... yeah, it shouldn't be that much of a problem...
2011-02-16 01:39:00

Posts: 2468

I've just pre-ordered the game! And now I've got Celebi. 2011-02-18 15:16:00

Posts: 311

1, a new pokemon wii game is in the works... could be a pokemon box black and white for all we know...

2, the game has 24 boxes, so that is over 700 pokes

3, the tms are harder to get now

4, you won't have to wait that long... the codes usually are leaked a week or so ahead of time by hackers.

and finally...

5, the graphics kick *** for a ds game.

so... yeah, it shouldn't be that much of a problem...

Plus, the music isn't half bad either. ^^

2011-02-18 20:06:00

Posts: 578

that music reminds me of ruby and saphires battle music...2011-02-18 22:02:00

Posts: 2468

that music reminds me of ruby and saphires battle music...

I know right? And just to prove their similarities here's some RSE music remixed in Black and White (not official but still cool ):


It's so RSE yet B&W lol...
2011-02-18 22:34:00

Posts: 578

More... Pokemon... Sigh~ Not hating on Pokemon or anything, I used to love the games actually, but they just keep making them! Not that its a bad thing, but it is just the same thing over and over, with new pokemon, and new gimmicks. I'll be interested when they introduce a new game with something majorly different... Or if they just make Pokemon: Universe or something, where you can go all over the Earth and collect every Pokemon... Or if they let you catch people with Pokeballs, lol.2011-02-19 07:08:00

Posts: 757

I cant wwait to gt pokemon white! apparently they are including seasons when you can catch certain pokemon..I'm getting Mijumaru as my starter pokemon..I say Mijumaru because it sounds WAY cooler than Oshawott.2011-02-23 23:56:00

Unknown User

Right now by using Mystery Gift you can get yourself a Suicune that'll unlock a Zoroark in B/W. I just have to find me an open wifi first. Starbucks here I come

@JamesDNaux People still play Pokemon Red to this day. That shows that the pokemon formula is not getting boring or old, and by just giving us more to do will make the majority of the fans happy. Plus, if they went and changed pokemon too much, it would no longer be pokemon.
2011-02-24 00:08:00

Posts: 2358

Joystiq put up a review (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/03/04/pokemon-black-and-white-review/), and they seem to have the same feel i have of it starting to lose its charm on some things

(Starting town, choose from 3 pokemon, Learn about Pokeballs, Get Pokedex, Travel through Status inflicting bug forests, Train for first Gym, Go through Cave, Get the other 7 badges while fighting against Team X with partners one who is most likely the Pokemon Champion after the Elite Four, Fight and kill/capture legendary that was released by Team X and is now trying to destory the word etc etc etc.)

And what i need to highlight in big bold

Also, TMs can be used infinitely -- eradicating any guilt you might feel while customizing the movesets of your frequently swapped line-up. Better still, instances requiring you to use HMs like Surf and Cut are few and far between, leaving that sixth slot open for a contributing member of the team, rather than an "HM Mule."

My response...


Still undecided on getting this, but this makes my decision closer to a yes
2011-03-04 22:43:00

Posts: 1125

I'm going to be having a tough time deciding when to play Pokemon White and when to play LBP2. 2011-03-05 03:08:00

Posts: 154

yeah i got 3 Celebi from game stop last week~
after i get pokemon white I'll have 4
I'm sad to see B&W don't have pokemon that can follow you or a pokewalker like in gold&silver.
and I'm not seeing anything that's even replacing it :/ *mew
2011-03-05 04:56:00

Posts: 4261

yeah i got 3 Celebi from game stop last week~
after i get pokemon white I'll have 4
I'm sad to see B&W don't have pokemon that can follow you or a pokewalker like in gold&silver.
and I'm not seeing anything that's even replacing it :/ *mew
Too bad Celebi isn't that good

I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to catch a TON of generation 5 pokemon, which means it's going to be tough on picking my team D: I just like so many!
2011-03-05 05:16:00

Posts: 2358

Too bad Celebi isn't that good

I don't think you understand why i pick the pokemon i do

1: i only like pokemon that look cute and or are sexy in fan art.
2: all my pokemon i use are female.
3: long as every A.I pokemon in game can die by the hands of my pokemon i'm all good and set.

also this is my list of fave pokemon again. plus i like most dislike most of the ugly B&W pokemon xD

Gardevoir "my fave"
Weavile "my 2nd fave"
Mew "don't own yet"

only ones i like at all from the new B&W games coming are.


i have same others i like but this is the main ones i use at all
also i use my ditto for breeding. he has the best name everz "Dr. Love" xD
2011-03-05 05:36:00

Posts: 4261

Celebi is a great Pokemon, what are you guys talking about? BST of 600 and 6 resistances make up for all those weaknesses, and it has a pretty good movepool.

