Send Postcards to your friends!
Archive: 1 post
Send Postcards to your friends!maxyay Send postcards. Just a random level I thought would be kinda cool. Just randomly thought of it when I saw the export to HDD option on the photos when i was playing the cake game ![]() Pretty much theres 3 postcards & 3 photobooths, then a create your own one, and instructions on how to send them to your friends. Not much point, but I don't think it's been done and thought it would be a cool little way to get hearts ![]() Not much, but when I get more ideas for postcards I'll probably add them , make them more colorful. If you want, make suggestions for postcards ![]() So far theres only like, Greetings from lbp, wish you were here and something else that I cant quite accurately spell. (Its a sticker from the canyons? !calverearararararara or something along the lines of that I suppose) | 2010-04-15 20:26:00 Author: maxyay ![]() Posts: 7 |
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