Seize the Castle Part 1: End of the War
Archive: 9 posts
Seize the Castle Part 1: End of the Warblckhwksfan Seize the Castle has now been made into a series! It is medieval times, and you and your army have been at war for many years. Use different contraptions to make it through the level, such as a catapult, and defeat all of the enemies and their leader. Can you beat the high score? Now with decorations, added monsters, enemies created by me, new challenges, and a battle scene in the end! Is it really the end? Or is it just the beginning? search "seize the castle part1: end of the war" by blckhwksfan | 2010-04-17 21:09:00 Author: blckhwksfan ![]() Posts: 16 |
Part 2 will not be out for a while, but in the meantime, enjoy this level as well as my other levels, which have been improved thanks to all of the feedback. | 2010-04-18 23:21:00 Author: blckhwksfan ![]() Posts: 16 |
This is actually areasonably good level! No offence intended,but this is better than some of the terrible levels made by three year olds! I love the catapult at the start,it's a brilliant mechanism but the visuals could be improved a bit. The soldiers were the best looking bit in the level along with the dragon rollers.you did use a scorpian which was pre-made,but I think apart from that everything was original. As I said,the mechanisms are great and I might develop them into something in a new level! Do I have permission to use the basic concepts such as the catapult and the battering ram? If so that would be brilliant and maybe you could help me to come up with some ideas,as you have cleary got potential in the mechanisms area of lbp! The end was a great idea and I think with some improvement it could be stunning! :star::star::star: but if you developed it even more (yes I know it would be a lot) than you might boost ratings! | 2010-04-19 18:50:00 Author: The Forgotten ![]() Posts: 316 |
This is actually areasonably good level! No offence intended,but this is better than some of the terrible levels made by three year olds! I love the catapult at the start,it's a brilliant mechanism but the visuals could be improved a bit. The soldiers were the best looking bit in the level along with the dragon rollers.you did use a scorpian which was pre-made,but I think apart from that everything was original. As I said,the mechanisms are great and I might develop them into something in a new level! Do I have permission to use the basic concepts such as the catapult and the battering ram? If so that would be brilliant and maybe you could help me to come up with some ideas,as you have cleary got potential in the mechanisms area of lbp! The end was a great idea and I think with some improvement it could be stunning! :star::star::star: but if you developed it even more (yes I know it would be a lot) than you might boost ratings! Sure, you can use them, and if you need help with ideas, just let me know. I make levels with more interesting contraptions rather than environment. | 2010-04-20 00:52:00 Author: blckhwksfan ![]() Posts: 16 |
i love seize the castle really fun mechanics. it could look better, but still really fun :star::star::star::star: and heart i can't wait for part 2 | 2010-04-20 20:32:00 Author: wap3 ![]() Posts: 30 |
this sounds good especially when you metioned that 'catapult' AWESOME !!!!! i am sooooo checking this one out mate!!!! well done and i will give you some feedback soon once i have played it. *SockFace* | 2010-04-20 21:02:00 Author: SockFace ![]() Posts: 190 |
Hi!! Very fun level, your mechanism are really nice, you did a good work with the soldiers and the monsters, you don't needed to put the predesigned enemies, perhaps would have been better work a bit more with your corner editing. I enjoyed playing your level, the gameplay was very entertaining, I loved all the battles, good work, the medieval times is one of my favorites stuff. I gave you 5 stars ![]() | 2010-04-21 21:43:00 Author: memorex ![]() Posts: 91 |
This looks great. I'll play this soon. | 2010-04-24 03:19:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
Ok, I recenly played this, I really liked it, it was fun to do all the activities throughout the level, such a using the battering ram to break though doors and fighting the knights was a lot of fun too. The visuals were also pretty good, it was very clean cut through out the entire level. Overall, this was a fun level. ![]() I rated it :star::star::star::star::star:. ![]() | 2010-05-02 00:31:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
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