Non-LBP E3 Stuff....
Archive: 22 posts
Fallout 3 Preview (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/888/888744p1.html) Whoa. I can't wait for that to hit. I'm not an RPG fan, but that just looks awesome. | 2008-07-14 17:45:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Fallout 3 Preview (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/888/888744p1.html) Whoa. I can't wait for that to hit. I'm not an RPG fan, but that just looks awesome. WOW that does look awesome. And a good few months more polish to come.. i'll buy it. p.s. The bloody mess perk sounds hilarious | 2008-07-15 11:41:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Final Fantasy no longer PS3 exclusive...![]() Sony has some real catching up to do in their press conference w/ M$ offering Fallout 3 exclusive content, Netflix support, and now FF. Not good, though not a killer. Sony's own movie service, which should land any day now, will soften the blow of Netflix. | 2008-07-15 12:42:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Final Fantasy no longer PS3 exclusive...![]() Oh my god, really!? Terrible news. I was hoping Final fantasy would fill the blu-ray disc up aswell. I hate that ported games or multi-platform games prettymuch have the same limitations as the 360. | 2008-07-15 16:16:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
I guess this it's a fair trade. We ARE getting Bioshock, after all. Still, I'm not happy. | 2008-07-15 18:35:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
If anyone (ie Maltay) wants to watch the Sony press conference, here's a link from IGN (free). http://livewire.ign.com/2008/e3/index.html Option #2 is a live blog (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/07/15/ps3-fanboy-live-from-sonys-e308-press-conference/) from PS3 Fanboy. | 2008-07-15 19:27:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
GREATEST HITS ANNOUNCED! Awesome! I'm definitely getting Warhawk, Oblivion, and a few others. Half price games! | 2008-07-15 20:07:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
Sad news about FFXIII, but an rpg for an rpg. I demand Fable 2! Get to it Sony!!!! In all honesty I don't know what to believe anymore... FFXIII was a confirmed exclusive and it ports...are any of the other exclusives really exclusive. Thanks for sticking to your word Sony... also, bbroman, double...triple... posting isn't allowed. Screws with the contest too much. | 2008-07-15 23:17:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
also, bbroman, double...triple... posting isn't allowed. Screws with the contest too much. says the guy with 12x more posts. You know I'm just kidding ![]() Reshin.. don't blame sony for square enix's betrayal! The PS3 has a serious lack of RPG's.. Final Fantasy 12 really kinda sucked. I want a good new FFX. Oblivion was also more medieval and combat based.. doesn't really float my boat as much as the FF series. I used to play Blitzball for hours! I should really buy folklore.. | 2008-07-16 01:56:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
I said this in the other thread, but I'll repeat - I'm not used to a no multiple post rule. It'll take adjusting to. Question: wouldn't a time-based "consecutive post" rule work better? If there are no replies within, say, an hour or two, it would make more sense to allow a second post than to edit, at least IMO. Maybe not, and rules shouldn't be changed after the contest starts, but it just doesn't make much sense. In blatant post-boosting, it makes sense, but the forums are kind of dead at times. It's a lot easier to just make another post, rather than restricting post counts simply b/c there aren't other posts. I know it's rambling, but I haven't ranted in awhile. ![]() | 2008-07-16 03:10:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
then people will just wait a while and post again... wait a while post again... but yea back on topic... F F 13 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > _ < | 2008-07-16 11:43:00 Author: Reshin ![]() Posts: 1081 |
Lol ur all CRAZY :eek: | 2008-07-16 12:34:00 Author: knightofhull ![]() Posts: 382 |
The more I think about FF13 the less I really care. So, 360 got it - doesn't mean PS3 doesn't get it too. I can't see it running nearly as smoothly on 360 as on PS3. I expect the PS3 to start looking better than the 360 in almost every game, and this might be the start. If they really want to pack a lot on the disc, the PS3/Blu-ray will handle it much better than the 360. | 2008-07-16 13:12:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
