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Archive: 20 posts

The level is now out! Well... Concept. You can find it by searching "mr-malro" or "Project PC + Sack OS" Please comment on the level with suggestion and bugs. Bug finders will get special treats before anyone else! (Read level description for more info.

Images coming soon!!


This will be my main project once I get back from holiday at my Dads!
I have started this project or should I say we (Team Creator Curators) Basically it acts like a computer. But instead of a keyboard it has a "Input Console" or "Input Box". The input box controls the Computer when you place a sticker on it. I know it may sound simple but it does get complicated.

Here is how it works in the eyes of a human player.

Player place sticker on console > Console makes computer show do what sticker is programmed to make the pc do. In other words you place sticker and something happens.

We call the windows that come up on the Computer Screen "Slates". The slates show whatever we put in them. Couls be from Text and Pictures, to a minigame or even a big game! We hope to make this a development platform so people can make games and their own applications for the OS as we call it.

The name for the OS so far we really like the name of and we think it has allot of potential due to being catchy and short. We are calling it "SackOS" well I know it does not sound like other OS's but hey its LittleBigPlanet! We will reveal how its made soon so you can make games for and applications of your own. We will show how or give out some tools to help and make it easier for you. We have to give our thanks to Night Angel for the name Thanks allot man it really helped!

Think of any application ideas?
Game ideas?
Name of the System?
Anything else?

Just post replies! Thanks! I will update when I can!

To find out more about Team Creator Curators, Go HERE (http://tcclbp.weebly.com)
Or Search mr-malro on LBP or search Team Creator Curator HQ
2010-04-09 18:10:00

Posts: 44

No kidding, I've been working on something like this . Although so far I've only made the shape of a keyboard :blush: .

EDIT: Also, watch out for the censoring, "computer" is censored in LittleBigPlanet .
2010-04-09 18:23:00

Posts: 5592

Sounds very interesting and I'm sure you can do a lot with it with some advanced logic. You should make little secrets within the OS as well, like Easter Eggs. Then, by finding out these secrets, you could unlock special things within the OS.

LittleBigOS sounds okay...but a bit predictable. What about PlanetOS? Or SackOS? I don't know...
2010-04-09 18:27:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

No kidding, I've been working on something like this . Although so far I've only made the shape of a keyboard :blush: .

EDIT: Also, watch out for the censoring, "computer" is censored in LittleBigPlanet .

Ah, that may be a problem but its a good job I have not published it yet can you think of any alternatives?
2010-04-09 18:27:00

Posts: 44

Sounds very interesting and I'm sure you can do a lot with it with some advanced logic. You should make little secrets within the OS as well, like Easter Eggs. Then, by finding out these secrets, you could unlock special things within the OS.

LittleBigOS sounds okay...but a bit predictable. What about PlanetOS? Or SackOS? I don't know...

Hey thanks for the reply! SackOS sounds awesome thanks for that I will put thanks to you in the post (about to edit) and and I also like the idea for Easter eggs I will write this down I have a booklet that I write everything to do with this in it lol I know it might sound sad but anyway thanks so much for the ideas!
2010-04-09 18:29:00

Posts: 44

Once your done and the rest of us know how to make it, I'm going to try to recreate it-
In iphone format!
2010-04-09 18:42:00

Posts: 3607

Lol Have fun with that! Sounds awesome!2010-04-09 18:43:00

Posts: 44

Hey thanks for the reply! SackOS sounds awesome thanks for that I will put thanks to you in the post (about to edit) and and I also like the idea for Easter eggs I will write this down I have a booklet that I write everything to do with this in it lol I know it might sound sad but anyway thanks so much for the ideas!

No prob! Thanks for the thanks and I hope you do well on your level!
2010-04-09 23:29:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

OK guys, later on today I will be doing the following to the project:

Editing the surrounding level to make look like a funky level by media molecule and TCC as a team, makes the level look funky and fresh.

Adding in more "Slates" or Windows

Making some mini-games
Like Robot fighting 2 player, puzzle's and arcade type games.

And I need some help. How do I make a teleporter i know how to do the one where you press the switch but i need to know the one that would let players go back and forth. Thanks!
2010-04-11 11:44:00

Posts: 44

I have a two way teleporter published, but it's pretty old and uses some very thermo inefficient AND gates. It's pretty easy, all you gotta do is emit an activated checkpoint and kill the sack person.2010-04-11 22:59:00

Posts: 425

OK has anyone got any ideas for a minigame to put in? I want games on my system too Thanks2010-04-14 00:14:00

Posts: 44

how bout one where you can make a spaceship go left and right along the screen like space invaders2010-04-14 00:44:00

Posts: 746

May be a bit thermo filling but...

Pinball makes a good minigame!
2010-04-14 00:58:00

Posts: 3607

how bout one where you can make a spaceship go left and right along the screen like space invaders

Awesome! I did at one point make a level with this but got no plays so I removed it. I think I remember how to make it... Looks simple enough! XD If I cant I will build... something off it lol. Thanks fir the idea!

May be a bit thermo filling but...

Pinball makes a good minigame!

Pinball makes a very good minigame Shouldn't fill the thermo too much if I stick to just a few important materials, I think Cardboard, glass (for ball), Dissolve and maybe a strong material.
Thanks for the idea!

I have a two way teleporter published, but it's pretty old and uses some very thermo inefficient AND gates. It's pretty easy, all you gotta do is emit an activated checkpoint and kill the sack person.

Hey I figured it out, was pretty easy since Media Molecule allowed players to attach switches to checkpoints! Thanks for your help!

Anyone got any more? They would really help! Thanks!
(Not just games ideas for programs too)
2010-04-15 21:01:00

Posts: 44

Maybe a castle defense sorta thing?2010-04-17 22:49:00

Posts: 425

Maybe a castle defense sorta thing?

YES! do this
2010-04-17 23:39:00

Posts: 746

I was thinkin' maybe something like an advanced algebraic equasion splicer, or maybe some Photoshop-like picture editing software.... Lolz
mmmmaybe a slideshow of pictures of LBP related stuufs - that wouldn't be hard to do at all.
2010-04-18 00:10:00

Posts: 1436

Just a post to let you know, this concept is OUT! and

Maybe a castle defense sorta thing?

YES! do this

Looks like im doing it. I will get to work over this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!
2010-05-14 20:44:00

Posts: 44

This sounds interesting.

Hey, I was wondering how I could join TCC?
2010-05-15 00:36:00

Posts: 364

Umm, how about a forum within the computer that gets "updated" telling new news about the computer?2010-05-15 03:04:00

Prince Pixelton
Posts: 286

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