I'm pretty nerdy when it comes to Pokemon.:blush:
2011-03-05 06:10:00

Unknown User

It's here tommarow my fellow pokemon fans as Avaloony said "Sheild your Eyes my friends for soon you shall gaze upon Glory!" and that'll be the last time I ever quote Avaloony again. i'm going to start with Tepig->Pignite->Emboar and then get the following pokemon: Panpour->Simipour(most likely from my brother), Petlil->Lilligant, Zoura->Zoroark(yes I got Celebi), Joltik->Galvantula, and Rufflet->Braviary. my brother and several of my friends are getting it to. my brother is getting Snivy->Servine->Serperior. his friend is Getting Oshawott->Dewott->Samurott, he is also geting Pansage->Simisage and Rufflet->Braviary by trade with me.2011-03-05 12:39:00

Unknown User

Got White yesterday. Started of with a Tepig (Called Bacon) who's now evolved into 'Pork Chop'
Currently I have a Throh called Ryder and a Scraggy called Scruffs.
I am going to attempt this game with only fighting type pokemon (Excluding ones for HM moves and Legendaries).
Anyone want to trade a Sawk for one of my spare Throhs?
It would put both of us closer to that second masterball - Trade with 50 people and get a second one from a guy in the pokemon centre in Castelia.
Pm me
2011-03-05 13:57:00

Posts: 1518

^Do you live in Europe? You guys are so lucky because you get it 2 days earlier than the USA.2011-03-05 14:01:00

Posts: 154

I'm getting White version tomorrow, with my birthday money from like... A month ago.

I want it because the legendary is number 644, and my old username for stuff was 644Klaww.

My brother's gonna get Black eventually...

So, is Gamestop also giving away Celebis in Canada?

And, how about EB Games, since they're owned by Gamestop?
2011-03-05 14:54:00

Posts: 1106

^Do you live in Europe? You guys are so lucky because you get it 2 days earlier than the USA.

I'm in the UK. I'm hoping to catch all of the new pokemon. I'm only missing 2 from the Sinnoh games' national dex (Celebi and Deoxys).
2011-03-05 17:32:00

Posts: 1518

I'm in the UK. I'm hoping to catch all of the new pokemon. I'm only missing 2 from the Sinnoh games' national dex (Celebi and Deoxys).
Lol, that kinda sucks, over the last 2 weeks a guy was giving away Celebis then Deoxys' and I got one of each Well, he wasn't giving them away, he was just hosting the events.

Anyway, my favourite pokemon are as follows;

Togepi -> Togetic -> Togekiss
Swinub -> Piloswine -> Mamoswine
Litwick -> Lampent -> Chandelure
Poliwag -> Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath
Klink -> Klank -> Klinklang
Porygon -> Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z
Deino -> Zweilous -> Hydreigon
Dwebble -> Crustle
Budew -> Roselia -> Roserade
Ralts -> Kirlia -> Gardevoir -> Gallade
Snorunt -> Glalie -> Froslass
Oshawott -> Dewott -> Samurott
Vanillite -> Vanillish -> Vanilluxe
Sewaddle -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
Darumaka -> Darmanitan
Solosis -> Duosion -> Reuniclus
Tynamo -> Eelektrik -> Eelektross
Golett -> Golurk
Pawniard -> Bisharp
Rufflet -> Braviary
Tympole -> Palpitoad -> Seismitoad

As you can see, most of them are generation 5 guys
2011-03-05 19:43:00

Posts: 2358

Man i'm still waiting for the day they put out Mew again...
last one they had was promo from 6 years ago I neeed her so bad... but i refuse to cheat >:/
i dislike hacked pokemon. i only like getting meh pokes on game or promos like Celebi and Deoxys.
I'm not in to trading much... just because you never know if their pokes are hacked or not (>.>)
someday I'll get Mew.... someday. *mew
2011-03-05 20:02:00

Posts: 4261

Man i'm still waiting for the day they put out Mew again...
last one they had was promo from 6 years ago I neeed her so bad... but i refuse to cheat >:/
i dislike hacked pokemon. i only like getting meh pokes on game or promos like Celebi and Deoxys.
I'm not in to trading much... just because you never know if their pokes are hacked or not (>.>)
someday I'll get Mew.... someday. *mew
Well the Celebi and Deoxys weren't a full trade, you just got them without giving anything in return. Plus, they were made by gamestop for old gamestop events, and so the guy just hosted the same pokemon they did.

