Archive: 5 posts
Let me just say one thing.... BUY THIS GAME! It is so incredibly addicting that comes for the i pod touch and i phonetouch. As well, you can just buy it right off the internet and download it onto your computer. This comes with additional bonus not available for the ones above. As well, it is coming to the i pad so it might come with all of the computer bonus stuff as well. Summary of the game: Prevent the Zombies from entering your home by planting plants to fight them off. With 49 plants and more then 20 different zombies, there is much to this game as well as mini games! ![]() Anyway, BUY IT! 5 out of 5! | 2010-04-13 00:23:00 Author: orang3dragon612 ![]() Posts: 243 |
Can't agree with this thread enough. I have botht he ipod and PC versions (fully completed both) and they are awesome games. Don't hesitate ![]() | 2010-04-13 02:31:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
yeah this is an epic game i had it for my pc but i lost the files some how :O | 2010-04-13 08:14:00 Author: rseah ![]() Posts: 2701 |
I agree. Seems so simple, and I put off buying it for some time, until Steam had a ridiculous deal (it was something like 2 bucks) that I couldn't pass up. Boy was I not disappointed. Aside from being feverishly addicting, it's so ridiculously charming. The zombie-neighborhood theme is done perfectly. It's up to you to make sure your lawn can fend for itself against the invading zombie hordes. Honestly, a funnier tower defense concept has not been done. It's deceptively simple, being just a few rows and grid-based. But by the end you'll be amazed at how far you've come and how much depth there is in adapting your lawn's defenses to the incoming hordes. And earning cash to unlock new plants and upgrades is of course part of the addicting process, and there are a ton of bonus minigames and extras that I can't fully recommend because they're a bit too time-consuming for the reward you get. But the core game is so easily worth the small price of admission. | 2010-04-13 11:00:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
I agree. I have this on my itouch and have not finished it yet....but from what I've played so far, it's a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the itouch version does not contain the mini games. | 2010-04-14 16:15:00 Author: Silverpanther ![]() Posts: 156 |
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