Burgers or Bee's ?
Archive: 8 posts
Hey everyone. Im in a little bit of a conundrum. I have some spare cash just sitting there not doing anything in my PSN wallet. I have enough for either the Vera Bee pack or the Jon Burgerman pack. Which one would you suggest I buy? | 2010-04-12 14:48:00 Author: theamilien ![]() Posts: 485 |
Vera bee because the stickers are more usable in her pack. | 2010-04-12 14:52:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Hmmm... I think it sort of depends on your particular style and use of stickering. For example, using stickers as they are or just for a particular color or a bit of detail in attempting to create something else. In my adventures in LBP, I think I have found more uses for the Verabee pack than the Burgerman pack. However, I have used stickers from both. | 2010-04-12 14:55:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I would suggest looking up levels that showcase the stickers. There are some levels that are made that showcase some dlc for people who don't know whats in them. | 2010-04-12 16:08:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
There's also that new Catalogue, it's advertised in a thread in the news section, check that! It may have the stickers from the packs for you to look at. I have both packs, and I must admit, the Verabee one is more useful, awesome undersea animals, lots of plants. | 2010-04-13 07:34:00 Author: The Last Stop ![]() Posts: 240 |
I'd go for Vera Bee It has really good foliage stickers and cool looking characters that in my opinion are more useful to me than the stickers in the Burgerman pack. But I like to create those kinda old fashioned fantasy levels so yeah.. You can buy whichever one you want depending on your style. | 2010-04-13 08:45:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
There's also that new Catalogue, it's advertised in a thread in the news section, check that! It may have the stickers from the packs for you to look at. I have both packs, and I must admit, the Verabee one is more useful, awesome undersea animals, lots of plants. Yep, you can check both packs here : http://www.littlebigresource.com/sticker-catalogue.php I've got both packs, but I really really prefer Vera Bee's. There are many stickers useful like arms, legs, or beautiful faces. In Burgerman's pack, there are kind of little monsters... You can use VeraBee's stickers in any cartoonish level. Burgerman's stickers are more... specific. There are also some good trees and plants in VeraBee's pack. http://www.littlebigplanet.com/images/assets/shared/dlc/imagery/verabee.jpg | 2010-04-13 10:44:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Ok thanks for all the help guys. Ill think ill go for the Vera Bee. It does seem to be much more usefull. ![]() | 2010-04-13 12:38:00 Author: theamilien ![]() Posts: 485 |
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