And I got quite lucky with my mew. When I bought HeartGold, the only one was pre-played, so I popped it in and found that the only legendary the previous player had caught was Mew So I transfered that over to Diamond on my old DS, then restarted the HG game and brought Mew back over. But I didn't use it for a while, and now I'm at a point where it's too low a level for me to use
2011-03-05 20:08:00

Posts: 2358

^Do you live in Europe? You guys are so lucky because you get it 2 days earlier than the USA.

All dates are relative to the US date dates in brackets are before the US.

Red & Blue 1 year
Yellow 8 Months
Gold & Silver 6 months
Crystal 3 months
Ruby & Saphire 4 months
Emerald 6 months
Fire Red & Leaf Green 1 month
Diamond & Pearl 3 months
Platinum 2 months
Heart Gold & Soul Silver 12 days
Black & White (2 days)

Look at how amazingly lucky we are.
2011-03-05 20:49:00

Posts: 6728

Got Black yesterday, at Cestelia City, I abosolutly love it, really good. Won't bother posting my party because it's not finished and the stuff I want isn't until near the end I think.

Man i'm still waiting for the day they put out Mew again...
last one they had was promo from 6 years ago I neeed her so bad... but i refuse to cheat >:/
i dislike hacked pokemon. i only like getting meh pokes on game or promos like Celebi and Deoxys.
I'm not in to trading much... just because you never know if their pokes are hacked or not (>.>)
someday I'll get Mew.... someday. *mew

Wasn't Mew given out over WiFi not that long ago for HG and SS? I know I have one.

EDIT: Celebi is an amazing special wall in my Pok?mon Online team (which I shall recreate in the games now someone got me a Calm Event one), the types it's weak to aren/t that good. U-Turn hurts though.
2011-03-05 20:51:00

Posts: 1893

Wasn't Mew given out over WiFi not that long ago for HG and SS? I know I have one.

Whhhaaaa? Really? man how did i miss that? i don't remember serebii.net saying anything about it....
well if anyone has a real one that was not gotten by hacking. care to trade?

@Cog. i have no idea what your trying to say. Duh they were not trades, they were promos giving out by gamestop,
like you said your self i was saying i don't like trades much because you
don't know if the person your getting them from hacked them or not.
i mostly just like getting pokes on the games them self with pokeballs or whatever.
only other thing i'm ok with is promos. but seems i missed a Mew promo that was out not long ago.
so i minds will try to see if i can trade for one, i just got to be careful and not get a fake. *mew

PS: i forgot you can get mew from Pok?mon Ranch too... but i no have a Wii so whateverz.

PSS: http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/151.shtml ... What they been givingout a mew every year???
fail... goggle failed me. people were saying there not been a mew put out for 6 years now...

PSSS: is it just me? or were HG & SS pics of the pokemon ingame more cute looking then B&W's?
all the pokemon on B&W pics looked like they are from D&P
2011-03-05 21:19:00

Posts: 4261

lol... i just looked at my old nintendo power with the black and white preview... 2 of the tsurtajas they showed are shiny!2011-03-05 21:47:00

Posts: 2468

Whhhaaaa? Really? man how did i miss that? i don't remember serebii.net saying anything about it....
well if anyone has a real one that was not gotten by hacking. care to trade?

If you don't mind clones, then yes, I do.
2011-03-07 08:21:00

Posts: 1893

If you don't mind clones, then yes, I do.

Sure, a clone is fine by me, as its still a real one, just gotten by a in-game-bug.

Also Joke> You cloning mew? look what happen when the guys tried it in the Pokemon
story~ Mewtwo was pure evil. you want to repeat the same mistake?
what if it has two heads this time? Ohh the horror~ :0
2011-03-07 09:51:00

Posts: 4261

So ye, the game is out in most places now. I got it, it's awesome.

So, what teams are you guys rolling with and where you at?

Personally, I'm about to take on the Driftveil Gym, and my team is: Vanillite, Solosis, Darmanitan, Herdier, Dewott, and Trubbish, though I plan on changing that quite a bit to something more like; Vanillite, Litwick, Klink, Dewott, Darmanitan, and either Golett, Solosis, or Tynamo.
2011-03-09 01:43:00

Posts: 2358

I'm just at the Nacrene gym & only using Servine, Watchog , & Sawk right now. The games good, it's just like the old ones but updated, I like it a lot.2011-03-09 02:00:00

Posts: 142

So ye, the game is out in most places now. I got it, it's awesome.

So, what teams are you guys rolling with and where you at?

