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stargate-esque puddle jumper

Archive: 11 posts

Ok, so while piddling around for no apparent reason, I was distracted by a random stargate atlantis episode. were I not playing around in create mode, that may have amounted to anything, but i was, and I suppose it did.


thats the demo from my level called puddle jumper vehicle [1p]
2010-04-15 05:42:00

Posts: 879

LOL! not bad at all! Looks like it needs a little fine tuning on the directional thrusters, but what LBP contraption that utilises them doesn't, right?

Can I make a suggestion, as a hardcore Stargate fan? You need to add some lighting on a proximity switch so that when the player enters, it's like the puddle jumper recognises the Ancient Gene and activates. I'd suggest blue with a hint of orange, maybe? Just a thought. Good work!
2010-04-15 08:53:00

Posts: 1567

not a bad idea on the lighting.

as for directional thrusters, there aren't any. there are 2 that make the thing float up and one that rights the thing if it lands upside down in the water. the name of the game with this is balance. I had tried adding more thrusters for various purposes, but they unbalanced the thing and/or made it unplayable.

One example was the 'dampener' system that was supposed to make it fall more gracefully. what it actually ended up doing is made it spin when it fell, despite the amount of tuning i had put through it. Unfortunately, center of gravity is not a variable that can be controlled completely, or I could probably make the thing fly much more gracefully.
2010-04-15 15:44:00

Posts: 879

To make it into something you could use in a level you could make it into a normal 2 directional drivable ship but add a jump button. So when you grab the jump button the ship makes 1 jump. Just use water switches and stuff so you can't multi-jump or go left and right while jumping. Looks really cool btw2010-04-15 16:09:00

Unknown User

Thanks. I've added some lighting to it as well as a spotlight on the front. amazing how a little bit of material requires me to re-balance the thing all over again. I've also started experimenting again with different types of rocket propulsion systems. perhaps there is something that will work better than what I'm using without becoming too complex to use.2010-04-15 17:41:00

Posts: 879

wtf is that piece of crap?2010-04-18 20:35:00

Posts: 62

wtf is that piece of crap?

Please be nice!!! Tell him how he can improve, don't just insult his work! I watched the video and liked it. Good job, Memodrix.
2010-04-18 22:31:00

Posts: 156

wtf is that piece of crap?

Please be nice!!!

Ignore him. He was looking in the mirror and got confused.

Memodrix, that's great . I like the back doors the most. I can never get wobble bolt hatches to work well, so things like that on such a small scale are very impressive to me.
2010-04-19 04:22:00

Posts: 3251

Incinerator, you gotta stop with all the funny comments >.<
I can't be rofl-ing all day, you know

On-topic: Vehicle thingy rocks.
2010-04-19 06:11:00

Posts: 342

Yeah it definetly looks good, was the episode you where thinkig of Grace Under Preasure lol, it would perhaps be better if it wasnt all glass but thats just my thoughts.2010-04-19 12:01:00

Posts: 1304

Yeah it definitely looks good, was the episode you where thinking of Grace Under Pressure lol, it would perhaps be better if it wasn't all glass but that's just my thoughts. yea, some of the glass i coulda probably done with out, it was just easier to (off)balance the blasted thing that way. It's a shame i cant figure out how to stabilize it further. (well, I can, but making it out of floaty material is just cheating.) As for which episode, I dunno. just always thought that little transport ship looked cool for some odd reason.

I can never get wobble bolt hatches to work well, so things like that on such a small scale are very impressive to me. its really just a matter of trial and error. lots and lots of error. and breaking, and the occasional explosion....
2010-04-20 02:48:00

Posts: 879

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