I said this in the other thread, but I'll repeat - I'm not used to a no multiple post rule. It'll take adjusting to. Question: wouldn't a time-based "consecutive post" rule work better? If there are no replies within, say, an hour or two, it would make more sense to allow a second post than to edit, at least IMO. Maybe not, and rules shouldn't be changed after the contest starts, but it just doesn't make much sense. In blatant post-boosting, it makes sense, but the forums are kind of dead at times. It's a lot easier to just make another post, rather than restricting post counts simply b/c there aren't other posts. I know it's rambling, but I haven't ranted in awhile. ![]() Uhm, A, you have to abide by the rules. They're rules. B, Multiple posts are forbidden mainly just for cleanliness and professionalism of the forum. Having a guy post 3 times in a row kinda makes the thread look tacky.. Just edit, whats the problem? Its not contest rules either, its basic forum rules and almost universal.. good practice. But saying that, I do see your point. But can't bend the rules mate. | 2008-07-16 22:48:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Not sure if you guys seen this. It's Operation Flashpoint 2 E3 presentation. If they wont screw it, its gonna be *******. ![]() p-odAncq8bI | 2008-07-26 01:06:00 Author: alepasztet ![]() Posts: 7 |
Not sure if you guys seen this. It's Operation Flashpoint 2 E3 presentation. If they wont screw it, its gonna be *******. ![]() Wow, that does look good. I've never even heard of it before, thanks for the enlightenment | 2008-07-26 08:57:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
ms conference let me down, no new games or anything, just ff13 for 360, I care more about versus XIII. The 360 has copied too much. Lips=singstar avatars=miis wii...was...bad. I say a comic somewhere that summed up the 3 conferences and wiis was hilarious but true. "We are rich as ****, heres a bunch of stuff you don't care about" XD Sony delivered in every way possible. MAG, god of war 3, killzone 2,infamous,showing the sales cart using lbp(huge win right her), showing support for ps2 and psp. as well. | 2008-07-26 16:50:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
ms conference let me down, no new games or anything, just ff13 for 360, I care more about versus XIII. The 360 has copied too much. Lips=singstar avatars=miis wii...was...bad. I say a comic somewhere that summed up the 3 conferences and wiis was hilarious but true. "We are rich as ****, heres a bunch of stuff you don't care about" XD Sony delivered in every way possible. MAG, god of war 3, killzone 2,infamous,showing the sales cart using lbp(huge win right her), showing support for ps2 and psp. as well. yeah sony just owned. i was so impressed, and MAG just blew me away! though i admit my fave bit was the LBP presentation part. that was awesome ![]() | 2008-07-26 17:04:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
yeah sony just owned. i was so impressed, and MAG just blew me away! though i admit my fave bit was the LBP presentation part. that was awesome ![]() they couldave done the whole conference in lbp | 2008-07-26 17:15:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
ms conference let me down, no new games or anything, just ff13 for 360, I care more about versus XIII. The 360 has copied too much. Lips=singstar avatars=miis wii...was...bad. I say a comic somewhere that summed up the 3 conferences and wiis was hilarious but true. "We are rich as ****, heres a bunch of stuff you don't care about" XD Sony delivered in every way possible. MAG, god of war 3, killzone 2,infamous,showing the sales cart using lbp(huge win right her), showing support for ps2 and psp. as well. Can you swear on the forums? I mean, I know its quoting and I dont think we have any minors but its still against the rules right? Meh, give us that go******** comic!grr | 2008-07-26 17:31:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
hmmm i don't see the fuss about fallout 3 at all. the shooting looks a bit weak - and that mode where you choose where to shoot then it does it will be cool at first but eventually get samey and boring. i dunno - i can't see all the fuss with it. oblivion entertained me but i just don't have time for those kind of games these days. | 2008-07-26 17:57:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Can you swear on the forums? I mean, I know its quoting and I dont think we have any minors but its still against the rules right? Meh, give us that go******** comic!grr later today lol | 2008-07-26 19:32:00 Author: Jack ![]() Posts: 999 |
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