Personally, I'm about to take on the Driftveil Gym, and my team is: Vanillite, Solosis, Darmanitan, Herdier, Dewott, and Trubbish, though I plan on changing that quite a bit to something more like; Vanillite, Litwick, Klink, Dewott, Darmanitan, and either Golett, Solosis, or Tynamo.

i'm gonna be honest and say i've only been using one pokemon for the whole game, a Snivy, it's level 20 now.
because out of the new 157 pokes i only like 3. worse designs for the pokes yet IMO.
but i like how the story is more different at least at first in this game next to the others.
but anyways more of what i think of the game can be found here. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2148696/
2011-03-09 02:11:00

Posts: 4261

I enjoy this game.2011-04-30 20:00:00

Posts: 5078

i got the poke transfer and transferred my salemance and starmie both at lvl 100

can i ask whats the best musketeer trio pokemon to use (cobalion virision terakion)

friend code is 3310 4849 4012 trainer name ash
2011-04-30 22:02:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

Finished it quite a while ago and have alsmost finished EVing my team for Random Matchup Rotation Battles. Also, does everyone realise that Dream World is up?

Click Here (http://en.pokemon-gl.com/).
2011-05-01 11:27:00

Posts: 1893

Finished it quite a while ago and have alsmost finished EVing my team for Random Matchup Rotation Battles. Also, does everyone realise that Dream World is up?

Click Here (http://en.pokemon-gl.com/).

yeah ive been using dream world almost every single day also anyone reliase that you can used the musketeer trio in battle subway and random matchup my team is

terakion(so you can use it in battle subway like latios and latias)
2011-05-01 14:27:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

What annoys me about the online battles is the scaling, my Pokemon are quite strong but are 'low' levels, so when they are scaled down they aren't as powerful as the others 2011-05-01 19:24:00

Posts: 5078

what does pee me off is that in the gts you see pokemon like zerkom and resheriam and they want one at lvl 9 and under why its impossible to get one without cheating2011-05-02 11:47:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

or when they think that a level 4 shinx is a suitable trade for a Kyurem.2011-05-02 12:11:00

Posts: 5078

These are my Pokemans. All around lv35, I've just finished climbing a tower to ring a bell.
http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/4936/mepokemon.png (http://img685.imageshack.us/i/mepokemon.png/)

To me this is the best pokemon game ever, as I've yet to seen a Zubat or a Geodude.
2011-05-02 14:21:00

Posts: 187


To me this is the best pokemon game ever, as I've yet to seen a Zubat or a Geodude.

but what about a woobat or a rogenrola?
2011-05-02 15:43:00

Posts: 5078

Woobat: Flying/Psychic Roggenrola: Rock

Overall: Woobat and Roggenrola are cooler than Zubat and Geodude. I mean, sereously, have you seen Swoobat or Gigalith?

I'm raising a Scraggy!
2011-05-02 15:49:00

Posts: 276

Anyone into shiny hunting on these games? When I get that far, I fancy trying for shiny Virizion 2011-05-02 16:07:00

Posts: 706

Woobat: Flying/Psychic Roggenrola: Rock

Overall: Woobat and Roggenrola are cooler than Zubat and Geodude. I mean, sereously, have you seen Swoobat or Gigalith?

I'm raising a Scraggy!

i own a Swoobat and a Gigalith and a Scrafty

and anyway, Crobat and Golem look pretty cool as well.


Heres my Main Party, Approximate heights compared to each other and the Pokemon Version of Me!
2011-05-02 16:29:00

Posts: 5078

When i get a 3DS i'm getting pokemon B my team would be

and a Serperior and a Darmanitan could wipe your team out single handedly

Serperior - Giga Drain
- Dragon Tail
-Leaf Blade
- Coil

Darmanitan - Hammer Arm
- Fire Punch
- Flare Blitz
- Rollout
2011-05-02 17:12:00

Posts: 5078

If you have online we'll find out

I'll start preparing then
2011-05-02 17:18:00

Posts: 5078

Quick question... do you want a side order for when you get served?

If you win, I'll let you have any Starter Pokemon you want, Infected with Pokerus.

If you don't win, I'll let you have any Starter Pokemon anyway Just no Pokerus
2011-05-02 17:26:00

Posts: 5078

my lucario can own arceus or even my revenge thunderurus i can battle after2011-05-02 17:46:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

What's pokerus :O?

And if you win imma pull out the big guns. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/493.shtml

Pok?rus (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9rus)

Also i already had a Arceus I traded it for one of my breeding sows.
2011-05-02 18:14:00

Posts: 5078

this is actually my secound time at the game my first game broke so i got replaced yeah all those lvl 100 pokemon gone but now i replaced them

and pokemon movie 13 is coming to uk on disney xd on thursday
2011-05-03 19:26:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

anyone want battle2011-05-04 20:09:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

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