MMO Question: Windows or Console?
Archive: 5 posts
I have a question for anyone that has experience with playing a desktop PC and console version of an MMO (doesn't have to be the same MMO, just MMOs in general). What is better? I've only played MMOs on the PC, but with the upcoming release of Final Fantasy XIV Online, I need to make a beta test decision on which version I plan to buy and play, because I can only perticipate in one beta, the Windows version or the PS3 version. I know that both PS3 players and Windows players will seemlessly play on the same servers. For controls I would rather get the PS3 version because I would rather use a controller for once in an MMO, but the downside to me seems that a console doesn't have as stable a connection as a desktop computer, and a console can't run as long without overheating, while a comp can stay on 24/7 without the chance of the PS Network booting you offline or game freezing from overheating. I wouldn't want to be in a 15 hour boss battle only to be booted sometime during the middle, or game freezing. Does anyone have any opinions from experience? Does any of my fears hold true? | 2010-04-11 20:36:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I have played PC MMO's as well as console MMO's. I played Everquest Online Adventures for the PS2 and Final Fantasy XI. I was able to play for long periods of times without any disconnections or anything. Not sure about 15 hours though..... | 2010-04-11 20:49:00 Author: Silverpanther ![]() Posts: 156 |
i have been playing lots of big mmo's from wow to borderlands, i have to say the connection seems more stable for me on pc, but to be honest i think it goes down to preference. but saying that the games looks more pretty on pc and there is somethings you cant do with ps3 online at the moment. | 2010-04-12 10:48:00 Author: sorrowthedark ![]() Posts: 125 |
Haven't played one on a console but I'd imagine its much better on pc. Don't forget PC also has the appeals of things like vent and teamspeak for organisation and communication. Also sorrowthedark Borderlands isn't a MMO ![]() | 2010-04-12 12:26:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
I am interested in trying out MMOs on the PS3 (Marvel Universe Online, for starters, maybe FFXIV) but it's possible to list pros and cons for both sides. Personally, I would opt for the PC for the sole reason of multitasking and performance reasons, as you noted in your OP. There's also the possibility of using mods etc on the PC that you just can't have on the PS3. Want to switch to that FFXIV resource site while you're about to enter a new zone? It's much easier to do this on a PC. Graphics-wise, you're better off going with the PS3 for performance. And I can't think of any reason why you would need to keep your PS3 on longer than say, 12 hours or so (unless you're an avid Fold@homer), so I can't forsee time issues being relevant... are there really 15 hour boss battles? That's about 14 hours past extreme. If that's what it's like to play a FF MMO then you can count me out. If your PC can hang, I say stick with that. | 2010-04-12 14:35:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
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